June 10 – 12 Austin, Texas

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101 Curating for Mobile

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 10


Every minute, approximately 25 hours of video are added to YouTube, more than 1,500 blog posts are created, and 98,000 tweets are published to the web. As educational content continues to be created and developed, being able to track and filter the content on the web becomes increasingly difficult, and searching with keywords alone does not always render the best results.

In this session you will discuss strategies that museums use to curate their inventory and how these methods can be applied to curating for the mobile environment. Using readily available technology, you will discover how mobile users can gather, sift, and select content based on their preferences and needs. You will explore how users can put assets into the proper context so it can be located, inventoried, and accessed appropriately, on time, and on the go. You will leave this session with new knowledge about curating media for mobile and how it can benefit their organization

In this session, you will learn:

  • The definition of curation
  • Different curating methods used by museums
  • How top apply curating methods to your learning course
  • About resources to assist with curation

Novice to advanced designers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Curating software (commercial and custom).

Phil Cowcill

Senior eLearning Specialist

PJ Rules

Phil Cowcill is senior eLearning specialist at PJ Rules. He started his career in 1983 when he was hired as a technologist at a local college. In 1985 he joined a team to develop Canada's first Interactive Videodisc. He started teaching part-time in 1989, moving to full-time in 1995. He led his class to build one of the first news websites that streamed video in 1996. In 2011 he launched the very first dedicated mobile application development program. Phil retired from full-time teaching in 2015 and moved to working as a contractor with the Department of National Defence as a senior eLearning specialist.

Renee Nesseth

Web Developer

Sofa Communications

Renee Nesseth is a web developer at Sofa Communications. Renee is also an artist and holds a degree in fine arts from Concordia University. She has worked in galleries and museums as a curator, an artist representative, and a gallery manager. Recently, she returned to school to learn how to develop mobile applications. It was during that training that she saw an opportunity to combine her curatorial experience with the chaotic world of mLearning development. Renee is also interested in developing engaging content and optimizing learning pathways that increase information retention.

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207 Are Mobile Devices More Important Than Your Toothbrush?

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 10


Many people today view mobile phones as more important than their toothbrush or deodorant. Some statistics estimate that people reach for their phones more than 150 times per day. This new world order requires massive changes from both enterprises and the learning organizations that support them.

In this session you will examine the explosive growth of mobile technologies in the past several years and how learning can be integrated into the workflow of increasingly mobile users. You will explore how mobile shifts the workflow of learning, both from the expectations of organizations and of the learners themselves. You will leave this session with a clear picture of how mobile is changing the world and the priorities that shape the new workforce and responsibilities in the workplace.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The dominant trends in mobile-first thinking
  • The impact of this mobile world view on modern enterprises
  • The impact of this mobile world view in workflow
  • The impact of this mobile world view in learning expectations

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Rich media learning, technical training delivered on mobile devices, offline mobile players, social learning, collaboration platform, virtual reality learning, and gamification.


Brian Finnerty

General Manager, Technology


Brian Finnerty, the general manager of technology for Intuition, has spent his entire career in the eLearning industry. Brian joined a leading eLearning provider in the year it went public and helped the company expand its corporate training library to include rich media learning and healthcare compliance training. Brian founded a private developer training company with a group of eLearning executives and helped to grow the business to reach several hundred enterprise clients with a software developer community of 150,000 members. In his current role at Intuition, Brian is responsible for the company’s West Coast operations, including mobile learning, knowledge management, and custom portal development.

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304 Applying Academic Strategies and Technology in Mobile Learning

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 10


Building learning programs can be a complex endeavor, especially in a multi-device environment. Simply porting eLearning and traditional face-to-face experiences to mobile often isn’t a viable solution. There are other ways to effectively facilitate mobile learning. 

In this session you will explore many of the best practices for utilizing mobile technologies being used by academic institutions. You will learn about the sea of change affecting academia regarding learning technologies and how those changes apply to the corporate world. You will explore examples of mobile learning in practice, including flipped, genius hour, differentiated instruction, project-based learning, and visual thinking. While these examples are presented in an academic environment, the lessons shared can be applied to adult learning as well.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to create mLearning activities using low-cost iOS apps
  • How to design social learning activities into your mLearning
  • How to engage with educators in other disciplines in an effective model for mobile development
  • Visual thinking strategies in mLearning assessment

Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Various iOS mobile apps.

