June 10 – 12 Austin, Texas

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403 The Role of Mobile Performance Support in the Learning and Performance Ecosystem

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 10


Today, the concept of mobile is not reserved for a specific technology or for a select group of people. Mobility is now the norm for our work and our lives. In our business, mobile is much more than training on the go. But what role does mobile performance support play in the overall picture?

In this session you will explore where mobile learning and, more importantly, mobile performance support fit as part of a comprehensive learning and performance ecosystem. You will discuss our need to think bigger than courseware—classroom or online, bigger than performance support tools or social media, and bigger than even the training department. You will examine the new view of mobility in our field and explore how it will change us. You will leave this session with better understanding of where mobile performance support fits in the context of your overall learning and performance strategy.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What mobile performance support is and what it isn’t
  • Why mobile technology lends itself well to performance support
  • The role mobile performance support plays in a learning and performance ecosystem
  • How mobile technologies have changed the way we live and work.

Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile technology, performance support applications.

Marc Rosenberg


Marc Rosenberg and Associates

Dr. Marc Rosenberg is a global expert and speaker in training, organizational learning, eLearning, knowledge management, and performance improvement. He has written two best-selling books, E-Learning, and Beyond E-Learning. His 100 monthly columns, “Marc My Words,” appeared in The eLearning Guild’s Learning Solutions magazine from 2010 through 2018 and are still available online. Marc is past president and honorary life member of the International Society for Performance Improvement, is an eLearning Guild “Guild Master,” has spoken at the White House, debated eLearning’s future at Oxford University, keynoted conferences around the world, authored over 200 columns, articles, white papers, and book chapters, and is frequently quoted in major trade publications. Learn more at www.marcrosenberg.com.

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506 A Reference Model for mLearning Design and Mobile Performance Support

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, June 11


When thinking about training and performance support, it should not be an either /or proposition. The most effective mobile learning solutions should provide ways to support both! During the Mobile Training Implementation Framework (MoTIF) research project, ADL collected data and feedback from many mLearning and performance support experts. One of the tools developed as part of this effort is a new reference model for mLearning design.

 In this session you will learn about the mLearning Reference Model, which embodies and integrates mobile learning constraints and best practices at the fundamental level of the design process itself, leading the ISD to consider using alternative learning approaches, unique mobile device capabilities, and leveraging context and usage patterns of users in ways that desktop DL and classroom learning do not usually address. The model is designed as a support tool for ISDs, with flowcharts and outlines guiding the user through the process.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Information and insights gleaned through literature reviews, focus groups, and surveys on mLearning design and mobile performance support
  • About ADL’s Mobile Training Implementation Framework research project and the how the reference model was created
  • How to use the mLearning Reference Model for authoritative, comprehensive guidance on mLearning and performance support design
  • How to determine when mobile content can be designed to support both training and performance support objectives

Novice and intermediate designers and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile Learning Instructional Design Reference Model (ADL custom desktop application).

Jason Haag


Veracity Technology Consultants

Jason Haag has over 20 years of experience in distributed learning technology design and development. Jason is a former alumnus of ADL, where he provided expertise and leadership on SCORM, xAPI, mobile learning, and semantic web technologies. As a co-founder at Veracity, he is part of a team that provides Veracity’s LRS product offering, consulting, project management, and technical integration services.

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608 Examples of Mobile Learning, Training, and Performance Support in Government

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 11


The federal government faces numerous circumstances that make adopting and offering mLearning, training, and performance solutions challenging. There are also expectations that government products should be made available to the public. In light of that, the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative, a Department of Defense initiative focused on furthering distributed and remote learning, training, and performance support in government and in civil society, will provide an overview of various mLearning projects and their open source products.

In this session you will be introduced to several mLearning, training, and performance support applications and collaborative projects, as well as some examples that will inspire solutions for your own mobile challenges. You will be introduced to tools and resources that you can use for mobile projects and in instructional design processes. You will also learn how you can participate in various efforts that are pioneering the future of learning technology.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How various government projects and mobile application solutions are approaching unique mLearning challenges
  • Of various ADL-sponsored efforts to advance learning technologies, including mLearning
  • About ways that you can participate in communities that are advancing mLearning
  • About tools and resources that support mLearning design, which are available for inclusion in your own projects

Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Transition Assistance Program personal assistant mobile performance support and training application; Joint Knowledge Online mobile course and learning resource delivery mobile application; and other mobile applications, if necessary.

Marcus Birtwhistle

Mobile Learning Consultant

DoD Advanced Distributed Learning

Marcus Birtwhistle serves as a specialist and advisor on mobile technology and mobile learning for ADL’s Mobile Learning Team. He provides a Certified Knowledge Manager background by way of the CASCOM Knowledge Management Office, where he focused on integrating people, processes, and technology through mobile technology utilization and social media. He has a particular interest in strategic alignment of organizational and systems infrastructure components to foster a mobile technology and enables mobile learning, mobile and distributed workforce, and performance support in the military and government. He also applies his interest in process improvement to promoting effective mobile development, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX) principles to mobile learning implementations.

