Session Guidelines
In this section you’ll find the steps and guidelines needed to organize and prepare the content and activities of your session.
- David, Mark, and Bianca are available to assist you as needed. They can be reached by emailing
- Please use the information here to prepare for your sessions.
- Jump to section:
Preparing for your Presentation
- Keep in mind that people have chosen to attend your session based on the description in the event brochure and website, so they will come expecting to get information on all the points mentioned in your session description.
- Please review your session description:
- If you feel that your session description needs minor edits:
- Copy and paste edited information from the website to a Word doc.
- Use the MS Word “track changes” option when editing, or indicate your edits with bold red text.
- Send your edits to Juli Balding.
- NOTE: Edits may be modified to meet Guild Standard Pratices.
Presentation Structure
- There should be a balance between lecture, demonstration, and active participation by the audience.
- It is important that you include appropriate interactivity in your session.
- This participation can take many forms, for example:
- Discussions
- Exercises
- Working through case studies in small groups
- Role playing
- Problem solving
- Q and A (this can be among audience members and not just between audience members and the session leader.)
- Games
- and many other options…
- The participants will also be expecting “take-aways.” Some examples are:
- Checklists
- Action plans
- Job aids or tools that they can use back on the job
- List of URLs and websites
- Code samples
- Project plans
- Charts
- List of books, magazine articles, or other reference materials
- You don’t have to inundate the audience with materials, but do provide them with useful reminders of what they learned in your session.
- Be creative! Use your imagination! Make your session one that YOU would want to attend!
- Note about Bring Your Own Laptop® (BYOL®) sessions:
- Participants will be expecting to participate in the session using their own laptops, using the same tool(s) you are demonstrating. Participants should be able to walk away from the session being able to perform a task or complete a project demo.
- You are encouraged to provide materials that participants can reference after the session to replicate and practice the techniques that were discussed.
Session materials should not include promotional material of any kind.
Audience Profile
- The event audience will be comprised of training professionals who often have a range of experience in eLearning from novice to advanced.
- Be sure to target the content for the audience experience level listed in your session description.
- Participants will be expecting to see LOTS of examples during this event.
- You should plan on demonstrating actual examples of eLearning programs during your session.
- The content of your session should focus more on practical application, rather than theory.
- This audience is ALWAYS seeking ways to apply the information you present to their situation.
- Use various models whenever possible.
- Please feel free to reach out to David, Mark, or Bianca by emailing if you would like to discuss ideas for your presentation. We want your session to be a success, and will help you in any way we can.
Projected Number of Participants at Your Session
- About one month before the event we will survey the current list of registered participants to find out which sessions they are planning to attend.
- Based on the survey results we will assign the appropriate-sized room for your session.
- You will be sent an e-mail about 7 - 10 days before the event with the projected number of participants and your room assignment.