Olivia Blackmon
Director of Corporate Outreach and Special Projects, George Mason University—Virginia Serious Game Institute
Olivia Blackmon is the director of corporate outreach and special projects at the George Mason University—Virginia Serious Game Institute (VSGI). At VSGI, Olivia serves as chair of the VA-Alliance for Cyber, Technology and Computer Science Training, a consortium of public school districts, community colleges, four-year universities, and industry leaders. In addition, she works on veteran programs to establish a pathway for cyber, computer science, and technology workforce development. Olivia has consulted with USAID, World Vision, the United Nations, and UNICEF to design, implement, and measure high-impact STEM, reading literacy, and humanitarian programs. She recently received a Fulbright scholarship, through which she will work with local NGOs in Ghana to conduct an impact evaluation of education, technology, and women’s health programs throughout rural areas. Olivia holds a PhD in sociology with a concentration in education policy and advanced quantitative methods.