MB15 Building AR/VR Learning Communities

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 28


Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Colin Welch

Director of Product Development

Brightwave Group

Colin Welch is a director of product development at Brightwave. Colin has over 15 years’ experience managing the design and development of bespoke training solutions that have a measurable impact on key business objectives. He has been responsible for managing both classroom-based training and eLearning projects and has a track record of delivering projects that meet learners’ needs with a high level of customer satisfaction.

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MB16 VR for Empathy Development

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 28


Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Anders Gronstedt


The Gronstedt Group

Anders Gronstedt, PhD, is president of The Gronstedt Group, which is instrumental in helping global companies like Walmart, Pfizer, Novartis, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Daikin improve performance with their custom-developed multi-player VR simulations and learning games. He is a frequent industry speaker and writer with articles appearing in the Harvard Business Review.

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MB17 AR and VR: Which Is Right When?

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 28


Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Jeff Batt


Learning Dojo

Jeff Batt has 15+ years of experience in the digital learning and media industry. Currently, Jeff Batt is a Learning Experience Designer for Amazon. He is the founder and trainer at Learning Dojo, a company dedicated to training you to become a software ninja in various eLearning, web, and mobile-related software applications. He was also the program manager of DevLearn for The Learning Guild. Jeff often speaks on developmental technologies such as xAPI, HTML5, augmented reality, mobile development, eLearning development tools, and more.

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MB18 Bringing Conference Insights Back to Your Workplace

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 28


Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Myra Roldan

Program Manager, Technical Curriculum

Amazon Web Services

Myra is an L&D thought leader who brings a unique mix of technical, business, and adult education expertise to the game. She is a TEDx speaker, author, and technical designer who has won awards for her learning designs. Her superpower is her natural ability to make complex technical subjects easy to understand by breaking them down in a way that makes it easy to consume and move forward with action. She strives to evoke transformation by doing her part to decolonize technology. Myra works at Amazon and she has earned a Bachelor of Computer Science, MSEd, and an MBA.

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MB19 Contributing to eLearning Guild Events and Publications

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 28


Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

The Program Team

The Learning Guild

The Learning Guild Program team is dedicated to creating programs that encompass everything learning professionals need. Our staff comes from diverse backgrounds in learning and development, and bring unique perspectives to the programs and content we create.

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MB20 Contribute to the VR Learning Handbook

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Thursday, June 28


Kick-start your day with Morning Buzz, the ever-popular “Early Bird” discussions. This is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and meet other conference attendees in a relaxed, casual environment, so you can share your best practices, insights, and tips while learning from one another’s experiences.

Hugh Seaton


Adept Reality

Hugh Seaton is GM of Adept Reality, a software company focused on using VR/AR in adult learning. Prior to Adept, Hugh founded AquinasVR, a VR/AR software company which he sold to the Glimpse Group, parent of Adept. Hugh’s focus, whether in immersive technologies, IoT or artificial intelligence, is on the intersection of learning science, creativity, and the cutting edge technologies that can bring learning to new levels of effectiveness.

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801 Augmented! Hands-On Rapid AR Development

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 28


Augmented reality allows you to create an immersive experience for learners. AR can combine images, sound, movies, games, search engines, databases, social media, and the web and explode them across the physical world, revealing invisible stories around products, processes, and operations. But what makes a compelling AR experience that makes learning stick, and how can you get started creating AR content?

In this session, you’ll find out how to design and create low-cost AR learner experiences that pack a punch. You’ll explore a wide range of budget-friendly AR authoring tools, learn about their strengths and weaknesses, and identify how to design around them. You’ll also investigate which AR experiences work best across different learning solutions, allowing you to target the experience you create to the context and situation it will be used in.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Which AR experiences are most likely to create sticky learning
  • About the functions and limitations of several current AR authoring tools
  • What current AR viewers are like through a live demo
  • Best practices of mobile AR design
  • How to prepare an AR experience design plan


Designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Zappar, Layar, and A-Frame.