Urbano Delgado

Learning Experience Designer

Connect the Dots

Urbano Delgado is a learning experience designer at Connect the Dots. Using mostly low-cost apps and mobile devices along with a design thinking workflow, he saves time, effort, and budgets by putting ideas to work soon after they first see the light of day. Urbie holds an MSEd in instructional design and a BA in behavioral science. Since 1998, he has produced interactive learning experiences for humans in high- technology manufacturing, finance, K-12, law enforcement, and healthcare.

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408 Getting Smarter with Smartphones and Tablets

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 10


What is the business case for deploying content to mobile devices? Everyone knows that mobile learning can be used to deliver content no matter where learners are, enabling a far wider reach and greater access to learning than ever before. But time is just as important as place when it comes to offering content on smartphones and tablets. Integrating mobile into your learning strategy really can help learners reach competency faster, but what works best, and how do you make the case?

In this session you will learn how to make the business case for deploying mobile, drawing on research into how people learn. You will explore case studies from organizations that are successfully using mobile strategies to enhance their learning programs. You will leave this session with the ammunition needed to build your own mobile business case for your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How successful organizations are using mobile as part of a blended approach
  • How other organizations are deploying and updating mobile content
  • How mobile deployment can help reduce time to competence
  • How to build a business case for mobile strategy

Intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile learning and performance support apps, tablets, smartphones, native apps, and DHTML5 web apps.

Imogen Casebourne

Director of Learning


Imogen Casebourne, in her role as director of learning at LEO, works with the learning design team to ensure that LEO’s learning solutions remain cutting edge and evidence-based. Imogen plays a key role in LEO’s thought leadership program and is closely involved with LEO’s Civil Service Learning (CSL) partnership; her work with CSL was recognized at the 2013 E-Learning Age Awards. Imogen is an expert in the field of learning technologies and is currently studying part-time for a doctorate in education at Oxford University with a focus on the use of mobile technology. Imogen has designed solutions for tablets and smartphones and led the team that won gold for Best Use of Mobile Learning at the E-Learning Awards in 2012.

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505 One Step Ahead: Consulting on Mobile Learning Strategy

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, June 11


Clients often ask for mobile learning solutions without considering whether mobile learning is the best fit for the business, instructional needs, and technology constraints. For a mobile project to be successful, instructional designers and managers need to be grounded in the fundamentals of mobile learning strategy. What questions should you ask when determining whether a mobile solution is the best fit? How do you educate your clients on the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning?

In this session, based on real-world experience and examples, you will address the mobile learning questions to ask as you move through the engagement process with your clients. You will explore the entire engagement timeline, from initial conversation to potential solutions to needs analysis to design, including the similarities and differences for consulting when mobile learning is involved. You will leave this session able to understand and present the best options for your internal and external clients.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The right questions to ask in a needs analysis for a client seeking a mobile solution
  • The signs that a mobile learning solution is (or is not) the best fit in a particular situation
  • How to educate clients on what a mobile solution is (and is not)
  • How to present your analysis and recommendations to your client

Intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Tablets, smartphones, iOS, Android, Storyline, and stand-alone apps.

Clare Dygert

Senior Instructional Designer


Clare Dygert serves as senior instructional designer at SweetRush, where she supports the efforts of instructional designers as they develop cutting- edge eLearning for some of the world’s most forward-thinking organizations. Clare has enjoyed a 20-year career designing instruction in advanced technology, programming, office productivity, compliance, business skills, and higher education domains. Clare is passionate about cognitive science and developing instruction that leverages the latest research.

Shauna Vaughan

Digital Design Senior Manager


Shauna Vaughan has nearly two decades of experience as an instructional designer and performance consultant. She typically works on challenging, large-scale learning solutions with complex business and learning requirements and a variety of tools and technology, such as learning ecosystems, gamification and game- based learning, and mobile. Shauna is dynamic, always ready with an idea or three, which are backed by her master's degree in instructional design, research in storytelling, and her wealth of experience in instructional design. Her background is multi-faceted, with experience designing learning solutions for clients in a variety of industries, including several Fortune 500 companies.

