Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video

MB22 Daily Docent Kickoff

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 1

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Mark Britz

Director of Event Programming

Learning Guild

Mark Britz is the director of event programming at The Learning Guild. Previously he worked for more than 15 years designing and managing learning solutions with organizations such as Smartforce, Pearson Digital Learning, the SUNY Research Foundation, Aspen Dental Management, and Systems Made Simple. Mark is also an organizational social designer, helping businesses achieve the benefits of becoming more connected and collaborative to improve learning and engagement. Mark is the author of Social By Design: How to create and scale a collaborative company, and regularly presents and writes about the use of social media for learning, collaborative networks, and organizational design.

Bianca Woods

Customer Advocacy Manager


Bianca Woods is a customer advocacy manager at Articulate. Her past experience includes working on the community and event programming for the Learning Guild, learning and communications roles at BMO Financial Group, and teaching art. Bianca is passionate about how visual design and multimedia can help people learn, loves test-driving new technology, and collects photos of bizarre warning signs.

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MB23 Fun and Games or Serious Learning?

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 2

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Koreen Pagano

Founder & CEO

Isanno, Inc.

Koreen Pagano, founder and CEO of Isanno, Inc., is a globally recognized product leader with deep expertise in learning technologies, skills strategy, AI, analytics, and immersive technologies. Koreen has held product leadership roles building go-to-market strategies and technology and content products for learning, skills, and talent markets at, LinkedIn, D2L, Degreed, and Wiley. Koreen previously founded Tandem Learning in 2008, where she pioneered immersive learning through virtual worlds, games, and simulations. She has taught graduate courses at Harrisburg University and provided advisory and consulting services to emerging tech companies in the VR and education markets. Koreen is a seasoned international speaker and author of the book Immersive Learning.

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MB24 Amazing Experiences on a Low Budget

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 3

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Linda Schwaber-Cohen

Head of Training


Linda Schwaber is head of training at Skilljar. Her expertise lies in building and growing onboarding and training programs at software startups. After teaching for several years in K-12 and university settings, she shifted gears and began to develop programs to help customers adopt and see the value in B2B software purchases. Prior to joining Skilljar, a Seattle-based customer onboarding and training platform, Linda managed customer onboarding and enablement at Simply Measured, a social media analytics SaaS company.

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MB25 mLearning In and Out of the Classroom

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 4

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Robert Gadd


OnPoint Digital

Robert Gadd is president of OnPoint Digital and responsible for the company’s vision and strategy. OnPoint’s online and mobile-enabled offerings support more than one million workers and include innovative methods for content authoring, conversion, and delivery extended with social interactions, gamification, and enterprise-grade security for workers on their device or platform of choice. Prior to OnPoint, Robert spent 10 years as CTO of Datatec Systems and president/CTO of spin-off He is a frequent speaker on learning solutions—including mobile, informal learning, xAPI, and gamification—at national and international T&D conferences.

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MB26 Authoring Tools for Responsive Design

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 6

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Adam Cannon

eLearning Evangelist

eLearning Brothers

Adam Cannon is an eLearning evangelist with eLearning Brothers. He has spent over 15 years as a corporate instructional designer and staunch eLearning advocate. Prior to that, he was a classroom teacher and technology trainer for several years. Adam has always had a love for learning and helping others learn.

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MB27 CANCELLED: Design Training with Virtual Reality

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Seabreeze 1

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Glenn Blazek

Specialist Engineer

Aerojet Rocketdyne

Glenn Blazek, a specialist engineer at Aerojet Rocketdyne, develops workforce eLearning for technical and high-risk operations in the demanding work environment of assembling and testing rocket engines at NASA’s Stennis Space Center. Previously Glenn worked for the Fortune 50 companies Boeing and United Technologies. Glenn designed eLearning for LandAmerica and was a blended-learning consultant for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. For eight years, he served in a collegiate educational setting as an instructor at the Virginia School of Technology, where he was campus administrator. Glenn holds an MA degree in adult education and training, an MS degree in computer information systems, and a JD degree in law.

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MB28 Reinforcing Training Initiatives with Mobile

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 2

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Shahin Sobhani

President and Founder


Shahin Sobhani is the founder and President of SwissVBS, a firm dedicated to moving communities from learning to doing. With 20 years of online training experience, Shahin has overseen SwissVBS’s innovation in the field— creating learning solutions for some of the world’s most prestigious organizations—and guided its emergence as a leader in the industry. Shahin is a frequent speaker and consultant on how companies can transform learning in the workplace—most recently, Apple invited Shahin to present in its sponsored seminars on training a mobile workforce.

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MB29 Using Video to Enhance eLearning Processes

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 4

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Chris Ladouceur

Product Manager

HapYak Interactive Video

Chris Ladouceur is currently a product manager at HapYak Interactive Video. A veteran of startups, Chris accepted the creative director role at HapYak and has been making video work like the rest of the web for the last few years. He works directly with Fortune 1000 companies on interactive experiences ranging from eCommerce and digital marketing to corporate communications, training, and eLearning, helping connect business goals with viewer experience through a combination of creative, and interactive video technology.

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MB30 How to Write a Winning Conference Speaking Proposal

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 3

Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

David Kelly


The Learning Guild

David Kelly is the Chairman of the Learning Guild. David has been a learning and performance consultant and training director for over 20 years. He is a leading voice exploring how technology can be used to enhance training, education, learning, and organizational performance. David is an active member of the learning community, and can frequently be found speaking at industry events. He has previously contributed to organizations including ATD, eLearn Magazine, LINGOs, and more.

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901 Cutting the Complexity of Your Mobile Learning Solutions

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Seabreeze 1

Developing mobile learning solutions can become complicated if you’re not careful. One wrong turn can leave you mired in extra work you didn’t anticipate. Sometimes this happens due to design decisions. In other cases, the problem stems from choosing the wrong tool, failing to set up templates properly, or any number of other issues. Thankfully, one of the best ways to figure out how to reduce or even avoid your development complexity is simple: Look at successes and snags from previous projects.