Ann Rollins

VP, Custom Solutions and Chief Solutions Architect

The Ken Blanchard Companies

Ann Rollins is a modern learning champion with nearly 30 years of industry experience helping form and execute learning and leadership development strategy for Fortune and Global 500 companies. Unintimidated by global scale, she always has her eyes on the technology horizon and helps clients consider how the technology in our hands outside of work today may have a place inside the learning ecosystem tomorrow. She takes a practical, design thinking approach to support clients as they transform what leadership development (and learning in general) happens in their organizations, and help drive plans to innovate to prepare for what's next.

Myra Roldan

Program Manager, Technical Curriculum

Amazon Web Services

Myra is an L&D thought leader who brings a unique mix of technical, business, and adult education expertise to the game. She is a TEDx speaker, author, and technical designer who has won awards for her learning designs. Her superpower is her natural ability to make complex technical subjects easy to understand by breaking them down in a way that makes it easy to consume and move forward with action. She strives to evoke transformation by doing her part to decolonize technology. Myra works at Amazon and she has earned a Bachelor of Computer Science, MSEd, and an MBA.

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802 Beginner’s Guide to Low-Cost, High-Impact Immersive Learning Strategies in Higher Ed

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 28


Virtual reality offers a promising new strategy for teaching, engaging learners in a realistic and 360-degree environment. However, while the instructional possibilities are extraordinary, there have been two major challenges facing most classrooms: technology cost and instructional relevance.

This session will explore a faculty member and instructional designer’s path to successfully incorporate VR in online courses and face-to-face labs at a public institution. You will learn what you need to get started with collecting resources, utilizing free and open-source technologies and low-cost VR alternatives. You will examine common missteps and solutions when incorporating VR for budget-friendly, interactive experiences for various subject matters. At the end of the session, you will have useful guidelines on designing interactive 360-degree videos, as well as a proven method to integrate these immersive experiences in learning activities.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Which AR experiences are most likely to create sticky learning
  • About the potential of interactive 360-degree videos and Google Cardboard for effective instruction
  • How to locate and curate affordable VR tools and software
  • Which tools and software you can use to design interactive 360-degree videos


Designers and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Samsung 360 Gear, 3-D images, Google Cardboard, Sketchfab, YouTube, and GoPro.

Maikel Right

Associate Director of Instructional Learning Technologies

FIU Online

Maikel Right is the associate director of instructional learning technology with FIU Online. With degrees from the UF and FIU in the fields of cultural anthropology, healthcare, and business; his main research interests and publications are in cardiovascular molecular biology, aging, social media, anthropology, and online pedagogy. Maikel is also a faculty fellow at FIU's Honors College where he teaches online and in-person upper division courses, the CDO for a digital consulting company based in Miami, and serves on the board of VirtueCo, which provides art programs and resources for underserved youth in South Florida, the Caribbean, and throughout Latin America.

Rodolfo Rego

Senior Instructor

Florida International University

Rodolfo Rego is a senior instructor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Florida International University, with an emphasis on STEM online course development and teaching. He is a geologist and an environmental scientist who specializes in the geology of South Florida and groundwater issues associated with petroleum contamination. He received his BS in geology in 1997 from FIU and his MS in geology in 2002 from FIU. He is also a member of the eLearning Guild and the faculty advisor to the Geology Club.

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803 BYOD: Rapid VR Simulations Prototyping with WebVR

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 28


Virtual reality simulations can be hard to get right, and many VR authoring solutions require slow re-configuring processes to make changes. This can make prototyping slow. At the same time, really knowing that you’ve got the right elements, the right words, the right sequence is hard for a new medium like virtual reality without actually experiencing it. A means of quickly testing and tweaking is needed.

In this session you’ll learn about WebVR as a technology to watch, then see how WebVR leverages the flexibility and maturity of the website ecosystem to enable fast, effective simulations prototyping. Using a purpose-built URL, you’ll be able to author your own short simulation and test it on your own phone, as WebVR works on every device.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What WebVR is
  • Why WebVR is perfect for eLearning
  • How to rapidly prototype and test simulations
  • The benefits of iterative prototyping in VR
  • The power of short simulations for skills learning


Designers, developers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VPs, CLOs, executives, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:

WebVR, API Aframe, mobile VR, Samsung Odyssey, mobile notifications/text to distribute VR simulations.

