
Elevating the Learning Experience: Leveraging Holistic Support Systems

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | 10:00 AM Pacific Time / 1:00 PM Eastern Time

Free Webinar

Unlock the full potential of your learning programs and inspire your audience to embark on a transformative journey with support systems. In this session we will dive into the holistic journey mindset, support systems, and case studies. Discover practical strategies to foster a holistic experience that goes beyond the course material to inspire and engage learners.

Experience the world of holistic learning experiences, where support systems emerge as the unsung heroes. In this informative session, we will uncover the influence of communities, user-friendly platforms, and resource access – all crucial elements in fostering a truly engaging and empowering learning environment. Through real-life case studies and insights, attendees will gain a nuanced understanding of how these support mechanisms can enhance the overall learning experience. The power of these support systems can be leveraged to elevate and inspire learners, reshaping the educational landscape for the better.

 You will leave equipped with a practical roadmap for implementing innovative strategies that prioritize engagement, inclusivity, and learner empowerment

In this session, you will learn:

  • Promote holistic learning: Recognize that learning occurs within a broader context, encompassing community dynamics, motivation, and personal growth
  • Implement learner-centered approaches: Shift the focus from content delivery to learner empowerment, allowing individuals to take ownership of their learning journey 
  • Centralize information: Utilize internal websites or knowledge hubs to streamline access to information, enhancing accessibility and optimizing the learning process
  • Foster community: Recognize the importance of building a supportive learning community beyond the course material to enhance engagement and retention
Taylor Kong

Taylor Kong
Senior Instructional Designer