Compared to traditional approaches to hiring, skills-based practices are a more nimble and equitable way of filling workforce needs and advancing career opportunities for a more diverse range of people. Focusing on skills over degrees broadens the pool of potential job applicants. Hiring from a skilled and expanded talent pool increases diversity within an organization while also contributing to economic mobility associated with employment.

Innovative employers are no longer saying, “I need someone with a bachelor’s degree in computer science.” Instead, they are asking the critical question, “What are the specific skills that I need to fill this position?” Employers are breaking down the job into a more granular level and then seeking applicants who have those skills, recognizing that skills for jobs can be acquired not only through education, but through other types of training or experience. 

AIR had the opportunity to connect with three large organizations, Johnson & Johnson, IBM and, to talk about the importance of skills-based practices; why more employers should implement it; and how they were able to execute the practice within their own organizations. 

View the video and learn more about AIR’s work in this innovative, growing practice.