Technology Required:

Laptop, Smartphone, Google cardboard (optional)

Hugh Seaton


Adept Reality

Hugh Seaton is GM of Adept Reality, a software company focused on using VR/AR in adult learning. Prior to Adept, Hugh founded AquinasVR, a VR/AR software company which he sold to the Glimpse Group, parent of Adept. Hugh’s focus, whether in immersive technologies, IoT or artificial intelligence, is on the intersection of learning science, creativity, and the cutting edge technologies that can bring learning to new levels of effectiveness.

Damon Hernandez


Samsung Research America

Damon Hernandez is a product manager in charge of mobile browsers at Samsung Research America, where he is responsible for coordinating features, including support for WebVR/WebXR. Damon is part of a number of standards bodies, and has been a developer and advocate for Web3D standards for almost two decades.

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804 Social Learning Through VR/AR at Visa

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 28


What if we could infuse the power of social learning into virtual reality or augmented reality? While they offer deeply immersive experiences for individuals, both can be primarily a solo experience. Learn how Visa is using connected mobile devices in concert with VR hardware and AR triggers to create collaborative experiences for teams of learners both inside and outside the classroom.

In this session, you’ll explore Visa’s successes and lessons learned and receive guidance for how you can leverage social VR/AR with your employees. You’ll see Visa’s team-based learning game(s) in action, take away a design “template” you can leverage to build a team-based learning experience at your organization, and ideate on how social VR/AR can be used with your employees.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How Visa is using connected mobile devices in concert with extended realities to create collaborative experiences
  • Ideas on how social AR/VR technologies can be used with your employees both inside and outside the classroom
  • Best practices and tips for bringing new technology into your learning culture
  • How you can leverage Visa’s “template” to build a team-based VR learning experience at your organization


Designers and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Virtual reality (HTC Vive + custom build), augmented reality, iPads.

Shelley Henson

Senior Director


Shelley Henson is the senior director for global learning and development for Visa, where she leads learning design for Visa corporate strategy, including payments curriculum, Visa business, data and analytics, and onboarding. She is focused on virtual reality for group learning, content curation, geographically distributed in-person learning experiences, and human-centered design. Shelley got started developing adventure-based experiential programs for adolescents with behavioral disorders. From there she moved into corporate team-building, then into higher education, and back again into instructional design for corporate training.

Kara Orellana

Program Coordinator

Visa University Payments College

Kara Orellana is the program coordinator for Visa University’s (VU) Payments College, where she’s responsible for the global implementation of VU’s Getting Started at Visa and Payments Everywhere training programs. Prior to starting with Visa, she worked at a software implementation and consulting firm where she led the training, testing, and change management phases of software implementation. She currently pursuing her MBA at the University of Denver.

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805 Anatomy of a Video-Based Simulation

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 28


Behavioral video-based simulations are perfect for altering sales, coaching, customer service, assessment and selection, leadership, and other related behaviors. The only problem is that designing simulations is not easy. To further complicate the design process, adding in video can be daunting.

In this session, you will examine how combining video and eLearning can create effective simulations that change behaviors. You will experience award-winning video-based simulations. Additionally, you will learn tips and techniques that experts use when designing, producing, and developing video simulations. Finally, we will discuss practical tools you can use on your next project.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to differentiate between first-person, second-person, and third-person point-of-view video simulations
  • Techniques for designing linear decision points that reflect behaviors
  • How to create dialogue that is realistic for video
  • How to identify tools to use when storyboarding and flowcharting simulations


Designers, developers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VPs, CLOs, executives, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:

Branchtrack, Storyline, video.