In this session, you’ll examine the complexity of developing mobile learning solutions through examples of problems faced during the development of real mobile learning courses and performance support tools. You’ll explore these actual projects and take a closer look at the issues that made their development more complex than it needed to be. You’ll get a chance to hear from the developer himself about how, in retrospect, he’d reduce this complexity; and you’ll also have an opportunity to formulate your own ideas for simplifying these processes.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the impact of choosing the wrong type of tool for the task
  • Techniques for making templates easier to use
  • Tips for efficient mLearning programming in a variety of authoring tools
  • Proven approaches to troubleshooting problems when they arise

Novice to intermediate designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Articulate Studio, Articulate Storyline, Trivantis Lectora, Adobe Captivate, HTML5, and JavaScript.

Matt Kurtin

Senior Director, Technology and Visual Design

Innovative Learning Group

Matt Kurtin, Innovative Learning Group's senior director of technology and visual design, provides leadership for ILG's programmers and graphic designers. For over 20 years, he has advised client organizations on their overall technology strategy for learning and performance improvement. Matt provides insight into leading best practices for use of mobile solutions, learning portals, and learning management systems. He consistently applies the latest advances in digital capability, such as augmented and virtual reality, to practical application in learning. Matt has a bachelor's and master's degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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902 BYOL: Video Production on Your Smartphone

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 3

What’s the best camera for a shoot? The definitive answer is, “The one you have with you.” The ubiquity of the mobile camera means that when you’re in the presence of great instructional content, it can become video in seconds. In addition, viewers are developing a special respect for authentic-looking video—footage that looks raw, real, and genuine. This is why many training videographers have moved to iPhones as their main production equipment, even on high-production-value shoots. So how can you benefit from this stylistic trend?

In this session, you’ll learn important strategies for capturing great content on your smartphone. You’ll discuss the technical aspects of smartphone video production and investigate how to address the physical challenges of smartphone cameras and microphones. You’ll then look at the content side of smartphone video production, including how to use your device to record on the fly and conduct informal interviews. This session will help you leverage the authentic look of mobile video to engage your audience. You’ll leave feeling empowered to hit that “record” button anytime and anywhere when seeking new eLearning content.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the important features of authentic-looking video content
  • About the technical challenges of the camera and microphone on your smartphone, and how to work around them
  • How to compensate for your smartphone’s recording equipment
  • What aspects of your video can be altered and polished with the help of camera apps

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile phone technology for recording video and audio; camera apps.

Technology required:
A modern smartphone or tablet to practice shooting video.

Ty Marbut

Executive Producer

Ty Marbut Instructional Video

Ty Marbut, executive producer at Ty Marbut Instructional Video, is an independent producer, director, editor, and adviser of instructional multimedia and documentary films. Focusing on training principles drawn from research in cognitive psychology, Ty works with teachers and teams in higher education, private companies, and government to deliver their messages as effectively as possible through multimedia immersion, high level-of-processing interaction, and the efficient use of existing media and human talent. His specialty areas include instructional video production and direction, training others in video production, and interactive video pedagogy.

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903 Mobile Performance Support for Just-in-Time Problem Solving

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 3

Mobile and performance support seem like a perfect team. A just-in-time performance support system can improve efficiency, reduce errors, lessen the need for upfront training, and even improve morale; and mobile devices have tremendous potential to help workers solve problems on the go. That said, designing a mobile performance support solution requires a different mindset and approach than designing traditional training. So how can you best use this pairing to improve performance?

In this session, you’ll see how a design process built around the audience and goals can lead to the creation of successful performance support products. You’ll explore a specific case study: a mobile system that includes video, a search component, and advice on common problems and how to best diagnose and solve them. Along with the case study, you’ll learn more about a design and development process that can help you quickly get from wondering how you can best use mobile to actually creating effective, just-in-time mobile performance support yourself.

In this session, you will learn:

  • When to consider a performance support approach rather than training
  • How to gather content from subject matter experts and craft it into an effective performance support system
  • How to incorporate different contexts and use cases into the design of a mobile product
  • How to follow a mobile design process that focuses on performance goals

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Smartphones and tablets; brief references to PhoneGap (a cross-platform app development platform).

David Guralnick


Kaleidoscope Learning

David Guralnick, the president of Kaleidoscope Learning, has designed hundreds of eLearning scenarios, courses, simulations, performance- support systems, and authoring tools over the past 25 years. He is the president of the International E-Learning Association, the founder of the International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace, the editor-in-chief of the International Journal on Advanced Corporate Learning, the chair of the International E-Learning Awards, and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. David’s work has been featured in Wired magazine, Training magazine, and the Wall Street Journal, and he is the recipient of numerous eLearning design awards. David holds a PhD from Northwestern University, where his work synthesized work from the fields of computer science, instructional design, and cognitive psychology.

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904 Encore Session: Strategies for Creating Single-Source, Multipurpose Learning Content

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 4

New for FocusOn this year! This is a popular session being offered twice. It's also available as session 714.

In the past, the self-paced content created by L&D often took the form of eLearning courses. But there’s a growing recognition that more learning takes place outside an organization’s LMS than in it. As a result, learning content—and the time and effort that goes into it—needs to be more flexible in order to be effective as it performs the critical role of supporting both formal and informal learning.

In this session, you’ll focus on how to design and create content for use on any device, no matter where your audience is. This approach allows you to provide content in the manner your audience needs it most—whether they need formal learning, such as courses in your LMS, or informal learning opportunities like performance support, job aids, or knowledge bases. You’ll review instructional design processes to guide you through planning for single-source, multipurpose content, as well as development strategies to ensure that people can find and use this content no matter what device they use.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About strategies that can help you evaluate what your audience really needs in order to carry out their roles
  • About instructional design approaches to help you plan for single-source, multipurpose content to meet these needs
  • Strategies to develop and deliver this content
  • How to kick-start a learning and development process in your organization that supports single-source, multipurpose content creation

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Numerous mobile devices.

