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Session Details

309 Getting Started with Mobile Game-based Learning; It’s Easier than you Think!

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 24

Nautilus 2

The amount of attention the topic of game-based learning is receiving in our industry makes the average practitioner who hasn’t implemented game-based learning in their curriculum feel like they are falling far behind the curve. Many professionals also feel as though they lack thorough understanding, necessary experience, human resources, and/or budget to get a game-based program up and running.

In this session you will discover that game-based learning, and more importantly mobile game-based learning, is more cost effective, easy, and attainable than you may have previously believed. You will learn just how easy it is to render your content into game-based learning courses, rapidly distribute them to your learners across all devices, and track in-depth learner performance using Wavicle’s turn-key game-based learning platform. You will explore best practices for the design and distribution of game-based courses to learners across virtually all devices.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Best practices for game-based learning design
  • How to build a game-based learning course in Wavicle
  • How to evaluate your game-based learning using real-time analytics
  • Strategies to increase adoption of game-based learning

Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Nancy Reyes

Instructional Design Manager

eLearning Brothers

Nancy Reyes is an instructional design manager at eLearning Brothers. Nancy’s career in learning and development focuses on strategic management of instructional design, distance education, and emerging technology functions. Nancy holds an EdD degree in instructional technology and distance education and was the winner of SolutionFest 2014’s Best Immersive/Simulation/Game-Based Solution.

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405 It Really Is All Fun and Games: Sales Training Goes Mobile at AutoTrader

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 25

Marina 6

The sales-training department designed an innovative strategy to support their fall product releases to a team of over 700, going completely mobile rather than using traditional classroom and eLearning. The strategy employed a combination of mobile core content, performance-support video and documents, scenario-based learning, and manager coaching and support. Partnering with the sales-training team, the AutoTrader “MyLearning” mobile application was used to deploy 21 nuggets of core content and 41 support resources structured via gamification and badging.

In this case-study session you will learn how we built the innovative strategy for learning to 700 sales employees. You will explore the important role change management played in the field (and with executives). You will leave this session understanding the successes and challenges of the deployment, including the technological successes, and the lessons learned from this type of organizational change.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to use mobile and performance support to enable learning in the field
  • How to overcome cultural and technology hurdles for a successful rollout
  • How to ensure achieving buy-in across learning, sales departments, and the technology partners
  • How to ensure new skills are enabled to support the initiative

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile learning applications in iPad and iPhone, gamification, and badging capabilities.

Cory Colton

Sr. Manager of Learning Technologies

AutoTrader Group

Cory Colton, the senior manager of learning technologies for AutoTrader Group, has 12 years of experience in learning, leadership development, and learning technologies with global Fortune 500 companies. Cory left the opera world to support leadership development in Citigroup’s Corporate Center, deploying leadership and professional development programs across its four regions and 103 countries. Cory also managed one of Citi’s six LMS platforms. In 2006, Cory joined a global team to deploy a single LMS in 14 languages across Citi’s 425,000 employees worldwide. In 2009 Cory joined Cox communications as manager of learning technologies supporting their LMS, testing and assessment platform, virtual classroom, and third-party eLearning.

Kerry King

Director, Sales Training and Curriculum

AutoTrader Group

Kerry King, the director of sales training and curriculum for AutoTrader Group, has been in the training and development field since 1994. She has extensive experience in the design, delivery, and management of training. Kerry, who likes to immerse her participants in the learning experience through relevant games and activities, has primarily focused on sales training and the knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with various roles in that profession.

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601 Using Game Elements in Mobile Learning Applications

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 25

Nautilus 2

Mobile devices have opened up new avenues to deliver training to employees, especially those who are constantly on the go. The challenge is to provide training that is effective, engaging, and, ideally, uniquely mobile. Many organizations are introducing game elements as a way to reach learners and hold their interest. Combining game elements and game design with the training content can do just that if properly designed and delivered.

In this session you will learn the required steps to build an effective strategy to utilize game elements in mobile learning. You will explore game-based mLearning from concept to creation to completion, including understanding when adding game elements is appropriate or has great potential. You will discuss a real-world enterprise application using game elements that resulted in substantially increased participation from the target audience.

You will leave this session with an understanding of the entire scope of a game-based mobile learning project.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to build a business case for a mobile learning effort
  • The basics of gaming elements and design in a non-gaming context
  • How to turn conceptual ideas into a working prototype
  • Effective solutions and tools for mLearning development, security, analytics, and delivery

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers with an existing mobile learning background that includes some understanding of the basic tenants of mobile.

Scott McCormick


Emergent Enterprise

Scott McCormick is a national speaker, CEO, editor and writer. In a 30+ year career he has helped launched three companies including his current business, Emergent Enterprise. He has spoken at ATD CETS Showcase, Learnaplaooza, Augmented World Expo, LiveWorx, Realities360,, and XR Immersive Enterprise 2020. Scott speaks and consults on topics such as emergent technology adoption strategy and user experience and is editor of, the tech news and insight website. He was featured in the 2019 eBook, What is Augmented Reality? and has delivered strategy webinars and onsite presentations to leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality, and consulting.

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