
Neil Lasher

Senior Instructional Designer, FireEye

Neil Lasher, the senior instructional designer for FireEye, is a Fellow of the UK Learning and Performance Institute. Over the last 25 years, Neil has assisted hundreds of companies of all sizes with their learning design and strategy. In 2012 Neil worked for the organizing committee of the London 2012 Olympics, helping to roll out one million hours of learning to 200,000 contractors and volunteers. A recognized expert and thought leader in instructional design and workplace analytics for using technology in learning, Neil is now part of a team of experts delivering learning at FireEye, ranked fourth on the Deloitte 2012 Technology Fast 500.

Latest from Neil Lasher

Articles | Management & Strategy

Is Cybersecurity the Next Compliance?

The Internet is a lot like the old Wild West in some ways, especially when it comes to thieves eager to get into your valuables. Are you educating your staff how to be more web savvy? Is web security part of your onboarding program? Are mobile devices within your managed defense? Here is a short essay on how not to be part of the low-hanging fruit the thieves are after.

by Neil Lasher on February 22, 2016

Online Events Archive | Emerging Technologies

Is That Learning Innovation a Trend or a Fad?

Learning innovations are not just new technologies, but also new styles of learning, new delivery methods, new instructional design concepts, and new social followings that might make your w . . .

by Neil Lasher on December 16, 2015

Online Events Archive | Instructional Design

Whose Course Is This Anyway?

Are you an instructional designer? What does that really mean in the technological world? Has the role changed? Is it easier, or is it actually a bigger task than most realize? This opening  . . .

by Neil Lasher on July 17, 2014

Online Events Archive | Data, Measurement, & Evaluation

Collecting Useful Learning Data

Many organizations collect data about learners’ activities, and with new standards such as the Experience API, we’re able to collect learning data at an even finer detail. Bu . . .

by Neil Lasher on September 17, 2013

Articles | Elearning Design Strategies

Is it Time for a Change? The Environment Model

Is the handwriting on the wall for eLearning? The design, development, and delivery of content intended to facilitate learning have undergone many changes. Perhaps it is time to change the way we are doing things. If you believe that eLearning is not providing sufficient value for anything other than “tick box compliance,” read this for a different direction that you may want to consider.

by Neil Lasher on November 26, 2012

Online Events Archive | Instructional Design

What Does the Future Hold for Engaging the Learner? What’s the Next Trend?

During this Online Forum, you have considered many factors relevant to learner engagement: reluctant learners, learner preferences, cognitive challenge, active reflection, scenario-based sim . . .

by Neil Lasher on January 27, 2012

Articles | Workflow Learning & Microlearning

Learning at mLearnCon: Here We Go Again, or Do We?

Many of us who were at mLearnCon a month ago are still processing the experience. That includes the experts who led sessions and major parts of the program. Here are the reflections of the MOSHPit Master, as he relates his learning in San Jose to the challenges we face.

by Neil Lasher on July 21, 2011