Dan Keckan


Cinecraft Productions

Dan Keckan is CEO at Cinecraft Productions. He works with organizations to design and develop learning strategies, and provides thought leadership to achieve measurable business results. His expertise is in matching learning modalities to the actual skill or behavior that creates an authentic simulation. He helped design Ace Hardware’s Helpful 101 curriculum, which won a Brandon Hall Award; Henkel Corporation’s Virtual Window Install, which won the Immersive Learning Award at DemoFest; and an immersive learning experience for Booz Allen Hamilton, which won Best of Show at DemoFest.

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806 Beyond the Hype: Transfer from a Virtual World to the Real World

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 28


Virtual reality is rapidly gaining acceptance as an exciting technology for learning. But once we get beyond the hype, we need to ask: Can learning in a virtual world really transfer to the real world?

In this session you’ll examine an early virtual reality platform that enabled hospital staff to prepare for a move to a new hospital building. You’ll delve into the design of an experimental study that carefully controlled for confounding variables to determine the effectiveness of the hospital’s investment in building the virtual hospital. You’ll explore lessons learned from creating the virtual hospital and guidelines for measuring the actual effectiveness and outcomes, and you’ll learn how to get beyond the VR hype by gathering valid evidence.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How VR can be used to simulate an environment that cannot be entered in the real world
  • How to design a study that provides valid evidence of the transfer of learning from a virtual world to the real world
  • How to avoid the common pitfalls of a media comparison study
  • The (surprising) results of the study


Designers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VPs, CLOs, executives, etc.). 

Technology discussed in this session:

Second Life.

Marty Rosenheck

Chief Learning Strategist

Cognitive Advisors

Marty Rosenheck, PhD, CEO and chief learning strategist at Cognitive Advisors, provides talent development, learning experience design, and learning technology ecosystem consulting. He is a thought leader and sought-after consultant, speaker, and writer on the application of cognitive science research to learning and performance. Marty has over 30 years of experience. He has created award-winning learning experiences, designed learning ecosystems, developed cognitive apprenticeship programs, built performance support systems, conducted needs assessments, specified learning paths, constructed virtual learning environments, and developed formal, informal, and social learning strategies for dozens of nonprofit and for-profit organizations.

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901 Case Study: Using Interactive 360 Video to Explore a Data Center

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 28


In many companies, all of the most important data and technologies sit inside high-security locations that most employees can’t ever access. But this data and equipment represents a direct link to the customer experience, and it’s important for employees to understand what is inside these centers and what it means for their services. How can you give employees a realistic and immersive view inside what is typically unseen?

In this session, you will learn how a team was approached with a standard request—“We want to convert this Flash course to Articulate Storyline”—that started a conversation on the “art of what’s possible.” The result is an immersive 360-degree and panoramic experience, in which learners can feel like they are actually in a data center and explore key components and equipment. You will see how the team solved both a learning dilemma (old learning technologies) and an access dilemma (employees couldn’t go inside) in one solution!

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the design and development of an immersive 360 video experience for a large telecommunications data center
  • How they partnered with the client to share the cost of the solution, given the ambiguity of the scope
  • How to determine what hardware and software to invest in based on the client’s needs (e.g., equipment in the facility can change)
  • How to storyboard the experience, plan the shoot, and film the footage
  • How to deploy solutions within employee training programs that meet all learners’ needs


Designers, developers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:

Insta360 camera, camera gimbal mount, Boris FX, Mocha VR, and Kolor Panotour Pro.

Tom Pizer

Director, Learning Technologies

GP Strategies

Tom Pizer is a director of learning technologies for GP’s Learning Solutions Group and has over 20 years of experience in the technical digital-media field. He leads an exceptional team of developers who create unique learning solutions in response to atypical client challenges. During his career, Tom has created, specified, directed, and/or managed hundreds of hours of educational, instructional, and entertainment-based media for a variety of clients in both the public and private sectors. A key aspect of Tom’s responsibilities is staying abreast of emerging technologies and in tune with the latest development methodologies, standards, and practices.

Britney Cole

VP, Innovation


As vice president of innovation and the head of the Blanchard Innovation Lab and Experience Center, Britney Cole is a visionary leader who positively impacts lives through cutting-edge solutions that drive personal, professional, and organizational growth. With nearly 20 years of experience in corporate training and leadership development, Britney is a highly sought-after consultant, speaker, and thought leader. Her mission is to help employees learn new skills, enable managers to lead their teams effectively, and assist executives in running their businesses.

