
David Metcalf

Senior Researcher and Director, Institute for Simulation & Training METIL, University of Central Florida

Dr. David Metcalf explores leading-edge innovations in learning. Specific areas of focus include learning-business strategy, performance measurement, operational excellence, outsourcing, blended learning, and mobile learning. Dr. Metcalf was formerly the Chief Learning Technologist at RWD Technologies. He joined RWD with the sale of his NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) laboratory spin-off company, Merrimac. Prior to the spin-off, he was the Lead Multimedia Designer at NASA KSC. Dr. Metcalf is the author of several recent works including Blended eLearning: Integrating Knowledge, Performance Support and Online Learning, Operational Excellence, and mLearning: Mobile Learning and Performance.

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Online Events Archive | Instructional Design

The Evolving Possibilities for eLearning Design

The way that organizations think about learning, performance, and analytics is being impacted by the increasing sociability and mobility of our workforce, the burgeoning distribution of smar . . .

by David Metcalf, A.J. Ripin on May 18, 2012