I read through a number of articles and blog posts each day as part of my ongoing professional development. Each week, I curate a few of my favorites, including a brief introduction explaining why I find the post valuable and recommend you read it.

Here’s a summary of this week’s content:

  • Collaboration between L&D and HR in performance management
  • DEI training improves healthcare staff competence, culture
  • Free resources for instructional design newcomers
  • Eight strategies for effective instructional videos online
  • SMEs as resources, not authors in scenario creation

Performance Management: A Key Area for HR, L&D Collaboration
This article by Pam Hogle emphasizes the importance of collaboration between L&D and HR in performance management, highlighting how this partnership can enhance employee performance, skill development, and retention through a comprehensive approach to learning journeys, goal-setting, and organizational culture.

DEI training linked to better staff competence, work culture in healthcare
The article by Carolyn Christ highlights the positive impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion training in healthcare organizations, emphasizing its role in enhancing workplace culture, staff competencies, and compliance. It also underscores the need for increased dialogue and technology use for efficient training solutions.

Getting Into Instructional Design
The post by Julie Dirksen highlights valuable free resources for those new to instructional design, including Connie Malamed's comprehensive guide, Nyla Spooner's podcast tailored for newcomers, and more. While the post's title targets those considering a move to ID, the resources are great for those new to the field as well..

Eight Priorities for Instructional Videos in the Online Classroom
The article by Sarah Robertson, John Steele, & Jean Mandernach offers eight key strategies for designing and implementing instructional videos that can enhance student engagement, accessibility, and satisfaction in online learning.

SMEs Shouldn’t Write Branching Scenarios (And What To Do Instead)
The article by Christy Tucker examines the effectiveness of instructional designers using interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs) to create branching scenarios rather than having the SMEs write them. The article highlights the specialized skills required for such tasks and the value of utilizing SMEs as resources rather than authors.