Your Session Schedule

Dive deep into the world of learning leadership at this dynamic online conference. The eight unique sessions offered here will provide a wealth of perspectives and practical strategies to help you elevate your approach to fostering a thriving learning culture within your organization.

DAY 1:  August 7

J. Israel Green

101: Unlock the Transformative Power of Vulnerability: A Masterclass for Learning Leaders

J. Israel Green, Mosaic Worx

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PT

In this session, we will debunk the myth that vulnerability is a liability and instead explore how embracing it can transform your leadership approach. Vulnerability, when embraced, is a superpower that can profoundly enhance your leadership effectiveness and foster deep trust within your teams.
Learn more.

picture of Hiba Ismaeil

201: Elevate Your Learning Initiatives: Strategies for Building and Leading an Instructional Design Team from Scratch

Hiba Ishmeail, Fairfax University of America

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

As a learning leader, you know the immense value of a world-class instructional design function. But how do you transform your vision into reality, building a team from the ground up? In this session, you'll learn the proven strategies and hard-won lessons that powered the creation of the new Curriculum Development and Instructional Design department at Fairfax University of America (FXUA), a private nonprofit university.
Learn more.

301: Embrace the Future: A Strategic Framework for Leading Through AI Disruption

Matthew Tang, Tang Technology Solutions, LLC

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

We are on the cusp of another great technological disruption. AI is set to disrupt the workforce in the same way the Internet and personal computing have changed how we work and learn. As Learning Leaders, you need a framework to examine and adapt your current learning strategies to be prepared for the next disruptive technology that will profoundly impact the workforce. This session provides the framework to identify and plan for disruptive technology. Learn more.

Becky Burke

401: Foundations of Excellence: Supervisor Training for Effective Leadership

Becky Burke, BankWest

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT

Tap into your supervisors' potential and propel your organization toward excellence. Join us as we explore the foundations of effective supervisor training and its positive impact on employee engagement, productivity, and, ultimately, organizational success. Learn more.

DAY 2: August 8

Vanessa Bragg and Katherine Johnston

501: Talent Management: Roadmap for Competency-Centric Approach for the Skills Economy

Katherine Johnston, Global Mindz
Vanessa Bragg,Vanessa Bragg Coaching & Consulting

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PT

Are you seeking to elevate your Learning and Development initiatives to effectively align with strategic business goals and future skill needs? Achieving this transformation involves embedding leadership and core competencies throughout the talent lifecycle consistently across the organization. Learn more.

picture of Adriana Franco

601: Discover the Power of Cohort-Based Learning

Adriana Franco, IBM

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

Are you seeking a learning approach that caters to different groups of learners and sustains commitment? Look no further than the cohort-based model. In this session we explore the compelling benefits and challenges of cohort-based learning, a collaborative approach where learners advance together through a program. Learn more.

Shari Gabriele and Melissa Speros

701: Unleash the Potential of Your Small Learning Team: Strategies for Maximizing Effectiveness

Melissa Speros, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Shari Gabriele, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

As a team leader, you know the challenges of leading a small team tasked with delivering exceptional training initiatives. With limited resources and an overwhelming workload, maintaining productivity and morale can seem daunting. However, this session will equip you with strategies to transform potential pitfalls into opportunities. Learn more.

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