As learning and development professionals, we understand the importance of innovation and creativity in supporting today's fast-paced organizations. New York Times bestselling author and tech entrepreneur Josh Linkner has interviewed hundreds of top innovators and leaders to uncover the five most powerful mindsets for groundbreaking innovation.

In this high-energy keynote, you will learn how to embrace these mindsets to fuel your creativity and bring out your most innovative ideas. Through multiple real-world examples, you will discover how oddball ideas can spark innovation, create new opportunities, and overcome even the most powerful adversaries.

This session is packed with surprising insights, humor, and practical takeaways that can be immediately applied to your work, regardless of your role, job function, or industry. You will discover to how to help our learners embrace these mindsets and achieve breakthrough results. Join us for an amazing experience that will leave you feeling inspired, moved, and better equipped to unleash your innovation potential.

Session Video