As jobs become more complex, workers not only need better and faster access to knowledge as they do their work, they require direct performance support. In this white paper, Marc J. Rosenberg examines the business case for performance support and explores frameworks for implementing it.
It is increasingly becoming very clear that even the best training, including eLearning, cannot succeed if we are constantly sending well-trained people back into work environments where they continue to experience difficulty in applying what they have learned. This white paper flips the focus from workers to work, from preparing people for the job to supporting people on the job, and from offering learning and support as an adjunct to work to embedding it directly into the work itself.
Performance support is a tool or other resource which provides just the right amount of task guidance, support, and productivity benefits to the user, precisely at the moment of need. Learn the business case for performance support and how to make it work in this white paper from The eLearning Guild.
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