Chris Van Wingerden

Sr VP Learning Solutions

dominKnow Learning Systems

Chris Van Wingerden is Sr. VP Learning Solutions at dominKnow Learning Systems, where he leads dominKnow's content and its training and client success teams. In his almost 20 years with dominKnow, Chris has helped create hundreds of hours of online learning programs, from traditional eLearning courses to immersive game-based designs, as well as working in responsive design projects to meet mobile device needs. Chris is also co-host of the popular weekly live video session and podcast, Instructional Designers in Offices Drinking Coffee (#IDIODC). Chris has a BA in adult education and a BA in English literature.

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905 Outside-the-Box Opportunities

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 2

Mobile, video, gamification; these three trending industry technologies can increase learner engagement and drive business results (while hopefully adding some fun to the workday). Despite the sustained attention these technologies have received from learning leaders across organizations, many are still struggling to apply best practices when implementing them, or are finding subpar outcomes. A solution? Embrace outside-the-box thinking!

In this session, you will look at straightforward, immediate applications of mobile, video, and gamification technologies. You’ll analyze where and why they can be more effective than traditional eLearning. You’ll then discuss nontraditional, “abstract” applications of these technologies and why this mindset shift is powerful. The session will conclude with case studies of successful mobile, video, and gamification learning programs that embraced outside-the-box thinking to delight learners and exceed business goals.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the three biggest current trends in technology
  • Techniques for applying these technologies effectively to training
  • How to think outside the box to exceed business goals
  • About abstract thinking that actually worked!

Novice to advanced managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile, gamification, and video technologies, platforms, and devices.

Róisín Mullins

Senior Vice President, Learning Services


Róisín Mullins is the senior vice president of learning services at Intuition, with responsibility for managing the delivery, execution, and evaluation of customized blended learning solutions. Róisín and her team incorporate the latest technological and digital trends into the products and services they develop, including gamification, virtual and augmented reality. Róisín holds a bachelor’s degree in business and law from University College in Dublin as well as advanced degrees from both Northeastern University and Dublin City University. Róisín was admitted to the New York State bar in July 2014.

Ben Sangree

Senior Engagement Manager


Ben Sangree is a senior engagement manager at Intuition, where works with clients across industries designing and delivering customized digital learning solutions. These highly-tailored solutions range from blended eLearning and video-based courses to instructor- led services and content consultancy. Ben previously worked at international online learning and media start-ups, where he was responsible for marketing, business development, recruitment, and training. He is currently an MBA candidate at UCLA Anderson.

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906 Game Design Principles: Creating Powerful Scenario-Based Learning

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 1

Instructional designers and writers are increasingly turning to branching scenarios as a way to embrace experiential learning and move beyond page-turners. But authoring an effective scenario is challenging, as the branches can become overwhelming. Moreover, if you don’t apply good game-design principles, the scenarios can turn out to be as flat, boring, and ineffective as a series of multiple-choice questions.

In this hands-on session, you will play, deconstruct, and discuss branching scenarios as a full group and in small teams. You’ll experience what makes branching scenarios work well. You’ll play the highly cited “Haji Kamal” branching scenario as a group, and learn how the design team used Jesse Schell’s Art of Game Design lenses in designing the scenario’s story, structure, and media. Then you’ll play another scenario in a print-and-play format, in small groups. You will discuss the design principles applied to that scenario and explore how paper-based scenarios can be used for team training. You’ll leave this session with a cheat sheet for taming scenario structures, as well as reflection prompts to help you apply the design principles to your own learning challenges.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What game design lenses are helpful in designing branching scenarios
  • Which core techniques can help you keep your branching structure under control
  • About approaches that can improve your branching scenario storytelling
  • How to apply these principles to your own projects

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Branching scenarios.


Doug Nelson

President & CEO


Doug Nelson, the president of Kinection, is an instructional designer, producer, and entrepreneur. He started his career as a teacher, led educational marketing for Apple Computer Asia, and in 2000 founded Kinection as a boutique eLearning studio. He has served as lead designer on Kinection’s most successful game-based learning projects, which span a wide range of audiences, genres, and topics, and which have been developed for clients as diverse as Pearson, DARPA, Cisco Systems, the Naval Postgraduate School, and the Ford Foundation. Doug is also a past board chair for the North American Simulation and Gaming Association.

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907 Revolutionizing a Veterinary Simulation: A Case Study

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Spinnaker 1

When a pet is undergoing anesthesia, the veterinary nurses who monitor that process are put in a high-stakes environment where the patient, not training, needs to be the focus. One organization wanted a way to bridge the gap between what veterinary nurses understood about the theories behind anesthesia monitoring, and effective real-world application of those principles. To solve this dilemma, the team needed to find a scalable solution to provide a lower-stakes environment, allowing nurses to practice the important patient assessment and remediation techniques they needed before they began actual anesthetic monitoring on the job.

In this case study session, you’ll learn how the team enhanced clinical learning with a simulation that bridged the gap between eLearning content and the actual practice of anesthesia monitoring. You’ll find out how creating a lower-stakes environment than the real world, but a higher-stakes environment than eLearning, can lead to better job performance. You’ll then learn how to create simulations yourself using the “gradual release model,” whereby users are given increasing amounts of responsibility over the content as they move through the curriculum. You’ll also get tips for how to create your own simulations, including how to leverage your SMEs to help create content, how to develop and deploy a simulation, and how to measure its impact.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why simulations can lead to better performance
  • How to use the gradual release of learner responsibility model in your simulations
  • How to leverage SMEs effectively to develop simulation content
  • Strategies for both developing and deploying a simulation
  • How to evaluate the efficacy of simulation-based learning

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Fully immersive simulation developed on Unity gaming platform; integration of simulation with Totara LMS.