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902 Is Online Education Ready for VR and 360 Video?

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 28


Virtual reality provides an opportunity for engaging and immersive learning experiences for students in higher education. Much of its development for educational purposes has been in settings with direct contact with students, like classrooms and labs. However, given all the considerations for designing online courses for students across the world, does VR add pedagogical value (and enough return on investment) in an online learning context?

In this session, you will learn about the methods instructional designers at Penn State World Campus used to vet, create, and integrate immersive 360 videos, as well as the research findings regarding learner perception of their value toward the learning experience. Particular focus was on the method learners used to interact with the videos, such as a headset, and its impact on their understanding of concepts. Given the requirements of online course development, special consideration was given to the financial and timeline implications as well as creating learning objects that all students can access and experience.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the considerations for integrating immersive 360/VR content in online course design
  • About the challenges for delivering 360/VR content to students at a distance
  • About the preliminary perceptions of immersive 360/VR content from online students
  • About a pedagogically sound approach for developing immersive 360 content, from ideation to integration in an online learning environment
  • Recommendations for how to progress toward true virtual reality or delivery of immersive content based on the evaluation of 360 video pilots


Designers, developers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:

360-degree video, Nikon KeyMission 360, GoPro Omni, Google Cardboard, VR Headset Revolution, and Adobe Premiere.

Linas Mockus

Instructional Designer

Penn State World Campus

Linas Mockus, an instructional designer at Penn State World Campus, has been working in the field of distance education for over 12 years. He has a master’s degree and specializes in instructional design, educational technology, and adult education. Linas has published articles on mobile learning, wearables, and VR/360 video. He received an award for the best demo on mobile learning and cloud computing at the Ed Media conference in 2010.

Joseph Scott

Instructional Designer

Penn State World Campus

Joseph Scott is an instructional designer at Penn State World Campus. He holds a master’s degree in education and has 15 years of experience as both a teacher and instructional designer. With expertise in curriculum development, Joseph has spent his career developing innovative learning environments for use in resident and online classes in both K-12 and higher education. His research focus is virtual reality and its value within higher education.

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903 VR and AR for Behavior Change

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 28


If you got the chance to walk around experiencing the world as a retired person, would that change your financial planning in the present? If you got to have firsthand experience of being a patient, could that change how you treat patients? If you were able to experience the results of a major safety catastrophe, would that make you safer in your daily work life?

This session will look at different examples from the ongoing research into using immersive learning environments to address difficult behavior change problems. Several intriguing studies suggest that having a visceral experience may be a powerful tool for behavior change.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About research efforts to use VR and AR for behavior change
  • About the limitations of these efforts, and what to be cautious of
  • About examples of ways to use VR for behavior change
  • About models for behavior change that apply to visceral experience


Designers and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Virtual reality and augmented reality platforms that specifically target behavior change.

Julie Dirksen

Learning Strategist

Usable Learning

Julie Dirksen, a learning strategist with Usable Learning, is a consultant and instructional designer with more than 15 years' experience creating highly interactive eLearning experiences for clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to technology startups to grant-funded research initiatives. She's interested in using neuroscience, change management, and persuasive technology to promote sustainable long-term learning and behavior change. Her MS degree in instructional systems technology is from Indiana University, and she's been an adjunct faculty member at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She is the author of Design For How People Learn.

Dustin DiTommaso

SVP, Behavior Change Design


Dustin DiTommaso is a senior vice president of behavior change design at Mad*Pow. A designer and researcher, Dustin’s work involves the study and application of behavioral science, motivational psychology, and human-computer interaction to the design of technology-assisted behavior change interventions, products, and services. His client portfolio includes partnerships with a range of innovative startups, nonprofits, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies across domains including healthcare, financial services, education, and social impact. Dustin is a founding member of the US Behavioral Science and Policy Association and sits on the Scientific Committee at University College London’s Centre for Behavior Change.

