Data & Analytics Summit Program

The eight sessions at the Data & Analytics Summit will explore how technology is shaping our lives and what those changes mean for learning. These sessions will examine how data is being used in organizations today and the effort to build new data structures that will be commonplace in the years to come.

DAY 1: September 21

Ellen Wagner

101: Why You Should Care About Data Analytics

Ellen Wagner, Chief Research Officer, PAR Framework, and Vice President Research, Hobsons

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PT

Before you can effectively explore how to harness the potential of data, you must first understand WHY this shift is so important. This opening session will explain the “why” and delve into how data analytics will impact learning and performance. Learn more.

JD Dillon

201: Data Points: Using Behavioral Analytics to Improve Learning Outcomes

JD Dillon, Principal Learning Strategist, Axonify

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

Organizations are tracking an unfathomable amount of data. L&D professionals must acknowledge the limits of “learning data” and tie solutions to measurable performance and business outcomes. In this session, you will discover how one of the world’s largest retailers is using behavioral observation data. Learn more.

Sean Putman

301: Using Qualitative Data to Complete the Picture

Sean Putman, Vice President of Learning Development, Altair Engineering

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

As data gets more granular and you start to analyze the quantitative data, you are just getting a piece of the puzzle. You need to use is qualitative data. In this session, you will explore qualitative data and techniques for collecting and analyzing it. Learn more.

David Kelly, Ellen Wagner, JD Dillon, Sean Putnam

401: Q&A: Putting Data Analytics in Context

JD Dillon, Principal Learning Strategist, Axonify
Sean Putman, Vice President of Learning Development, Altair Engineering
Ellen Wagner, Chief Research Officer, PAR Framework, and Vice President Research, Hobsons
David Kelly, Executive Director, The eLearning Guild (Moderator)

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT

In this closing session for day one, the speakers will further examine the topics explored in the opening sessions. Organizers will also open the floor to attendees, allowing you to share your own experiences and ask your own questions. Learn more.

DAY 2: September 22

Tim Martin

501: Dreamers and Pragmatists: What Needs to Happen Next to Make the xAPI Fly

Tim Martin, CEO, Rustici Software

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PT

Revolutions have dreamers and pragmatists. The xAPI dreamers have been painting a beautiful picture of what is becoming possible. To realize its full potential, the pragmatists need to catch up. In this session, you will explore work being done to fulfill the promise of the xAPI. Learn more.

George Siemens

601: Getting It Right: Fostering Adaptive Learners, Not Curriculum

George Siemens, Professor and Executive Director of the Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge Research Lab, University of Texas, Arlington

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

Data and analytics provide new opportunities for teachers and trainers to improve learning. A key development over the past few years relates to adaptive and personalized learning. Recent reports by foundations, companies, and government agencies suggest that adaptive learning is an important model for the future of learning. Learn more.

Megan Bowe, Aaron Silvers

701: Skill Intelligence: Beyond Business Intelligence

Megan Bowe, Partner, MakingBetter
Aaron Silvers, Partner, MakingBetter

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

In this session, you will examine skill intelligence, a framework for exploring data about learning and growth. You will discover how skill intelligence can provide actionable insights behind business intelligence metrics and how skill intelligence can create a framework for growth. Learn more.

M.J. Bishop

801: Creating a Culture of Data-informed Decision Making

M.J. Bishop, Director, William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, University System of Maryland

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT

It’s possible for improved data analyses to inform decisions about where best to invest scarce resources. In this closing session, you will explore an example of data-informed decision making in action. You will discover how data analysis can answer questions about what is working and what is not. Learn more.

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