Patrick Welch

Chief Knowledge Officer


Patrick Welch is responsible for people & organization, learning & development, knowledge management, and information technology/innovation for Ethos. He serves as the principle strategist and architect for developing a knowledge-based learning organization. He has a broad array of experience in both corporate and independent practices, with a clinical focus on veterinary ophthalmology and with management experience in organizational learning, learning technology, and innovation. Pat is a graduate of Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. He completed a medical internship at South Shore Animal Hospital, his ophthalmology residency at Iowa State University, and an MBA at Colorado State University.

Jeffrey David Johnson

Product Manager

Ethos Veterinary Health

Jeffrey David Johnson is the product manager for Ethos Veterinary Health. Jeffrey manages the learning platform and provides cross-functional support for internal functions: human resources, marketing, mergers and acquisitions, and learning and development. He’s also responsible for the development of the learning platform as a SAAS offering for the greater veterinary industry outside of Ethos’ 14 hospital locations. Jeffrey uses foundational learning theory to combine sound pedagogical practices and the latest learning tools to develop learning and workforce development experiences. Jeffrey holds a master's degree in curriculum and instruction.

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908 Lessons Learned on Developing a Gamified Learning Platform

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 2

Over the last decade, there has been industrywide emphasis on developing learning objects with embedded gamification elements. However, taking the concept of gamification past the singular learning objects to the more global, overall learner experience is more of a rarity.

This session outlines the specifics of one company’s journey and lessons learned so that participants can take those practices to their own company. You will explore the realities and challenges of designing and developing a gamified open-learning platform. The session will focus on the learner experience design process with specific emphasis on the engagement model, learning space and journey, and game economy. You will learn how issues were solved relating to employee goals and ambitions, the learner lifecycle and engagement loops, and learner motivation and emotional engagement, as well as establishing criteria and conditions that set a solid foundation for the game economy.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The considerations necessary for building a learner engagement model
  • The elements to apply when designing for a gamified learning environment
  • How to evolve your system to add new functionality and stay relevant

Intermediate designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Examples of the gamified platform that the company built.

Kami Hanson

Senior Manager, Learning Program Office

Sears Holdings Corporation

Kami Hanson is a senior manager of the Learning Program Office for Home Services at Sears Holdings Corporation (SHC). She graduated from Utah State University with her doctorate in instructional technology and learning sciences. Kami joined SHC in 2014 and has led a learning transformation impacting over 175,000 associates. She has worked collaboratively with the Innovations team to design the learner engagement model and game economy for an open-learning, gamified learning management system. She has been in the field of adult learning for over 15 years, having worked in academia, the financial industry, retail, and now, home services.

Edward Brice

Director of Talent and People Analytics


Edward Brice is the director of talent and people analytics within the data, discovery, and decision science team at Allstate Insurance Company. He is responsible for deepening the digital mindset of the organization through a hybrid learning strategy, as well as the active management of the data science talent pipeline. Prior to this role, he served as the director of education strategy and operations for the Agency Sales organization, where he was responsible for the onboarding and continuing education for all producer distribution models. Edward began his career as a high school math teacher as a part of Teach For America in Chicago. He spent some time in operations at Sears Holdings before joining the Integrated Learning team. He holds an MBA from University of Chicago-Booth School of Business, a MAT in secondary education from Dominican University and a BS from Morehouse College with a dual concentration in mathematics and economics.

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909 Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Simulations I Learned from Video Games

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 6

We know that simulations are a fantastic way to allow people to practice skills in a realistic but safe environment that gives them the opportunity to learn from mistakes. However, actually sitting down and creating a simulation that feels real to your audience is definitely harder than it sounds. So learn from the industry that’s been successfully simulating real and imagined situations for years: video games! Video games aren’t just a fun diversion, there’s also a lot in common between how they’re created and the way a strong simulation should be designed.

In this session, you’ll take a look at how video games developers have overcome some of the same major hurdles that we experience when developing simulations for training, such as deciding what your simulation structure should be, narrowing down potential ideas to just the ones that work, and making player choices matter (or at least seem like they matter). You’ll also learn about game design techniques that will make your simulation development process run smoother, such as iterative design and prototyping. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or someone who couldn’t recognize Pong if your life depended on it, you’ll still learn a lot about what video games can teach us about making simulations that are fun and effective.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How the audience you’re designing for should influence the game you create
  • How to decide how much choice to give your players
  • How to avoid the “uncanny valley” of sims
  • How prototyping and iterative design can lead to better game experiences
  • What games to check out when you’re looking for simulation design inspiration

Novice and intermediate designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Branching and simulation games, including The Walking Dead, Papers Please, and Lifeline.

Bianca Woods

Customer Advocacy Manager


Bianca Woods is a customer advocacy manager at Articulate. Her past experience includes working on the community and event programming for the Learning Guild, learning and communications roles at BMO Financial Group, and teaching art. Bianca is passionate about how visual design and multimedia can help people learn, loves test-driving new technology, and collects photos of bizarre warning signs.

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910 Deconstructing Games: Fluxx

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 4

Deconstructing Games is a new series of hands-on sessions where you’ll have the opportunity to play a game and then discuss how the mechanics in play can be applied in your own learning context.

Session Description:
It's a typical card game where one deals out cards, then the players draw, play cards, and try to achieve winning state, etc - with a twist. The cards change the rules of play as you play. They can affect how many you draw, put out, can swap hands, and most importantly, change the goals of the game.

This game is used to illustrate the importance of rules and constraints in simulations. It helps illuminate how important models are that capture relationships with importance for learning, and modeling those relationships  in designing scenarios and simulations.  It also can illustrate pattern matching in cognition and agility in innovation and the impacts of rules on organizational culture as well.

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Clark Quinn

Chief Learning Strategist

Upside Learning

Clark Quinn, PhD is the executive director of Quinnovation, co-director of the Learning Development Accelerator, and chief learning strategist for Upside Learning. With more than four decades of experience at the cutting edge of learning, Dr. Quinn is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and author of seven books. He combines a deep knowledge of cognitive science and broad experience with technology into strategic design solutions that achieve innovative yet practical outcomes for corporations, higher-education, not-for-profit, and government organizations.

