Your Session Schedule

Dive deep into the world of learning leadership at this dynamic online conference. The eight unique sessions offered here will provide a wealth of perspectives and practical strategies to help you elevate your approach to fostering a thriving learning culture within your organization.

DAY 1:  September 25

101: From Training Metrics to Business Results: Key Strategies for L&D

Bob Mosher & Conrad Gottfredson, Apply Synergies

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PT

This session aims to bridge traditional learning methods with measurable business impact by focusing on critical areas of business performance. Participants will explore interactive case studies and discuss real-world examples from organizations that successfully deliver and measure strategic impact.
Learn more.

201: The Learning Impact of Change Management: Learning and Strategy Unite!

Erika Hebert & Christina Calhoun, PODS

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

As L&D professionals, we know all too well the challenges of navigating organizational change. Join us to explore how two teams—learning and communications—united to pave the way for a seamless HRIS platform launch across 3,000 associates in North America.
Learn more.

 301: Optimizing Performance: Strategic Staffing Solutions

Melissa Griffin, NAIC

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

As L&D professionals, we face the perpetual challenge of managing limited resources while striving for high performance. Mismatches between personnel and roles can lead to workload disparities, leaving some team members overwhelmed while others are underutilized. This session offers a proven framework for crafting the ideal L&D job structure tailored to your organization's needs. Learn more.

401: Unlock the Secrets to Thriving Remote L&D Teams

Jenny Douras, AdvantEdge Training & Consulting

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT

As the work landscape evolves, managing a remote L&D team requires a distinct set of leadership practices to ensure optimal productivity and collaboration. In this session, you'll discover the key differences between managing virtual and in-office teams and uncover the essential techniques for success in the new remote work paradigm. Learn more.

DAY 2: September 26

501: Training Is Not Your Problem

Pete Premenko, Phronesis Group, LLC

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PT

As L&D professionals, we're often tasked with designing training programs to address performance gaps. However, the root cause may not always be a knowledge or skill deficit. This insightful session will equip you with a proven framework for accurately diagnosing the true drivers of performance, ensuring your interventions are precisely targeted and genuinely effective. Learn more.

601: Develop the Power of Creativity and Innovation in Your Organization

Pete Stromberg, Pacific Northwest National Lab

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

Is your organization stuck managing day-to-day work and unable to address ongoing, continuing improvement ideas? This session explores the strategies and insights needed to cultivate an environment that thrives on fresh ideas and cutting-edge solutions that benefit performance. Learn more.

701: Articulate Meaningful Feedback: Boost Your Design Culture and Performance

Chet Christiansen, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

This session equips learning and development professionals with the practical skills to articulate meaningful design feedback, empowering them to elevate their organization's design solutions and nurture a healthier, more collaborative work environment to improve team performance. Learn more.

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