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510 Introducing the CHAMPIONS Framework for Next Generation Learning and Performance

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, June 11


The world of training and development has changed. Today’s technologies provide dozens of new affordances that can be used in learning and development that were simply not available in the days of training being done in classrooms with instructors and three-ring binders. But making sense of these new affordances, and the opportunities they provide, can be a challenge.

In this session you will examine these affordances in the context of nine high-level categories: Contextual, high-speed, ambient, mobile, personal, interactive, open, networked, and social. You will explore how these categories —the first letter of each forming the acronym CHAMPIONS—represent the expanded range of possibilities provided by today’s digital learning technologies. You will discuss how this framework can be used to leverage technology to improve worker performance and enhance your learning and development strategy for years to come.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the CHAMPIONS framework
  • About digital technology affrodances
  • The implications of this framework for L&D
  • How to leverage this framework today

Intermediate and advanced managers, directors, and VPs.

Technology discussed in this session:
Advanced digital software and hardware platforms and techniques.

Chad Udell

Chief Strategy Officer

Float and SparkLearn

Chad Udell is the award-winning managing partner, strategy and new product development, at Float and SparkLearn. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to create experiences for 20 years. Chad is an expert in mobile design and development, and speaks at events on related topics. He is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor/author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success and Shock of the New.

Geoff Stead

Senior Director, Mobile Learning


Geoff Stead, the senior director of mobile learning at Qualcomm, works internally to mobilize employee learning and externally to encourage smarter use of mobile learning at work. Geoff’s team works with cutting- edge mobile technologies to explore how they can and should use these technologies to enhance learning and performance. Geoff’s team also curates the popular WorkLearnMobile.org site, sharing best practice and industry insights. Considered one of the founders of mobile learning, Geoff has been creating innovative mobile learning tools since 2001. He advises the mobile industry (GSMA), education departments, and the EU, UK, and US governments on perfecting the blend between mainstream consumer technologies and enhanced learning and teaching.

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602 Exploring Mobile Learning Techniques in Delivering Distance Education

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 11


As the use of mobile devices is increasing, individuals have access to information anytime and anywhere to perform authentic activities in the context of learning. This provides the opportunity to bring education to any location, without the need to physically move to an academic institution or training facility.

In this session you will explore some of the best practices and techniques to use for mLearning  in distance education. You will discuss effective ways of designing mobile learning experiences that can enhance distance learning, approaches providing different, more flexible ways to offer distance education, facilitating a complete education and training experience regardless of location or time.

 In this session, you will learn:

  • Techniques for delivering flexible, effective education/training
  • How ease of use affects learning
  • Considerations for content availability on mobile devices
  • How collaborative learning is enhanced through mLearning
  • How using change management methodology increases the success of the implementation of mLearning

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile devices.

Catherine Boivie

Executive in Residence

Simon Fraser University

Catherine Aczel Boivie is the executive in residence at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. Her prior executive roles include senior vice president of information technology and facility management for Vancity Credit Union (Canada’s largest credit union) and senior vice president of information technology and chief information officer at Pacific Blue Cross and Canadian Automobile Association of British Columbia. She holds a bachelor’s of math degree from the University of Waterloo and a master’s of education and a PhD from University of Toronto.

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604 mFails—Lessons from Failed Mobile Learning Initiatives

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 11


The number of use cases of mobile learning in practice continues to grow. While there are plenty of great examples, there are also a large number of examples where mobile learning strategy and solutions were poorly implemented. What can these “mFails” teach us about the ultimate promise and utility of mobile learning? 

In this session you will learn three common mistakes technology and learning leaders make when implementing a mobile learning strategy for the first time. Examining each of these mFails will be helpful in defining optimal use cases and correctly positioning mLearning solutions in a holistic strategy. You will leave this session with an understanding of best practices for developing mobile learning initiatives. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • The most common mLearning implementation failures
  • How to spot common mistakes made during implementation
  • How to avoid these common mistakes and failures
  • Emerging standards and best practices for mLearning 

Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers. 