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F06 This Is Not Your Grandma’s Video

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 22

Harbor Island Ballroom

It seems video has been around forever. Video was a primary source of training for the military during World War II. Most classrooms used reel-to-reel players for video-based learning, a format that soon evolved into VHS/TV carts that easily rolled in and out of the room. In the early part of this century, video began to migrate online, but it’s only in recent years that the world of video has truly transformed itself and continues to do so rapidly. What lies ahead in the evolution of this powerful medium?

In this session, you will tour the world of video in 2017. You will examine how the world of video is much bigger than it has ever been, while at the same time becoming smaller than you ever thought possible. Using a number of examples, you will examine these changes and the possibilities they open up for learning and performance improvement.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How video for training has changed in the past few decades
  • From case studies of video used for L&D
  • About the future possibilities for video and training
  • Tips for incorporating video into your L&D strategy

Novice to advanced designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Allison Rossett


Allison Rossett & Associates

Dr. Allison Rossett, long-time Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University, is in the Training magazine HRD Hall of Fame, and was a member of the ASTD International Board of Directors. Recipient of ASTD’s recognition for lifelong contributions to workplace learning and performance and designated a 2008 LEGEND, Allison co-authored Job Aids and Performance Support: Moving from Knowledge in the Classroom to Knowledge Everywhere and a new edition of her book, First Things Fast. Rossett edited The ASTD E-Learning Handbook: Best Practices, Strategies, and Case Studies for an Emerging Field. She also wrote a white paper for the American Management Association, Blended Learning Opportunities and another, on learner engagement, for Adobe Systems. Allison’s client list includes IBM, HP, Ingersoll Rand, the Getty Conservation Institute, Fidelity Investments, Kaiser Permanente, BP, the IRS, Amgen, Royal Bank of Scotland, USAA, National Security Agency, Transportation Security Administration, and several eLearning start-ups. Allison was awarded the Guild Master Award in 2013 for her accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community.

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1001 Essentials of UX Design for Performance Support

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 3

The role of the learning developer is expanding in scope and responsibility. Today’s learning professionals need to understand how to use mobile devices to deliver useful content at the time of need. They have to consider the complete user experience, including user context, device capabilities, mobile interface design, and audience personas. And they have to understand how all of these variables translate into a memorable experience for their audience.

This session will present foundational strategy and guidelines for effective user experience design for mobile and other new platforms, including hands-free devices such as watches and smart glasses. The session will examine how user-centered design can produce training deliverables that resonate with your audience. You’ll explore the importance of context and how it should impact your UX choices, as well as new technologies and design disciplines that can influence your UX, such as industrial design and deep learning. You’ll also hear about the UX lessons learned from real-world case studies in mobile and performance support projects.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Essential principles for effective user-centered design
  • How to analyze and evaluate what your target audience needs from your UX
  • How the environment affects the user experience, and how to design for the right context
  • About the wide variety of mobile device capabilities that enhance UX
  • What effective UX looks like in real examples of augmented reality performance support

Intermediate to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Handheld mobile devices (smartphones, tablets); wearable devices (glasses, watches, sensors, headsets); and augmented reality performance support.


Scott McCormick


Emergent Enterprise

Scott McCormick is a national speaker, CEO, editor and writer. In a 30+ year career he has helped launched three companies including his current business, Emergent Enterprise. He has spoken at ATD CETS Showcase, Learnaplaooza, Augmented World Expo, LiveWorx, Realities360,, and XR Immersive Enterprise 2020. Scott speaks and consults on topics such as emergent technology adoption strategy and user experience and is editor of, the tech news and insight website. He was featured in the 2019 eBook, What is Augmented Reality? and has delivered strategy webinars and onsite presentations to leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality, and consulting.

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1002 Mobile vs. Desktop: An Experiment in Online Learning

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 3

As companies support using more devices to access training content, the balance between standardizing the training experience and supporting learning on the go becomes more challenging. There are distinct differences when accessing content on a computer versus a tablet or smartphone, including screen size, ways to interact with the content, and sometimes even people’s expectations of the experience. Is one experience better than the other? And is it possible to support both well?

In this session, you’ll compare the experiences of online learning through two lenses: desktop versus mobile. You’ll take a closer look at best practices for each medium, in particular when working with geographically dispersed users. You’ll also explore an example of how one Fortune 250 company experimented with collaborative online learning by offering its course in both a desktop and mobile version. This case study will help you uncover what you need to know about how desktop faces off against mobile in real-world learning applications, and what you can do to make both effective for your audience.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the strengths and weaknesses of desktop and mobile for engaging with content
  • Best practices for designing for mobile and desktop
  • About the key differences in designing content for mobile versus desktop
  • What a real-world experiment with mobile versus desktop content can tell you about both options

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Desktop computers, mobile phones, and NovoEd.

Drew Remiker

Learning Experience Manager


Drew Remiker is a learning experience manager at NovoEd, where he has worked with organizations such as IDEO, ING Bank, Sundance Institute, Sanofi Genzyme, Nestlé, and others to develop experiential online training programs. Prior to joining NovoEd, he spent four years teaching middle school through Teach for America, followed by managing teacher development programs for Success Academies Charter Schools. Most recently, he designed solutions for scaling outreach and implementation for Gooru’s partner school districts.

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1003 Video from the Business Perspective: Mitigating Risk and Maximizing Opportunities

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Seabreeze 2

Video is trending in L&D for good reasons. When video-based learning projects go right, they can resonate well with their audience and make a huge impact. However, when they go wrong, they can go very, very wrong. Why? Because there’s a substantial amount of financial, legal, branding, security, and relationship risk introduced when incorporating video into your learning strategy. So how can you safely create a more video-centric culture? And what processes and protocols need to be in place before you move forward?