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904 BYOD: Creating Interactive VR Stories with VIAR360

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 28


VR and 360 video can be daunting. You may think you need to become a developer and learn complex code to create a real VR experience. Or maybe you are not even sure where to start.

Luckily, VIAR360 makes it easy for anyone to get started with creating interactive VR experiences without knowing complex code. Their simple drag-and-drop tools allows you add interactive elements that can be used on several devices while providing you with real-time analytics and LMS integration. In this session, you will get started building these interactive experiences and learn step by step how to create your own interactive VR story.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to shoot and edit 360 video
  • How to make that content interactive with VIAR360
  • How to publish your app to be viewed on various devices
  • How to gain real time analytics with your app


Designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

VIAR 360, 360 video.

Technology Required:

VIAR 360.

Jeff Batt


Learning Dojo

Jeff Batt has 15+ years of experience in the digital learning and media industry. Currently, Jeff Batt is a Learning Experience Designer for Amazon. He is the founder and trainer at Learning Dojo, a company dedicated to training you to become a software ninja in various eLearning, web, and mobile-related software applications. He was also the program manager of DevLearn for The Learning Guild. Jeff often speaks on developmental technologies such as xAPI, HTML5, augmented reality, mobile development, eLearning development tools, and more.

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905 Overcoming Barriers to Augmented Reality

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 28


Moving your organization forward with new approaches to learning and development can be challenging—especially when the new approaches involve nontraditional ideas or technologies. Our Overcoming Barriers sessions bring together people who have already walked this path to share what they have learned. Join our panel of experts as they discuss how you can overcome the most common barriers to incorporating augmented reality into your training and development programs.


Novice to advanced designers, developers, managers, and executives.

Technology discussed in this session:

Augmented reality platforms, including multiple types of hardware and software.

Bianca Woods

Customer Advocacy Manager


Bianca Woods is a customer advocacy manager at Articulate. Her past experience includes working on the community and event programming for the Learning Guild, learning and communications roles at BMO Financial Group, and teaching art. Bianca is passionate about how visual design and multimedia can help people learn, loves test-driving new technology, and collects photos of bizarre warning signs.

Urbano Delgado

Learning Experience Designer

Connect the Dots

Urbano Delgado is a learning experience designer at Connect the Dots. Using mostly low-cost apps and mobile devices along with a design thinking workflow, he saves time, effort, and budgets by putting ideas to work soon after they first see the light of day. Urbie holds an MSEd in instructional design and a BA in behavioral science. Since 1998, he has produced interactive learning experiences for humans in high- technology manufacturing, finance, K-12, law enforcement, and healthcare.

Johnny Hamilton

Multimedia Developer

Providence St. Joseph Health

Johnny Hamilton, a multimedia specialist at Providence St. Joseph Health, has developed multiple augmented reality experiences. He is an experienced learning content developer, manager, instructional designer, and credentialed teacher with extensive experience in online professional development and project management. Johnny is an expert in course authoring platforms and has developed style guidelines/templates, system/standardization processes, and innovative award-winning content. He holds design certifications in UX, microlearning, gamification, story-based and virtual training, and instructional design. He was a recipient of the 2016 Learning! Champions High Performer award.

Steve Richey

AR and Mobile Developer


Steve Richey is a software developer at Float focusing on mobile, augmented reality, and machine learning. He was the lead developer on Cydalion, an application that uses the Tango sensors on select Android devices to provide navigational assistance to people who are blind or visually impaired. Steve has also done AR research for the US Department of Defense, crafting a holistic solution for challenges faced by users in operational environments for the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO). Before joining Float, Steve was a nuclear electrician in the US Navy and earned his MBA at Illinois State University.

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906 How VR Is Transforming Workplace Training

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 28


You don’t have to look very long to find reports and studies that say there is widespread dissatisfaction with the learning function inside organizations around the world. Ninety-one percent of learning and development professionals believe new learning technologies are needed. Enter virtual reality, which is the solution to corporate learning’s problems. Still in its infancy, VR has drastically improved the way individuals learn and retain information—and corporate learning has taken notice.

