In an era marked by rapid change and escalating challenges, learning and development professionals face unique hurdles in their quest to foster growth and innovation within their organizations. The pressures of talent retention, supporting an evolving workforce, and the shift to remote work environments demand a new approach to leadership—one that goes beyond traditional methods and embraces empathy, innovation, and high-impact habits. This keynote will explore the multifaceted challenges learning leaders encounter and provide actionable insights to navigate these complex dynamics effectively.
Join Simon T. Bailey as he unveils strategies rooted in heart-centered leadership and Caring Science, tailored specifically for the learning and development landscape. Attendees will discover how to spark empathetic leadership while maintaining accountability and leveraging best-in-class practices to drive innovation and productivity. Key takeaways include mastering the top five skills needed to increase performance, becoming intrapreneurs who can innovate within their roles, and developing high-impact habits that positively influence teams and organizations. This session promises to empower you with the tools and techniques necessary to transform your roles and lead your organizations to new heights of success.
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