
Mr Chris Stape

Chris Stape has been involved with training for over 20 years, and is a Training Program Manager for Fluor Hanford Company located in Richland, WA. Chris is the designer and programmer of several industrial safety computer-based training courses, and manages the company’s computer-based general employee training program. Chris has a B.S. in Technology Education from Western Washington University and a M.S. in Instructional and Performance Technology from Boise State University. When not interfacing with a computer, Chris is a member of the National Harmony Society and in an active barbershoper.

Latest from Chris Stape

Articles | Graphic and Visual Design

Research: What Is the Learning Effect of a Course Map on Advanced Learners?

Course navigation, and how to best manage the limited resources of working memory and the computer screen, are key considerations in eLearning design. The effect of course maps on learning is difficult to assess, as the research findings are mixed. This study examined whether a course map affected the length of time to complete a training course and the achievement results of 846 adult learners.

by Patrick Gardner, Mr Chris Stape on December 12, 2011

Articles | Learning Research

Brain Research, Instructional Strategies, and E-Learning: Making the Connection

Research is giving us valuable new information about how the brain works, how humans learn, and how learning physically changes the brain. This article explains the roots of brain-compatible learning strategies based on research using brain-scan technologies, discusses the strategies that are most effective, offers a guide to choosing one, and offers tactics for implementing selected strategies.

by Mr Chris Stape on September 28, 2009