In this session, you will learn how employee training can be accelerated and improved upon using VR technology. You’ll learn why some of the world’s biggest companies are turning to VR to train and develop their workforce—and how they’re having success. This session will cover the science behind VR and why it’s such a great fit for learning, as well as the data that proves VR to be a highly effective learning tool.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why virtual reality is being used by L&D organizations everywhere
  • The reason VR is such a great learning tool
  • About Fortune 500 companies’ use of VR for learning
  • About virtual and augmented reality
  • The science behind VR, and why science has blessed it as a great learning tool


Designers, developers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VPs, CLOs, executives, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:

Oculus, HTC Vive, Samsung GearVR, Google Daydream, Microsoft HoloLens, PlaystationVR.

Brian Meek

Chief Technology Officer


Brian Meek is the chief technology officer at STRIVR. As CTO, Brian leads STRIVR’s efforts in building and scaling its platform for VR training. Brian has over 20 years of experience building software and services at scale and building amazing engineering teams. Prior to STRIVR, Brian was at Microsoft for 13 years, most recently as general manager of development for Skype, where he led the development of Skype and Skype for business for 200 million users across smartphones, tablets, desktops, and wearables. Brian joined Microsoft in 2003 after the company purchased Placeware, where he served as chief architect.

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GS04 KEYNOTE: Lessons Learned from Government AR, VR, and Simulation Projects

11:15 AM - 12:30 PM Thursday, June 28

Imperial Ballroom

The increasing interest in VR, AR, and simulation projects for learning and education is being driven in large part by the new consumer devices that are making these technologies more accessible than ever before. While these new consumer devices are normalizing the use of these technologies in our daily lives, the use of AR, VR, and simulations for training has been in practice for decades within the government.

In this closing session, you will learn from a series of experts who have worked on AR, VR, and simulation government training projects. You’ll explore what they learned during a period of expensive, proprietary technologies, and how that knowledge is helping drive decisions related to the current explosion of consumer technologies. The best way to discover the opportunities present in an emerging technology is to learn from someone who has already walked that path, and this closing panel of experts will share their lessons learned to help guide you as you implement AR, VR, and simulations projects of your own.

David Kelly


The Learning Guild

David Kelly is the Chairman of the Learning Guild. David has been a learning and performance consultant and training director for over 20 years. He is a leading voice exploring how technology can be used to enhance training, education, learning, and organizational performance. David is an active member of the learning community, and can frequently be found speaking at industry events. He has previously contributed to organizations including ATD, eLearn Magazine, LINGOs, and more.

Hugh Seaton


Adept Reality

Hugh Seaton is GM of Adept Reality, a software company focused on using VR/AR in adult learning. Prior to Adept, Hugh founded AquinasVR, a VR/AR software company which he sold to the Glimpse Group, parent of Adept. Hugh’s focus, whether in immersive technologies, IoT or artificial intelligence, is on the intersection of learning science, creativity, and the cutting edge technologies that can bring learning to new levels of effectiveness.

Jennifer Solberg


Quantum Improvements Consulting

Jennifer Solberg, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Quantum Improvements Consulting (QIC), an Orlando-based firm specializing in the application of emerging technology to training for complex skills. A cognitive psychologist by trade, her work focuses on how to design, develop, implement, and evaluate training technology for the Department of Defense and other clients. At QIC, she leads a growing team of learning science professionals. In addition to her many peer-reviewed publications, her work has been featured in The New York Times, the Pentagon Channel, and Signal Magazine.

Marcus Anzengruber


ARVR Ventures

Marcus advise companies in the education industry on AR and VR. As a former Senior Advisor at HTC VIVE, Marcus lead critical initiatives to drive adoption of commercial VR hardware. Before venturing into the VR industry, Marcus built Campanja, an enterprise software company that leverage real-time data for optimizing marketing with customers such as Netflix, One Kings Lane, and eBay. The company raised venture funding from the same investors that invested in Google and sold to 24/7 Inc, a customer optimization company with 12 000 employees worldwide.

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