Technology discussed in this session:
Learning management systems, content authoring tools, mobile device management systems.

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703 Getting Your mLearning Ducks in a Row

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 11


Mobile devices offer an enticing array of opportunities for learning and development, so much so it seems as if it’s a “no-brainer” for training departments to add mLearning. But there are four key issues that should be taken into consideration before just jumping into mLearning: technology, people, content, and business value. All of these can have a critical impact on the potential success of any plan to add mLearning to an organization’s overall training and development program.

In this session you will be provided with an analysis and information gathering structure to shape your organization’s planning stages for mLearning. You will discuss the importance of taking all four areas of analysis into account during your mLearning planning stages. You will explore ways to identify prime opportunities to implement mLearning to make a true difference for your organization. You will leave this session with strategies for demonstrating the value mLearning can bring to your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Analysis/information gathering structures to shape your organization’s planning stages for mLearning
  • The importance of taking all four areas of analysis into account during your mLearning planning stages
  • Ways to identify prime opportunities to implement mLearning to make a true difference for your organization
  • Strategies for demonstrating the value mLearning can bring to an organization

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Responsive and adaptive web technologies, HTML5, iOS, Android, and BlackBerry OS.

Chris Van Wingerden

Sr VP Learning Solutions

dominKnow Learning Systems

Chris Van Wingerden is Sr. VP Learning Solutions at dominKnow Learning Systems, where he leads dominKnow's content and its training and client success teams. In his almost 20 years with dominKnow, Chris has helped create hundreds of hours of online learning programs, from traditional eLearning courses to immersive game-based designs, as well as working in responsive design projects to meet mobile device needs. Chris is also co-host of the popular weekly live video session and podcast, Instructional Designers in Offices Drinking Coffee (#IDIODC). Chris has a BA in adult education and a BA in English literature.

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704 Getting to Yes: Essentials for Initiating mLearning in Your Org

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 11


Cubic Corporation has made mLearning part of its strategic goals. However, making the transition from traditional instructor-led, virtual, and immersive learning platforms to design and deploy mobile training takes time, structure, and resources.

In this session you will learn how to combat organizational lethargy as you make the move to mLearning. You will explore why and how Cubic decided to make mLearning a priority investment. You will discuss the business case that was made to win approval by making mLearning a corporate priority. You will examine the role of champions, and how they empower a mobile strategy. You will learn the important role communication plays in gaining support. You will leave this session better equipped to gain support for your own mLearning projects.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to gain buy-in for mLearning in your organization
  • How to identify senior-level champions
  • How to build a strategic communication plan to support mLearning programs
  • How to balance creative and business priorities in securing support for mLearning

Novice and intermediate project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Tammy Breene

Chief Learning Officer

Cubic Corporation

Tammy Breene is the chief learning officer for Cubic Corporation. Formerly, she was a technical director with BAE Systems and a senior associate at Booz Allen Hamilton. She’s worked for more than 20 years as a consultant to government organizations, leading training programs, managing teams, conducting workforce studies, developing competencies, and providing leaders with strategic direction in both learning and business. Tammy has an MA in human resource development and is a certified Project Management Professional.

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709 Current Trends in Workplace Learning

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 11


Mobile is one of the biggest trends in workplace learning. But mobile what, exactly? Pinpointing exactly what mobile means in the context of your organization isn’t easy. You also need to answer the why of mobile. To do that, you need to view mobile in the context of all the current trends in workplace learning.

In this session you will explore the current trends in workplace learning and discuss where mobile fits into that context. You will examine examples and engage in a conversation about what’s emerging in light of stunning data on the dominance and lasting power of instructor-led programs.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About trends affecting the future of workplace learning
  • From examples of the trends in practice
  • Forces that create barriers to execution
  • Strategies to unleash the potential of new opportunities

Intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Various technologies in the context of workplace learning trends.

