Megan Bell
Production and Project Manager, ITS Teaching and Learning Interactive at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Megan R. Bell, as Production and Project Manager for ITS Teaching and Learning Interactive at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, manages instructional multimedia projects that incorporate technology to enhance the learning experience of UNC-Chapel Hill students. With almost fifteen years experience in managing creative teams, she ensures that TL Interactive projects use standard project management and development processes, yet also reflect an artistic spark. Megan holds a Masters in Project Management from Western Carolina University, and has worked as a Project Manager for media projects for the past twelve years. Megan co-authored (with Larissa Biggers) The Creation and Refinement of a Sustainable Multimedia Process in a Higher Education for the Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology. She has presented at various conferences, including the E-Learn international conference in spring 2009.