In this session, you’ll learn how to better assess the risks and rewards of video-based learning within your organization. You’ll look at how to overcome common hurdles when getting the business on board with using video. You’ll even role-play conversations with key leadership in legal, marketing, IT, etc., and determine how to sidestep the roadblocks, mitigate the dangers, and maximize the opportunities for partnership. You’ll leave this session with resources that can help you start conversations and work to deliver successful video learning projects and initiatives.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to have empowering exploratory conversations with partners in your organization
  • How to avoid common business problems and surprises when launching a video-based approach
  • How to turn your video issues into assets for the business
  • Where to look for additional resources within your organization

Novice to intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Video production software and project management tools.

Sam Rogers


Snap Synapse

Sam Rogers, the president of Snap Synapse, creates more effective, efficient, and engaging ways to deliver learning for clients including Google, Capital One, Deloitte, and AAA. He produced YouTube’s first online certification training, and he is a writer, director, producer, composer, and performer for stage and screen. Sam also writes and speaks frequently at conferences, sharing his passion for solving the problems that matter and inspiring learners to action.

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1004 Designing Virtual Training for Mobile Devices

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 2

Increasingly more participants in live online virtual training classes are joining by mobile device—which means they connect via the platform app instead of using the full desktop program. While this gives people substantially more flexibility in where and when they can access virtual training, it has a big drawback as well. Most virtual training designs assume that all tools and features will be available for learning activities, but most virtual classroom apps only have limited features. Given this challenge, it can be tricky to know how best to design virtual training content that’s engaging but that every member of your audience can fully experience.

In this interactive session, you’ll learn how to design engaging virtual training programs when some (or even all) of your participants connect to the session from a mobile device. You’ll start out by learning why virtual training platform functionality isn’t the same on mobile devices and explore the common key differences between the app and desktop experiences. You’ll then take a closer look at three common limitations that mobile learners face. Finally, you’ll dive deep on how to work around these challenges, with techniques ranging from how to prepare learners in advance to how specifically to design virtual content so it’s just as effective for mobile audiences as for desktop audiences.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the common key differences between virtual classroom desktop programs and their corresponding mobile apps
  • About the specific limitations that people face when connecting to virtual training via mobile device
  • How to prepare your audience in advance when they plan to connect via mobile device
  • Techniques to design engaging virtual training when participants are connected via mobile device

Novice and intermediate designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Adobe Connect will be the main presentation platform; however, the session will touch on other virtual classroom platforms, such as WebEx Training Center and GoTo Training.

Cindy Huggett

Principal Consultant

Cindy Huggett Consulting

As a leading industry expert and 20+ year pioneer of virtual training, Cindy Huggett, CPTD, has vast experience delivering engaging learning solutions via the virtual and hybrid classroom. She's the author of six acclaimed books on the subject, including The Facilitator's Guide to Immersive, Blended and Hybrid Learning. She is a past member of the ATD global board of directors and was one of the first to earn the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP now CPTD) credential. She holds a master's degree from the University of Pittsburgh and was a Triangle Business Journal 30- Under-30 Award Winner.

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1005 Advertisers’ Secrets for Compelling Training Videos

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 6

In a world of short attention spans and the need to “break through the clutter,” how can you ensure your learning videos leave your audience remembering your message? Maybe it’s time to look outside L&D for inspiration and toward a field that already does this well: advertising. If advertisements can influence people to purchase items they don’t need, are there ways to use this field’s secrets to influence learners (and do this without their feeling manipulated)?

In this session, you’ll learn how the techniques that influence purchasing behavior can also change the behavior of your audience. You’ll find out what exactly makes an ad so compelling that it can persuade you to spend your money, then you’ll apply these secrets to make your next learning video successful. You’ll explore the hooks that grab viewer interest, the components that lead to an effective video concept, and a framework you can use to shape a successful learning-video strategy.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About a strategic framework for designing and evaluating effective video for learning
  • About two “hooks” that make the content in your learning video memorable
  • About four components that make an effective video concept
  • About two techniques for using drama to design or evaluate videos

Novice to intermediate designers and managers.


Danielle Wallace

Chief Learning Strategist

Beyond the Sky

Danielle Wallace is the chief learning strategist at Beyond the Sky: Custom Learning. Previously, as a marketing leader with Procter & Gamble and PepsiCo, she learned strategic marketing principles which she now applies to learning and development to create compelling breakthrough solutions. Danielle is a sought after speaker at global conferences and her thought leadership is found in numerous industry magazines and publications.

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1006 The Most Effective Tools for Creating Amazing Videos Quickly

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 2

With an ever-increasing number of people spending more time watching online video than they do watching TV, it’s no surprise that the demand for video content is higher than ever. As you might expect, this trend is also leading to a higher expectation for video communication and training in the workplace. Fortunately, as it continues to grow in popularity, video is also becoming easier and more cost-effective for anyone to produce as long as they have the right tools to help.

Mobile devices, software, and cloud-based video creation tools have evolved to the point where an average user with limited experience can quickly learn to create high-quality, engaging video content. In this session, you’ll explore how to leverage these tools to create professional-looking videos both rapidly and inexpensively. You’ll look at the physical gear that can make a big difference in the quality of video you can create with only a small investment. You’ll also look at software tools that are available to help you shoot and edit better, more polished video.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the gear you must own to make your smartphone videos look more professional (and how to get it all for under $200)
  • How to use time lapse and slow motion, available on many smartphones, as creative storytelling devices
  • How to use tools you may already own, like PowerPoint and Camtasia, to edit your videos and create eye-catching graphics
  • How to boost production value and shave hours off production time with effective, surprisingly affordable cloud-based video creation tools

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Blue Yeti and smartLav+ microphones, Camtasia 9, Microsoft PowerPoint, GoAnimate, Animoto, Renderforest, and Fiverr.


Brian Hardin

Manager of Media-Based Training

Sally Beauty Holdings

Brian Hardin, a manager of media-based training at Sally Beauty Holdings, specializes in video, audio, and web-based training solutions. Brian has been producing video-based training programs for over 15 years, and he and his team have been recognized with several video production awards, including Telly, Aurora, and Aegis awards.