Allison Rossett


Allison Rossett & Associates

Dr. Allison Rossett, long-time Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University, is in the Training magazine HRD Hall of Fame, and was a member of the ASTD International Board of Directors. Recipient of ASTD’s recognition for lifelong contributions to workplace learning and performance and designated a 2008 LEGEND, Allison co-authored Job Aids and Performance Support: Moving from Knowledge in the Classroom to Knowledge Everywhere and a new edition of her book, First Things Fast. Rossett edited The ASTD E-Learning Handbook: Best Practices, Strategies, and Case Studies for an Emerging Field. She also wrote a white paper for the American Management Association, Blended Learning Opportunities and another, on learner engagement, for Adobe Systems. Allison’s client list includes IBM, HP, Ingersoll Rand, the Getty Conservation Institute, Fidelity Investments, Kaiser Permanente, BP, the IRS, Amgen, Royal Bank of Scotland, USAA, National Security Agency, Transportation Security Administration, and several eLearning start-ups. Allison was awarded the Guild Master Award in 2013 for her accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community.

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801 Using Mobile Technology to Support Students

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, June 11


The DeMaND Project is a consortium project funded by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training program that trains students for careers in skilled trades, including welding, construction, HVAC, electrical, CDL, and heavy equipment. The project works with students from areas with chronically high unemployment and generational poverty. Students have difficulty entering the workforce and retaining employment. The project needed a mechanism to help students learn about job opportunities and stay connected with their instructors and one another, and to support students toward employment.

In this session you will learn how the DeMaND Workforce project worked with reliable coders to design a mobile tool to help support students transitioning to the workforce. You will explore how the tool provided a collaborative space for students to talk about careers and challenges, stay connected with their instructors and others at the college, and talk with students at other colleges in similar programs. You will learn lessons from United Tribes Technical College’s experience that can be applied to your own mobile projects.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How a consortium of colleges worked together to develop a mobile support system for students
  • How mobile technology can be used to support students transitioning from training/education to the workforce
  • About early outcomes of student use of the mobile supports
  • How your college or organization might use the collaborative platform developed by this project

Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Bootstrap, PhoneGap, Android, and iOS devices.

Rae Gunn

DeMaND Project Director

United Tribes Technical College

Rae Gunn is the DeMaND project director at United Tribes Technical College. She’s obtained a diverse set of knowledge and expertise from working in different industries, such as state government, finance/banking, healthcare, and higher education. Rae holds an MBA through the Gary Tharaldson School of Business at the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota.

Leah Woodke


Woodke360 Consulting

Leah Woodke, the president of Woodke360 Consulting, has been in the field of education for almost 30 years. She holds a PhD in education with a focus on instructional design for online learning. During her tenure at a North Dakota tribal college, she spearheaded several major initiatives for the college, including the development of an online education program, distinguishing that tribal college as the first in the nation to receive accreditation approval to offer full degree programs online. Leah currently works as a consultant specializing in project development and evaluation and serves as the project evaluator for the DeMaND project.

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804 How We Built an Award-winning Enterprise App Store

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, June 11


You’re a top-performing company. You’ve started using a couple of mobile apps at work. How do you turn some inspired use of mobile into a broader strategy? One of the key components of this is creating an internal corporate ecosystem for mobile. So how can you get started? Should you build or buy? How do you navigate around issues with IT security and legal?

In this session you will learn from a case study of how Qualcomm created its own enterprise app store. You will discuss the initial questions, such as whether to build or buy, and the technical and nontechnical issues the company’s team faced in creating an award-winning enterprise app store. You will leave this session understanding the issues the team faced, the choices it had, and how different factors affected its decision making in creating the enterprise app store.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What affected Qualcomm’s decisions in building its enterprise app store
  • What technology and design choices were made to solve the issues
  • How the team navigated around issues with IT security and legal
  • How users’ behaviors threw the team off and how the problem was remedied

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
WordPress, JSON, Bootstrap, mobile detection, and responsive design.

John Park

Staff Learning Technologist


John Park is a senior learning technologist at Qualcomm and a graduate of San Diego State’s Educational Technology program. He is passionate about figuring out how technology can be utilized to enhance learning and performance for end users. At Qualcomm, he leads the internal app store implementation and is involved in content and UI/UX design of mobile apps.

