Cindy Huggett has led eLearning delivery practice for 20 years, from brick-and-mortar settings to virtual and hybrid classrooms. In two new editions of her renowned guidebooks and this year’s conference sessions, Cindy continues to provide solid, research-based solutions for L&D professionals. These are relevant to the current and future state of virtual training.

In Virtual Training Tools and Templates: An Action Guide to Live Online Training, Huggett has added 80 new tools in what is now almost 400 pages in length of practical, mastery-level content. In addition, the second edition of The Virtual Trainer’s Guidebook: How to Design, Deliver, and Implement Live Online Training contains even more specific guides and tips for supporting and enhancing learning in synchronous and asynchronous settings. These books are not just theoretical, but they provide practical tools and strategies that you can apply in your virtual training.

Both books have added emphasis on accessibility in the virtual classroom. Cindy shows you how to design for engagement with the latest generation of learners who have new and different expectations for learning experiences. She addresses the demanding challenges of immersive learning and the use of Artificial Intelligence. Cindy will equip and inspire you to keep up with rapid change in the science of learning and new technology. She has always experimented with new methods and incorporated what she learns about virtual learning in the solutions she delivers to her clients and students.

That approach and the resulting expertise show on every page of these new editions. You will learn what works today along with carefully curated and time-tested knowledge from successful practitioners. Nothing is missing, from the selection of technology to the design and development of content and activities, preparation for delivery, and measurement of results. In brief, both books deliver comprehensive, mastery-level content that will take your professional success to the next level, ensuring you have a deep understanding of all aspects of virtual training.

About Cindy Huggett and the Fall 2024 Learning Guild conferences

DevLearn and Learning 2024 are ideal opportunities to learn live from Cindy Huggett. She is speaking at DevLearn in Las Vegas on November 8 on “Creating Immersive Learning Space: The New Virtual Classroom.” On December 4 in Orlando, Cindy will present “Virtual Training in 2025 and Beyond: 5 Questions Every Organization Must Ask.”

Huggett is an acclaimed author of six books and presenter of many Learning Guild conference sessions on delivering learning solutions via virtual and hybrid classrooms.

Cindy has always been a top presenter at Learning Guild conferences and our live online events. You really owe it to yourself to attend the session she presents at the conference you attend, or even better, have one member of your team attend the other conference.