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1008 Overcoming Barriers to Video Use in Learning - hosted by Brandon Hall, PhD

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Seabreeze 1

Videos in learning isn't new, but the video medium is seeing rapid expansion in use, from microlearning to interactivity. Before you can move forward, you need buy-in, and that can be challenging. Barriers to approval can range from bandwidth and hosting to skill sets and equipment costs.

Join our panel of experts as they explore how you can overcome the most common barriers to video use for organizational learning. You’ll learn how to help move your organization forward with dynamic approaches to learning and development.

Matthew Pierce

Learning & Video Ambassador


Matthew Pierce, learning & video ambassador from TechSmith, has created videos for learning and marketing for over a decade. He is the lead behind TechSmith Academy, a free platform teaching video and image creation for business, which has been used by tens of thousands of users. He is host of The Visual Lounge Podcast from TechSmith, which streams live on Youtube and LinkedIn weekly. Matthew is a regular speaker at multiple learning and development-focused conferences and is a regular contributor to various training publications.

Ty Marbut

Executive Producer

Ty Marbut Instructional Video

Ty Marbut, executive producer at Ty Marbut Instructional Video, is an independent producer, director, editor, and adviser of instructional multimedia and documentary films. Focusing on training principles drawn from research in cognitive psychology, Ty works with teachers and teams in higher education, private companies, and government to deliver their messages as effectively as possible through multimedia immersion, high level-of-processing interaction, and the efficient use of existing media and human talent. His specialty areas include instructional video production and direction, training others in video production, and interactive video pedagogy.

Tara Bryan


TLS Learning

Tara Bryan, owner of TLS Learning, has over 18 years of diverse experience in strategic consulting, instructional design, and eLearning design and development for clients in a variety of industries. She is recognized in her field as being an expert who is passionate about bringing engaging and interactive learning experiences to learners. She works with clients to design and build high-quality learning programs that improve performance in the workplace. Her unique skillset of instructional design, visual design, and technical expertise puts her in a position to work successfully with clients to create the right solution that exceeds their business requirements.

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1009 Video Critique: Best of the Best

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Nautilus 4

Learning videos can range from astoundingly effective to painfully bad. And while most people can at least create content that avoids the latter category, it’s not always easy to know what makes the difference between video content that truly resonates with your audience and content that is fine but forgettable. Thankfully, one of the best solutions is to take a closer look at examples that work well.

In this session, you’ll get inspiration for making your video content even better by taking a critical look at some of the most effective videos used for learning. You’ll look at a wide range of approaches to using this medium for teaching content and engage in in-depth discussions about what made each approach successful. Through exploring this curated selection of video examples, you’ll find out more about what makes video content memorable and get new ideas for techniques you can use in your own work.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About different approaches for using this medium to share content
  • What successful learning videos tend to have in common
  • How knowing your audience impacts the effectiveness of your videos
  • Where to look for training video inspiration

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Mark Britz

Director of Event Programming

Learning Guild

Mark Britz is the director of event programming at The Learning Guild. Previously he worked for more than 15 years designing and managing learning solutions with organizations such as Smartforce, Pearson Digital Learning, the SUNY Research Foundation, Aspen Dental Management, and Systems Made Simple. Mark is also an organizational social designer, helping businesses achieve the benefits of becoming more connected and collaborative to improve learning and engagement. Mark is the author of Social By Design: How to create and scale a collaborative company, and regularly presents and writes about the use of social media for learning, collaborative networks, and organizational design.

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1010 Deconstructing Games: Wits and Wagers

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Spinnaker 1

Deconstructing Games is a new series of hands-on sessions where you’ll have the opportunity to play a game and then discuss how the mechanics in play can be applied in your own learning context.

Session Description:
In Wits and Wagers, all players are asked questions that require a number answer. After recording their numbers, the answers are arranged in numerical order. Each player wagers a chip on the right answer. If they are right, the “house” pays them; if wrong, they lose their chip. The person who gave the right answer also wins a chip.      

In this session, you’ll explore how technical product details and traditional company history or information can be presented in this game format. Wits and Wagers illustrates collaboration, sharing of information, and evaluation.

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Stephanie Daul

Learning Consultant


Stephanie Daul, an independent learner consultant, researches new learning and knowledge technologies and techniques. She also designs performance-improvement solutions for traditional classroom instruction, eLearning, and virtual sessions. As a consultant for global Fortune 500 companies, she creates synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences from analysis through implementation. Stephanie has designed and implemented over a dozen gamified learning experiences. She authored “Game Design for Learning” in ASTD’s TD at Work. Stephanie educates others on new technologies including mobile, QR codes, and xAPI. She holds an MA degree from Roosevelt University in T&D and a BA in education from Northern Illinois University.

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1011 Deconstructing Games: Candy Crush

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Marina 4

Deconstructing Games is a new series of hands-on sessions where you’ll have the opportunity to play a game and then discuss how the mechanics in play can be applied in your own learning context.

Session Description:
Candy Crush is the popular mobile puzzle-based game with incremental progress against a game board path. 

In this session, you’ll explore how we can development skills through problem-based learning and with incremental progress towards a goal. All enhanced through social support/outreach.

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Koreen Pagano

Founder & CEO

Isanno, Inc.

Koreen Pagano, founder and CEO of Isanno, Inc., is a globally recognized product leader with deep expertise in learning technologies, skills strategy, AI, analytics, and immersive technologies. Koreen has held product leadership roles building go-to-market strategies and technology and content products for learning, skills, and talent markets at, LinkedIn, D2L, Degreed, and Wiley. Koreen previously founded Tandem Learning in 2008, where she pioneered immersive learning through virtual worlds, games, and simulations. She has taught graduate courses at Harrisburg University and provided advisory and consulting services to emerging tech companies in the VR and education markets. Koreen is a seasoned international speaker and author of the book Immersive Learning.

