I read several articles and blog posts daily as part of my ongoing professional development. Each week, I curate a few of my favorites, including a brief introduction explaining why I find the article valuable and recommend you read it.

Here's a summary of this week's content:

  • Inclusive design principles beyond compliance
  • ESPN using AI for personalized fan experiences
  • Strategic measurement models aligning learning with business outcomes
  • Addressing colonial biases in eLearning environments
  • Creative ways to build collaboration across teams

Deep Accessibility for eLearning Design
Designing for deep accessibility in eLearning goes beyond compliance with legal standards; it's about creating experiences that work for all learners. In this article, Heather Carlson-Jaquez explores practical approaches that help you craft content with diverse learners in mind, ensuring your programs are inclusive from the ground up, rather than retrofitted later.

ESPN Wants to Leverage AI to Create 'Personalized' SportsCenter Feeds
ESPN is embracing AI to offer sports fans personalized SportsCenter feeds, reflecting the growing demand for tailored content experiences. As this article from the Associated Press examines, by automating updates based on individual preferences, ESPN aims to keep audiences more engaged and connected to the stories they care about most.

LTEM And Action Mapping: Hot Sauce For Business-Driven Learning
This article by Ricci Masero explores how the Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model (LTEM) and Action Mapping work together to create learning solutions that better drive business outcomes. The article provides examples of how together, these approaches move beyond traditional training methods, offering a more strategic, results-driven framework that equips learners to perform effectively in their roles.

Reimagining Online Education: Breaking down colonial barriers to learning
Anita Samuel explores how colonial legacies in education persist within eLearning systems, affecting course design, language use, and access to technology. The article provides valuable insight into how we can dismantle these biases and promote inclusivity by centering indigenous knowledge, promoting multilingual learning environments, and addressing the digital divide.

17 Team-Building Activities for In-Person, Remote, and Hybrid Teams
Team-building activities, whether in-person, remote, or hybrid, can help foster collaboration and trust, especially as workplace environments evolve. This article from Rebecca Knight offers 17 thoughtful approaches that can help teams build stronger connections through shared problem-solving and creative exercises. 

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