Most people cringe when they think about networking, often feeling connection is forced, awkward, or desperate. This session will dispel the myths with proven tactics to proactively connect with people in meaningful and lasting ways. Introverts and extroverts alike can benefit from building habits around personal development that will take the “ick” factor away from networking by sharing their strengths to form mutually beneficial relationships. Attendees will learn how to reach out authentically no matter what room they are in. By strengthening the ability to take risks, attendees can view unplanned outcomes as stepping stones instead of failures. Attendees can bet on themselves that they have the right to reach out, connect, and ask for help on their path to success.
In this session, you will learn to:
- Develop a method to professionally connect with people of interest authentically
- Identify personal strengths to use in building mutually beneficial relationships
- Discover how goal setting can build confidence to take risks
- Reframe failure as a learning opportunity
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