L&D departments are always asked to do more. Stakeholders will give requirements without always knowing what is involved in their requests. Sometimes, they know specific criteria must be met and will pass that along to the L&D department. You probably have heard things like:

"Make it shorter, but still cover all the content."  

"Training must be personalized but scalable for the entire organization and vendor network."

"Oh, there will be some delay between when participants take the training and when they use the information, so ensure the learners don't forget."

How do you create learning experiences that meet stakeholder and business needs, cover all the content, don't overload the learner, and increase retention?  Thankfully, you can leverage learning science and the right blend of instructional elements to design for higher expectations. Equip yourself with the methodologies to transform your instructional design, elevate learning outcomes, and meet your stakeholders' expectations. We will showcase ways you can use research to inform your instructional design and improve outcomes.

In this session, we'll identify opportunities to:

  • Design to encode, store, and retrieve information using a layered and spaced approach
  • Create desirable difficulty in learning activities
  • Move beyond regurgitation, and empower learners to reflect, elaborate, and generate new insights.


Session Video