Between January and June of 2024, the AI field saw a significant expansion in the power and number of features available in AI (artificial intelligence) models. This change was especially important for these five AI models:

  • Claude
  • ChatGPT
  • Gemini
  • Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing Chat)
  • Jasper

This article summarizes the uses of those models for writing content for eLearning, considering the changes to them as of June 2024.

Top AI writing choices for eLearning development

The three AI models most suited to eLearning development are Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini. The best choice for you depends on the specific requirements of your work, such as the type of content you create, the level of interactivity you need, and the language support required. Each of the top AI writing models has specific strengths that can contribute to the development of eLearning content in different ways.


  • Strengths: Claude is an AI model developed by Anthropic that focuses on understanding and generating human-like text. It aims to produce coherent and contextually appropriate responses similar to human conversation.
  • Applications in eLearning: Leverage Claude to generate instructional content, explanations, quizzes, and interactive dialogues. Its ability to understand and generate nuanced text can enhance the quality of written materials used in eLearning modules.
  • Suitability: Claude's strength lies in its ability to generate high-quality text for educational content creation. It can assist in developing engaging and informative learning materials, explanations of complex concepts, and interactive scenarios that require natural language processing capabilities.


  • Strengths: ChatGPT is adept at understanding and generating human-like text based on prompts. ChatGPT excels in providing personalized learning experiences and interactive support through its conversational abilities.
    • It can provide informative responses, explanations, and detailed descriptions of various topics. ChatGPT can serve as a virtual tutor or mentor in eLearning, answering learner queries, explaining complex concepts, and providing additional learning resources.
  • Applications: Its versatility allows integration into eLearning platforms for personalized learning experiences, adaptive learning paths, and real-time feedback. It can also assist in content curation and adaptation based on learner interactions and needs.


  • Strengths: Gemini is mighty for technical subjects, automating the creation of coding exercises and providing hands-on learning experiences.
    • Gemini, known for its ability to generate code and perform technical tasks, can be particularly valuable in eLearning environments focused on technical subjects such as programming, data science, or engineering. It can automate the creation of interactive exercises, generate code snippets, and provide hands-on learning experiences.
  • Applications: In eLearning, Gemini can support the development of coding tutorials, simulations, and practical exercises. It can also assist in creating adaptive learning modules that adjust difficulty based on learner performance and provide personalized feedback on coding assignments.

By strategically leveraging the strengths of these AI models, you can enhance learner engagement, interaction, and understanding of your eLearning content. Furthermore, each of these writing tools offers multilingual support capabilities, but Claude and Gemini have a wider range of languages available compared to ChatGPT. Additionally, if you require more customization options for your eLearning content, then ChatGPT is the preferred choice as it allows for more flexibility in terms of formatting and design.

In terms of overall performance, all three tools continue making significant improvements. Claude now has a larger database of vocabulary and can better understand natural language inputs, making it easier to create engaging and informative eLearning content without having to constantly edit or revise the writing. ChatGPT has improved its accuracy in generating relevant and cohesive sentences, reducing the time needed for editing and proofreading. Finally, Gemini has enhanced its algorithm to provide better suggestions and recommendations for improving the writing style and tone, making it a useful tool for creating professional and polished eLearning materials. 

Each of the top AI writing models also offers language support tailored to different regions and user bases. For instance, ChatGPT excels in offering multilingual support, including but not limited to English, Spanish, French, German, and Chinese. This feature allows for a broader reach and engagement with learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds, making it a valuable asset for global eLearning initiatives. Similarly, Jasper provides strong support for languages such as Japanese, Korean, and Arabic, catering to a wider audience and enhancing the accessibility of eLearning content in those regions. Understanding the language support capabilities of each AI writing tool is crucial for effectively implementing them in diverse eLearning environments.

Despite these improvements, there are still limitations to using AI-powered tools like Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini for creating eLearning content. One major limitation is the inability to fully capture human emotion and empathy in the writing. While these tools can generate well-structured sentences and paragraphs, they lack the ability to convey emotions effectively, which is crucial in engaging learners and creating a personal connection with them.

Another limitation is the reliance on existing data inputs for generating content. While these tools may have access to a vast database of words and phrases, they cannot create truly original content that goes beyond what has already been inputted into their system.

The exact writing tool selection criteria will also depend on each writer, but generally, you should consider each tool's speed, flexibility, and suitability for particular tasks.

Important distinctions for specific model uses

Microsoft Copilot and Jasper are AI models with different capabilities and strengths that can contribute to eLearning development. However, their specific suitability depends on the context and requirements of the eLearning content.