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1012 Encore Session: Interactive Video Examples: Learning from the Best

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22

Spinnaker 2

New for FocusOn this year! This is a popular session being offered twice. It's also available as session 506.

Video is the engagement medium today, yet the all-too-common “play and walk away” issue still dominates—i.e., not having engrossing material that engages viewers. Interactive video increases response rates, view times, and viewer satisfaction. Engaging viewers with in-video questions, knowledge checks, and choose-your-own-adventure adaptive paths allows instructors to better ensure knowledge transfer. Who is doing this right? How can you move away from boring video design?

In this session, you will explore 30 of the best interactive videos in the eLearning and training space. You will discuss viewer engagement tactics, best practices, and adaptive experiences. You will also look at branching, scalability, production quality, data collection, and integration into existing learning strategies.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About best practices of interactive videos
  • How other educators are leveraging interactive video in their curriculum
  • How to scale interactive video strategies
  • How to leverage data obtained from viewer engagement with interactive video

Novice to advanced developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Interactive video from a variety of sources and technologies, displaying on laptop, tablet, and mobile.

Chris Ladouceur

Product Manager

HapYak Interactive Video

Chris Ladouceur is currently a product manager at HapYak Interactive Video. A veteran of startups, Chris accepted the creative director role at HapYak and has been making video work like the rest of the web for the last few years. He works directly with Fortune 1000 companies on interactive experiences ranging from eCommerce and digital marketing to corporate communications, training, and eLearning, helping connect business goals with viewer experience through a combination of creative, and interactive video technology.

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GS03 KEYNOTE: Cards Against Ineffective eLearning

11:15 AM - 12:30 PM Thursday, June 22

Harbor Island Ballroom

In this fun and insightful closing session, five industry experts will face off in a battle that examines how to apply what we have learned at FocusOn Learning 2017. We will use an approach similar to popular games like Cards Against Humanity and Apples to Apples (but with an L&D flavor) to guide a conversation about some of the biggest challenges with using mobile, video, and games. While the cards will provide a chance to poke fun at these hurdles, they will also spark a deeper and more practical discussion about how to overcome them. Members of the audience will vote to choose their favorite, and after each question the players will dig deeper to explore what we need to do to harness the potential of mobile, video, and games in our organizations. In the end, everyone will discover a great deal about how to apply what we have learned at FocusOn Learning 2017—but only one player will win the Cards Against Ineffective eLearning trophy.

David Kelly (Host)


The Learning Guild

David Kelly is the Chairman of the Learning Guild. David has been a learning and performance consultant and training director for over 20 years. He is a leading voice exploring how technology can be used to enhance training, education, learning, and organizational performance. David is an active member of the learning community, and can frequently be found speaking at industry events. He has previously contributed to organizations including ATD, eLearn Magazine, LINGOs, and more.

Allison Rossett


Allison Rossett & Associates

Dr. Allison Rossett, long-time Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University, is in the Training magazine HRD Hall of Fame, and was a member of the ASTD International Board of Directors. Recipient of ASTD’s recognition for lifelong contributions to workplace learning and performance and designated a 2008 LEGEND, Allison co-authored Job Aids and Performance Support: Moving from Knowledge in the Classroom to Knowledge Everywhere and a new edition of her book, First Things Fast. Rossett edited The ASTD E-Learning Handbook: Best Practices, Strategies, and Case Studies for an Emerging Field. She also wrote a white paper for the American Management Association, Blended Learning Opportunities and another, on learner engagement, for Adobe Systems. Allison’s client list includes IBM, HP, Ingersoll Rand, the Getty Conservation Institute, Fidelity Investments, Kaiser Permanente, BP, the IRS, Amgen, Royal Bank of Scotland, USAA, National Security Agency, Transportation Security Administration, and several eLearning start-ups. Allison was awarded the Guild Master Award in 2013 for her accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community.

Robert Gadd


OnPoint Digital

Robert Gadd is president of OnPoint Digital and responsible for the company’s vision and strategy. OnPoint’s online and mobile-enabled offerings support more than one million workers and include innovative methods for content authoring, conversion, and delivery extended with social interactions, gamification, and enterprise-grade security for workers on their device or platform of choice. Prior to OnPoint, Robert spent 10 years as CTO of Datatec Systems and president/CTO of spin-off He is a frequent speaker on learning solutions—including mobile, informal learning, xAPI, and gamification—at national and international T&D conferences.

Koreen Pagano

Founder & CEO

Isanno, Inc.

Koreen Pagano, founder and CEO of Isanno, Inc., is a globally recognized product leader with deep expertise in learning technologies, skills strategy, AI, analytics, and immersive technologies. Koreen has held product leadership roles building go-to-market strategies and technology and content products for learning, skills, and talent markets at, LinkedIn, D2L, Degreed, and Wiley. Koreen previously founded Tandem Learning in 2008, where she pioneered immersive learning through virtual worlds, games, and simulations. She has taught graduate courses at Harrisburg University and provided advisory and consulting services to emerging tech companies in the VR and education markets. Koreen is a seasoned international speaker and author of the book Immersive Learning.

Chad Udell

Chief Strategy Officer

Float and SparkLearn

Chad Udell is the award-winning managing partner, strategy and new product development, at Float and SparkLearn. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to create experiences for 20 years. Chad is an expert in mobile design and development, and speaks at events on related topics. He is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor/author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success and Shock of the New.

Mark Lassoff


Dollar Design School

Over two million people have learned coding and design from Mark Lassoff. Mark and his company are pioneers in new media learning, having created the first streaming media network dedicated to learning workforce and career skills. They produce broadcast-quality learning content that focuses on digital skills such as design, coding, and digital productivity. Mark is an in-demand speaker and has traveled the world to teach. He was named to the 40 under 40 in both Austin, Texas, and Hartford, CT. In 2017, Mark was awarded the prestigious Learning Guild Guild Master Award.

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