Anurag Jain



Anurag Jain is a mobile developer at Qualcomm, where he led the technical implementation of an internal app store. His work focuses on back-end infrastructure, analytics framework, and development of native and hybrid learning applications and framework, in addition to app store evangelism inside Qualcomm. Prior to joining Qualcomm he worked at Moodwire, Broadcomm, and Solidprofessor. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in computer science at San Diego State University.

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901 Purpose: The Killer App

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, June 12


A killer app has been defined as any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology, such as computer hardware, a gaming console, software, or a programming language. Where is the killer app for massive open online courses (MOOCs)? Even though higher education is available for more learners now than ever before and at little or no cost, MOOCs and other innovative online formats for higher education are struggling with completion rates. Online engagement will continue to struggle unless purpose is addressed.  

In this interactive session, you will explore what’s missing from MOOCs that is holding them back from becoming the next killer app for education. You will learn to review completion statistics and analyze completion rate trends. You will leave this session having discovered why purpose will be the next killer app that propels MOOCs to widespread acceptance and success, and how to embed it into the learning programs you build. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • What is meant by purpose in online learning
  • Why purpose so critical to the success of an MOOC or other online learning
  • How to discover a learner’s motivations for online learning
  • How to use completion statistics and completion data effectively 

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and VPs.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile education.

Eric Bruntmyer

Vice President for Financial Affairs/CFO

Dallas Baptist University

Eric Bruntmyer is the vice president for financial affairs/CFO at Dallas Baptist University, where his responsibilities include creating, implementing, and monitoring of the university-wide budget, maintaining sufficient cash flow, and completing the fiscal year with a surplus. He is part of the team that increased revenues from $40,462,000 in 2003 to $94,400,000 in 2012 with an average excess revenue of $5,500,000 each year. Eric also helped increase the university’s assets from $70,662,000 in 2003 to $149,800,000 in 2012.

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904 Strategies and Tools for Using Mobile in the Classroom

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, June 12


While widely used for performance support and learning outside the classroom, and increasingly within K-12 classroom-based environments, mobile devices have not been widely exploited for use in adult classrooms. Even though use cases are not always obvious, the affordances of mobile devices offer great opportunity for supplementing classroom-based learning.

In this session you will explore creative uses of mobile devices in the adult learner classroom. You will examine specific ways to use mobile devices to enhance learning and how to design lessons to effectively integrate mobile devices. You will discuss how the affordances of mobile devices affect learning strategies. You will leave this session with actionable ideas for implementing mobile learning in the classroom for adult learners.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How mobile devices can be leveraged to support classroom-based learning environments
  • How to effectively design a classroom-based lesson for adult learners that uses mobile devices
  • The most effective and useful apps for classroom-based learning
  • How to design your overall mobile strategy for classroom-based learning

Novice designers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Ryan Gibbens


Resonate Learning Consultants

Ryan Gibbens is a co-owner of Resonate Learning Consultants. Ryan has worked for various federal government clients, including the FBI and the Defense Acquisition University. He holds an MEd degree in instructional design from George Mason University and is passionate about the intersection of technology, learning, and performance support. Before his career in the learning field, Ryan worked in both the hospitality and wine industries.

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910 Matching Tech to Task: Solutions for mLearning and Beyond

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, June 12


Instructional designers are constantly in the process of considering which tools to use in order to best meet the training and development needs of their clients, customers, or learners. Without carefully reviewing the affordances of technologies, instructional design professionals could negatively impact the effectiveness of their educational intervention, lose time, or create a poor design. 

In this session you will be provided with a framework and just-in-time mobile resource for determining how to match available mobile and learning technologies to their ultimate learning objectives. You will learn why each technology has its advantages and disadvantages. You will understand how choosing the wrong technology can lead to frustration and unnecessary time expenditures, and can negatively impact the user experience. You will leave this session able to optimize the tool selection process, and be more prepared to meet the training needs of their end users. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • The affordances of different technologies
  • To evaluate and reflect on your beliefs about technological affordances
  • The theoretical framework of technological affordances
  • To use the Tech Select Decision Aide to a scenario based problem 

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers. 