Microsoft Copilot:

  • Strengths: Microsoft Copilot provides fundamental conversational interactions, FAQ handling, initial learner engagement, and functionalities for customer support. It can handle natural language input and generate responses based on predefined scenarios or scripts.
    • Microsoft Copilot applications in eLearning: Copilot can be used in eLearning platforms to provide essential Q&A support, handle learner inquiries, and assist in navigation through course materials. It can also integrate with learning management systems (LMS) to automate responses to common queries and provide personalized learning paths based on learner interactions.
  • Suitability: Microsoft Copilot is suitable for essential interactive elements in eLearning, such as answering FAQs, providing navigation assistance, and facilitating initial learner engagement. However, its capabilities may be inadequate for more complex educational tasks that require deeper understanding or adaptive learning features.


  • Strengths: Jasper excels in generating coherent and contextually relevant natural language text. Jasper is strong for natural language content generation and enhancing engagement through conversational interfaces.
    • Applications: Jasper's strength can be beneficial for creating written content for eLearning modules, including explanations, summaries, quizzes, and instructional materials. Its ability to generate text in a conversational style can also enhance engagement in eLearning environments.
  • Suitability: Jasper can automate course content creation, generate responses for interactive elements such as chatbots or virtual assistants within eLearning platforms, and even assist in content localization by providing translations.

 Microsoft Copilot and Jasper can play valuable roles in eLearning development, depending on whether the focus is on interactive support and engagement (Microsoft Copilot) or content creation and instructional design (Jasper). Effective integration of these AI models can enhance the overall learning experience by providing personalized support and engaging educational content.

 How suitable are Microsoft Copilot, Claude, Jasper, Gemini, and ChatGPT for developing eLearning?

 Let's compare and contrast the strengths and limitations of each.


Microsoft Copilot
  • Copilot provides fundamental conversational interactions and functionalities for customer support.
  • Can handle natural language input and generate responses based on predefined scenarios.
  • Suitable for handling FAQs, providing navigation assistance, and basic learner engagement.
  • Copilot has limited capability for complex educational tasks requiring deep understanding or adaptive learning features.
  • Compared to more advanced AI models, it may not provide sophisticated instructional content creation or personalized learning experiences.
  • It focuses on understanding and generating human-like text suitable for creating instructional content.
  • Can generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses similar to human conversation.
  • Helpful in developing engaging learning materials, explanations, quizzes, and interactive dialogues.
  • While strong in natural language generation, it may need more breadth of general knowledge or adaptability of broader AI models like ChatGPT.
  • Claude requires specific training and context for optimal performance in educational settings.
  • Excels in generating natural language text that is coherent and contextually relevant.
  • Useful for automating the creation of course content, quizzes, and instructional materials.
  • Can enhance engagement through conversational interfaces in eLearning environments.
  • It may not provide the depth of understanding or adaptive learning capabilities required for personalized learning paths.
  •  Jasper primarily focuses on text generation rather than interactive or technical content.
  • Specializes in generating code and performing technical tasks, making it ideal for technical subjects in eLearning.
  • Can automate the creation of coding exercises, generate code snippets, and provide hands-on learning experiences.
  • Gemini supports adaptive learning modules and personalized feedback on coding assignments.
  • Gemini has limited application outside of technical or programming-focused eLearning contexts.
  • It may be less effective for non-technical subjects or general instructional content creation.
  • ChatGPT is a versatile AI model capable of understanding and generating human-like text across various topics.
  • ChatGPT supports personalized learning experiences, adaptive learning paths, and real-time feedback.
  • Useful for providing interactive support, answering learner queries, and explaining complex concepts.
  • While versatile, ChatGPT may need the more specialized capabilities of models like Gemini for technical tasks or Jasper's specific conversational focus.
  • Requires careful implementation to avoid generating irrelevant or inaccurate content in educational settings.


  • Copilot and Claude are suitable for basic conversational interactions and content creation. Copilot focuses more on support functionalities, and Claude focuses on generating instructional content.
  •  Jasper excels in generating natural language text and enhancing engagement through conversational interfaces but may need deeper educational functionalities.
  • Gemini is ideal for technical subjects due to its coding capabilities but has limited applications beyond technical eLearning.
  • ChatGPT offers versatility across a broad range of educational tasks, including interactive support and personalized learning experiences, but may require integration with other tools for specialized tasks like coding.


 The suitability of these AI models for developing eLearning depends mainly on the specific requirements of the content and the desired learning outcomes. Effective integration of these AI models can enhance various aspects of eLearning, from content creation and instructional design to learner engagement and personalized learning experiences. Tailoring their use to match the educational context and leveraging their strengths can maximize their effectiveness in creating impactful eLearning environments.