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610 Combining Curiosity, Creativity, and the World of Learning & Performance Support

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 11


It isn’t enough to build performance support solutions that are instructionally and technologically sound. Motivation and engagement are essential to ensure actual organizational impact. Engagement and creativity can be engineered and trained. They can also be incorporated into the actual design of learning and performance solutions. 

In this session you will gain an overview of the discipline and research around curiosity, creativity, and engagement. You will learn how curiosity, creativity, and engagement can be intentionally incorporated into the overall organizational learning and performance strategy and you will assess your own thinking profile to determine your own preferences in the areas of curiosity, creativity, and engagement. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • About research related to curiosity and creativity as it applies to engagement
  • How you can intentionally foster these traits
  • How to enhance your strategy via creativity and curiosity
  • How to assess your own creativity and curiosity. 

Intermediate and advanced managers and directors. 

Technology discussed in this session:

Conrad Gottfredson

Chief Learning Strategist

APPLY Synergies

Conrad Gottfredson, the chief learning strategist at APPLY Synergies, has deep experience in organizational learning, collaborative development, knowledge management, online learning, performance support, and instructional design and development. Conrad is the original developer of the Learning at the Five Moments of Need framework now in use around the world. He has worked with many of the world's largest organizations, helping them attain higher levels of learning agility. Conrad's experience includes the design and deployment of large-scale knowledge management and performance support systems within multinational corporations. In 2014 Conrad was awarded the Guild Master Award for his accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community. He holds a PhD in instructional psychology and technology.

Oliver Kern

Head of SkillCamp

Bayer CropScience

Oliver Kern is the head of SkillCamp, the global Marketing and Sales Academy program at Bayer CropScience. He has been with Bayer for 17 years in various roles, mainly in marketing and communications, where his focus areas were web strategy, innovation management, financial instruments, and academy programs. Before Bayer he worked as a freelance media consultant. Oliver holds a degree in photographic engineering and an executive MBA from Kellogg and WHU and is a certified FourSight consultant.

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708 Turning Common Knowledge into Common Practice Using Performance Support

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 11


Trainers have all seen the “light come on” when participants really get a point from the training. The trainers wonder if they’ll remember it in a few days or weeks when they encounter a need for that knowledge. Over the years, trainers have all built job aids, tools, and refreshers, and provided follow-up coaching in person, online, and on the phone with varying degrees of success. Apps and mobile phones offer a new way for the participant to keep the knowledge close at hand.

In this session you will be provided with a high-level overview of the app market and a step-by-step guide to building an app that acts as a performance support tool. You will examine examples of job aids that have been made into apps. You will leave this session understanding how mobile technology opens up an entirely new world for using the medium of apps to build job aids.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The current and future state of mobile apps
  • The potential of mobile apps in training
  • How to use mobile apps to support your training
  • The process of building a mobile app

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

John Boring

President and CEO

Accelerate Mobile Apps

John Boring founded Accelerate Mobile Apps in 2004 and is its president and CEO. John is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company, and leads the design of Accelerate’s live training classes and products. After studying at Texas A&M University, John honed his skills at Atari, Apple, and Netscape. His work at Apple University was the catalyst for his vision to leverage evolving mobile technologies to simplify managing people.

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906 Driving On-the-job Performance with Mobile Learning

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, June 12


Raytheon Professional Services had as a client a global company that has a distributed workforce diagnosing and repairing technical equipment at their customers’ stores. The client wanted to provide a mobile solution to its workforce to allow them to improve upon their key business metrics.

In this session you will explore a case study of how Raytheon worked with its client to design an electronic performance support system (EPSS) solution to address the client’s needs via a mobile learning strategy. You will learn how the adoption of both mobile and EPSS solutions has enabled its client to put the right level of information and learning in the hands of the learner/worker at the point of use. You will discover how this solution has enabled the use of hard data results to drive improvements to overall business performance and to transition to a more business-centric focused learning model.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to transform learning with analytics, technology and innovation
  • How to focus on business results and not just learning results
  • How mobile learning and an electronic performance support system (EPSS) work together
  • The design and technical requirements to developing and deploying mobile learning solution

Intermediate and advanced managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
EPSS solutions; mobile devices, specifically tablets in an xAPI-managed system.

Michael Nemeth

Senior Training and Development Specialist


Michael Nemeth is a senior training and development specialist supporting sales training development for Raytheon Professional Services. Michael has contributed to the strategy, design, and development efforts for major global organizations and has designed and/or developed over 80 hours of courseware for automotive, military, and government contracts. With over 10 years of experience in the training and development industry, Mike’s primary focus has been in designing and developing cutting-edge value-added instructional design solutions that generate measurable learning and performance improvement and can be deployed at the point of need. Michael holds a master’s degree in instructional design and interactive technologies.

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