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Session Details

205 Meeting the Moment: Learning Needs, Mobile Training, and Performance Support

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, June 24

Seabreeze 1

It’s been more than 20 years since Gloria Gery published her pioneering work, and still the promise of real-time performance support remains elusive. What opportunities do trainers now have to help employees improve skills while doing real tasks on the job? When is it appropriate to use mobile devices and when isn’t it? What new strategies are needed when developing mobile learning as performance support?

In this session you will explore these and other questions as you discover a learning model that effectively and efficiently takes advantage of mobile devices and performance support as part of an overarching learning strategy. You will learn about a framework for evaluating performance-support opportunities for learners and how you might best leverage mobile devices to meet them. You will leave this session understanding how training departments can begin to take full advantage of the mobile opportunity to meet the learning moment and train and support their workers on the job.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What opportunities trainers now have to help employees improve skills while doing real tasks on the job
  • When it is appropriate to use mobile devices and when it isn’t
  • What new strategies are needed when developing mobile learning as performance support
  • How mobile devices can be fully leveraged to meet the learning moment and train and support workers on the job

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
HTML5, several mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), and responsive design.

Paul Schneider

SVP Business Development


Paul Schneider, the senior vice president of business development for dominKnow, has worked in distance communication technologies in academia and corporate for over 18 years, primarily focusing on distance learning. Paul has provided services in most areas of learning, including instructional design, distance education, mobile training, and performance support. He currently oversees operations and business development at dominKnow Learning Systems and has presented at many professional conferences over the past 25+ years. Paul holds a PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

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212 B.Y.O.L.: Simple Tools to Create Mobile Performance Support Content Fast!

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, June 24

Marina 2

Many organizations want to increase their deployment of performance-support (PS) programs, but are struggling to find a way to do so with a limited budget. You don’t need to spend lots of money on design and development tools for effective performance-support content. Performance support does not always need to be a product from a vendor; you can quite effectively create and deliver performance-support content using your existing software or free online tools.

In this session, you’ll learn how to quickly create PS content for smartphones using free tools and software. You will learn how to develop PS solutions on a budget using tools such as PowerPoint, Keynote, SnapGuide, DropBox, iBooks, and more to create and deliver both online and local performance-support content. You’ll come away from this session with tools, techniques, and a plethora of ideas for your next performance-support project. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • How you can use your existing tools to create PS content
  • Free online tools that you can use to deliver content
  • How to create a simple PS project
  • How to create interactive PDF content
  • Guidelines for developing a PS template

Novice and intermediate designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Windows, Mac, iPhone, and Android.

Participant technology requirements:
Participants will need a Windows or Mac computer with PowerPoint or Keynote and a smartphone.

Paul Clothier

Independent mLearning Specialist

Paul Clothier is a learning specialist, eLearning and mLearning designer, speaker, and writer who has been in the technology training and learning field for over 25 years. Paul’s articles on training and learning have been featured in numerous learning and training magazines. He has a passion for mLearning design and user experience, and designs learning content and apps for touch-screen mobile devices.

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304 Assisting Transitioning Vets: A Mobile Performance-support Case Study

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 24

Seabreeze 2

Every year, thousands of America’s service members separate from the military to start a new chapter in life as civilians. The re-entry into civilian life can be a difficult phase that results in unfamiliar challenges. The increased number of separations from the military strains the current infrastructure, resources, and techniques to prepare for post-military life.

In this case-study session, you will learn how DoD’s Advanced Distributed Learning group used mobile performance support and knowledge management to enhance performance for veterans going through the transition process. You will discover how we used an app to re-engage users, build confidence through actions and visualization of success, and focus immediacy and relevance of task on future life success. You will develop an understanding of use cases for mobile learning in a performance-support capacity and how to address mobile-learning challenges. You’ll get a demonstration of the prototype app that leverages the Experience API (xAPI) to capture user activity.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About an example of re-imagined mobile learning through performance support
  • How to use the xAPI to capture learning events
  • How to engage and motivate users to success through mobile
  • How to accommodate the limitations of mobile that are really opportunities for focus

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Experience API (xAPI), learning record stores, and apps.

Chad Udell

Chief Strategy Officer

Float and SparkLearn

Chad Udell is the award-winning managing partner, strategy and new product development, at Float and SparkLearn. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to create experiences for 20 years. Chad is an expert in mobile design and development, and speaks at events on related topics. He is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor/author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success and Shock of the New.

Marcus Birtwhistle

Mobile Learning Consultant

DoD Advanced Distributed Learning

Marcus Birtwhistle serves as a specialist and advisor on mobile technology and mobile learning for ADL’s Mobile Learning Team. He provides a Certified Knowledge Manager background by way of the CASCOM Knowledge Management Office, where he focused on integrating people, processes, and technology through mobile technology utilization and social media. He has a particular interest in strategic alignment of organizational and systems infrastructure components to foster a mobile technology and enables mobile learning, mobile and distributed workforce, and performance support in the military and government. He also applies his interest in process improvement to promoting effective mobile development, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX) principles to mobile learning implementations.