Technology discussed in this session:
HTML5, Adobe Captivate, Android/Chrome, iOS, and Powtoon.

Helen Fake

Learning and Development Consultant

Grant Thornton

Helen Fake is a learning and development consultant with Grant Thornton. An experienced change management catalyst, she has integrated organizational training and knowledge management at companies like ICF International, Billy Casper Golf, and the International Trade Administration. From instructor-led courses to eLearning programs, Helen embraces multiple delivery methods to encourage adoption of enterprise-level software packages.

Nada Dabbagh


George Mason University

Nada Dabbagh is a professor and the director of the learning technologies division in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. She holds a PhD in instructional systems design from the Pennsylvania State University. She teaches graduate courses in instructional design, eLearning design and pedagogy, and cognition and technology. Nada’s research focuses on the pedagogical ecology of learning technologies with the goal of understanding the social and cognitive consequences of learning systems design. Specific research interests include interaction design, personal learning environments, case problem generation and representation in problem-based learning, supporting self-regulated learning in online learning, and leveraging social media for personalized learning experiences.

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1003 The Impact of the Modern Learner on Content Strategy

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, June 12


The modern learner complains that they don’t have enough time to do their job, let alone make time for formal training. Many workers are developing their skills and knowledge one problem at a time. They are untethered, empowered, and looking for on-demand access to learning—how do we get them the content they are demanding? 

In this session, you will explore content strategy and management and how it fits into your plans to deliver learning content effectively to meet the just-in-time, just-for-me learning needs. You will learn how to leverage formal training content for just-in-time learning and the strategies for delivering the right content to the right audience and how to deliver content effectively to multiple systems of engagement. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to leverage formal training content for just-in-time learning
  • Strategies for getting the right content to the right audience
  • How to deliver content effectively to multiple systems of engagement
  • Why it’s time to stop experimenting with mobile learning 

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, directors, and VPs. 

Technology discussed in this session:

Monica Kraft

Director, Product Marketing


Monica Kraft, a director of product marketing at Xyleme, has extensive experience in operations, product management, and marketing for cloud-based solution providers in the online retail and learning industries. She started her career in corporate training at Xerox and quickly moved to software product development. Monica was on the forefront of the shift to hosted solutions and held a variety of positions, from website production for customer implementations to product manager for UniteU, ElementK, and Skillsoft. At Xyleme, she is responsible for educating the market on learning content management and building the Xyleme brand. She holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, in addition to an MS in software development and management from Rochester Institute of Technology.

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1009 Mobile Devices and Apps Meet the Classroom

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, June 12


More and more companies are creating mobile strategies and mobile applications to integrate with their existing businesses. Training groups are being tasked with getting users up-to-speed on mobile applications and are facing unique challenges with incorporating mobile devices and applications into the traditional classroom setting.

In this session you will examine a case study based on Salesforce’s new mobile-first strategy. You will explore how the Salesforce University curriculum development team needed to rapidly develop training for newly introduced mobile products and quickly integrate the company’s new mobile strategy and products into their entire existing instructor-led curriculum. You will discuss the issues the team faced, the pitfalls they encountered, and the successful techniques they developed in addressing this challenge.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Multiple methods of incorporating mobile applications in a classroom setting
  • How to handle logistical considerations and pitfalls of mobile devices in the classroom
  • How to execute BYOD strategies in the materials and the classroom
  • How to ramp or train instructors on utilizing mobile devices for classroom presentations

Intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
iOS phones and tablets; Android phones and tablets; Salesforce and its corresponding mobile applications; and mobile device screen projection in the classroom.

Mary Humphreys

Associate Curriculum Developer


Mary Humphreys is an associate curriculum developer with Salesforce, which she joined in 2013. Mary focuses primarily on developing and maintaining eLearning and instructor-led training for the Salesforce developer audience. Before joining Salesforce, she worked as a technical writer and copywriter.

Mersedeh Jorjani

Curriculum Developer


Mersedeh Jorjani has been a curriculum developer with Salesforce since 2011, developing and maintaining instructor-led training as well as eLearning, with a focus on administrator and end-user audiences. Her previous work experience included stints as a creative writer, a copywriter, and an architectural conservator.

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