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408 Using Augmented Reality for Mobile Performance Support

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 25

Spinnaker 1

Field-based performance support (PS) generally means printed job aids, which quickly become dirty and outdated and are nearly impossible to replace with new information. Today’s professionals carry and prefer using mobile devices. They expect performance support whenever and wherever they need it, which makes mobile devices the perfect vehicle for delivering PS. When PS can be accessed by scanning images and real objects, it’s not only the fastest and most preferred way to get PS, it’s fun and amazing!

In this session you will learn how performance support developed in any digital medium can be attached to most static images and objects. You’ll explore how scanning the image or object will play or display the associated learning content, and you’ll discover a great solution for getting the most current content to field-based employees and ensuring it is always up-to-date. You will leave this session understanding how to set up augmented reality to support mLearning initiatives.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About augmented reality technology
  • How to set up augmented reality training “auras” via Aurasma
  • Which tasks are best supported with augmented reality
  • To extend augmented reality technology to non-training purposes

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Augmented reality—Aurasma, iPhone, and Reflector.

Bill Crose



Bill Crose is the founder and CEO of Adyton and inventor of the Pythia performance enablement, performance assurance, and continuous improvement system. He holds two patents for learning technologies, is the former Global Learning Technology Manager for InterContinental Hotels Group, and was the Learning Technology Strategist for UnitedHealthcare. Bill has a master's degree in instructional design from Western Michigan University where he studied under ATD and ISPI Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, Dr. Robert Brinkerhoff.

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602 Mobile Augmented-reality Solutions for Performance Support

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 25

Spinnaker 1

Access to relevant information in a timely manner is a growing need of people in both their professional and personal lives. Leveraging augmented reality technologies on mobile platforms provides quick and easy access of information required to complete a job at hand more efficiently or simply to enhance a learning process.

In this session, participants will explore mobile augmented reality and performance support, and examine why the two work so powerfully together. Participants will also learn the importance of context in performance support and how augmented reality builds upon it. The session will cover the various technologies and tools that can be used to create augmented reality solutions. Practical use cases and take-away tips, which can be used to build performance support augmented reality solutions, will also be shared

In this session, you will learn:

  • More about how augmented reality solutions can bring about productivity improvements and potential cost savings
  • Various augmented reality platforms available and their uses
  • Practical applications of augmented reality for performance support
  • Challenges associated with augmented reality solutions and how to overcome them

Novice and intermediate managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
iPad, Android smartphone, augmented reality tools, and APIs.

Shailesh Joshi

Vertical Head—Mobility Solutions

SIFY Technologies eLearning Division

Shailesh Joshi is the vertical head of mobility solutions in SIFY Technologies. He has more than 15 years of experience in architecting learning solutions and enterprise applications by leveraging innovative technologies like augmented reality, mobility apps, social collaboration platforms, and virtual worlds for Fortune 500 and mid-sized companies. Shailesh has won Brandon Hall awards for his organizations from 2006 to 2012 in the areas of performance support, gamification, mobility solutions, and virtual worlds. He has held diverse positions, including delivery head of mobility solutions, head of content delivery, R&D practice head, principal learning architect, and chief interaction model architect.

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704 Enterprise On-demand Performance Support

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 25

Seabreeze 1

To enable a more “on-demand” (or “just-in-time”) approach to performance improvement, organizations are moving away from relying completely on formal learning models to an informal approach, where people can quickly access information when, where, and how they need it. Learning strategies are evolving, with a focus on opportunities to move away from traditional LMS-centric, push, methodologies toward smaller learning modules and flexible pull approaches.

In this session participants will examine a case study with one of the leading pharmaceutical companies experiencing a critical issue with training employees globally on many disparate systems. You will explore an innovative solution designed to improve the performance of the individuals with on-demand learning. You will learn about the various components of this performance support project, including how mobile technologies were used to implement it.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to integrate technology into a greater enterprise learning solution
  • How to demonstrate the effectiveness of on-demand learning to achieve business objectives
  • How to utilize multiple learning methodologies within a learning solution program
  • Effective strategies to deploy on-demand training throughout an enterprise

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Sharepoint, Android, iOS, and Surface Pro.

Greg Moore

Principal Learning Experience Developer


Greg Moore, a principal learning experience developer at IDeaS, has worked in the learning and development field for over 15 years and developed enterprise learning solutions for Fortune 100 companies. At IDeaS, Greg has been instrumental to implementing new learning technologies that will scale with its growing client base and allow IDeaS to maintain the thought leadership it holds in the revenue optimization sphere.

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