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Session Details

111 B.Y.O.L.: Create a Tappable App Prototype in Under an Hour

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Tuesday, June 24

Nautilus 3

eLearning developers are used to being able to use rapid eLearning development tools to quickly build and prototype eLearning materials. In the mobile world, these tools are a bit different and have their own constraints and implementation considerations. Development of mobile apps can be a tricky, specialized skill set. If you are new to this world, the barrier to entry likely overwhelms you.

In this hands-on session participants will learn prototyping paths—the tools and techniques used to accomplish successful mobile apps. You will explore in-depth case studies and see real world examples from major industry-leading clients. You will discover how to build rich prototypes for various mobile platforms without breaking the bank, and many of the techniques may be applicable to final implementation depending on your needs. In less than an hour, participants will develop a tappable prototype of a mobile application using a web based tool.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The importance of prototyping
  • Examples of prototypes for real-world applications
  • How to build a prototype using Invision
  • Cost-effective prototyping techniques

Designers, developers, and project managers involved in designing apps.

Technology discussed in this session:

Participant technology requirements:
A laptop and a smartphone.

Chad Udell

Chief Strategy Officer

Float and SparkLearn

Chad Udell is the award-winning managing partner, strategy and new product development, at Float and SparkLearn. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to create experiences for 20 years. Chad is an expert in mobile design and development, and speaks at events on related topics. He is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor/author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success and Shock of the New.

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204 Which Tools Should You Use for Desktop and Mobile Development?

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, June 24

Nautilus 2

Some eLearning tools work great for desktop delivery, while others are geared more towards delivering to mobile devices. Then there are those tools that do a pretty good job of delivering to both desktop and mobile. It’s become increasingly challenging for organizations to know which tools really work well for developing for mobile, and which tools just claim that they do.

In this session you will learn from an unbiased comparison of the many tools used to develop mobile learning. You will look at how different tools rank across different categories. Bring your own development tool questions and add those factors to the conversation. Mobile delivery is becoming a necessity for learning designers. In this session you will discover which tools work best for mobile and desktop delivery.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Which tools work best for desktop delivery
  • Which tools work best for mobile delivery
  • Which tools work best when you need to deliver to both desktop and mobile devices
  • How to interpret the marketing claims of tool vendors

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors with a basic knowledge of eLearning and mLearning.

Technology discussed in this session:
Authoring tools

Joe Ganci


eLearning Joe

Joe Ganci is the owner and president of eLearning Joe, a custom learning company. Since 1983, he has been involved in every aspect of multimedia and learning development. Joe holds a computer science degree, writes books and articles about eLearning, and is widely considered an eLearning development guru. He consults worldwide and also teaches at conferences and client sites. Joe writes tool reviews and has received several awards for his work in eLearning, including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999 and an eLearning Guild Master Award in 2013. His mission is to improve the quality of eLearning with practical approaches that work.

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211 B.Y.O.L.: Designing a Template for Your mLearning Course Using Storyline or Studio ’13

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, June 24

Nautilus 3

Most of the standard players used in eLearning are optimized for display on a desktop or laptop computer. When creating a course for mobile, certain elements that work well for the desktop are far from perfect on a phone or an iPad. Designers and developers need to adjust their standard practices to work better in a mobile environment.

In this hands-on session you will explore the ability to use Articulate Storyline or Studio ’13 to redesign your course size, aspect ratio, and player features to better support delivery on mobile devices. During the session you will build a player template and you will leave with a custom-built player template, as well as a number of free sample templates that you can edit for your own use.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to design a player template compatible with delivery to a phone
  • How to design a player template interface compatible with Articulate’s Mobile Player for the iPad
  • How to determine which built-in and custom elements best support an mLearning strategy
  • How to create and share an Articulate template designed for mLearning

Novice and intermediate designers and developers who are familiar with Storyline’s or Studio ’13’s interfaces and are comfortable using computer software.

Technology discussed in this session:
Articulate’s Storyline and/or Studio ’13, PowerPoint.

Participant technology requirements:
Windows Laptop or Mac running Windows software Articulate Storyline and/or Studio ’13 (if using the trial version—note that it expires after 30 days). All software should be installed and tested prior to attending the session.

Ron Price

Chief Learning Officer

Yukon Learning

Ron Price has over 35 years of experience in organizational effectiveness, leadership coaching, instructional design, spiritual development, and experiential learning. His unique background has allowed him to support a wide range of customers, from schools like Duke University and Harvard Business School to multinational corporations like Sanofi, Amazon, BP, and Pepsico. In 2002, Ron founded a consulting firm and challenge course devoted to increasing organizational performance while developing authenticity and integrity. After joining Yukon, Ron worked closely with the Articulate team to design the certified training programs for the Articulate tools. He is a Guild Master.

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311 B.Y.O.L.: Build a Mobile Role-play in an Hour with ZebraZapps

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 24

Marina 2

Research shows that only 20 percent of corporate learning happens during formal training, regardless of the delivery modality. However, 70 percent of learning occurs during on the job experiences. One way of bringing more job experience into formal training is through online role-play simulations. The challenge most organizations have is a belief that simulations are too expensive, take too long to build, or require skill sets we cannot support.

In this hands-on session participants will learn how to build a complex and effective role-play that will run on a mobile device using ZebraZapps. You will explore how easily the simulation can be built by creating your own in 60 minutes. You will leave this session with the tools, content, and media to make simulation-based learning a reality for your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • An overview of ZebraZapps
  • The components of an effective role play
  • How to build a role-play from scratch using ZebraZapps
  • How to publish the app for mobile delivery

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Participant technology requirements:
Laptop with Internet access.

Steve Lee

Chief Delivery Officer

Allen Interactions

Steve Lee is an award-winning instructional designer, eLearning developer, EPSS designer and developer, project manager, and renowned "trusted advisor", assisting companies developing their own internal learning development teams. With learning industry experience spanning the last three decades, Steve has provided strategic learning and consulting services for over 400 major organizations including participation in multiple large-scale military and commercial aviation eLearning projects. As a college professor of computer science for over 14 years, Lee has developed/instructed curriculum on hardware, gaming, and information security, and is considered an expert in the use of multiple delivery platforms, "game- theory", and social networking in learning.

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412 B.Y.O.L.: Optimal Design for Multiple Devices Using Adobe Captivate

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 25

Nautilus 3

In 2013, the sale of smartphones exceeded the sale of traditional phones and the sale of tablets exceeded those of standard PCs. This trend has led to more organizations who want online courses that can be accessed from both mobile and desktop devices. Because the technology is different, it is challenging to develop learning that accommodates each device’s unique attributes.

In this hands-on session you will learn how to use Adobe Captivate to craft a single course that provides optimal viewing and an effective learning experience across a wide range of devices. You will learn how to design learning programs that have a professional look and feel, and provide an effective learning environment for students. You will leave this session able to improve learning using successful design and development techniques when publishing to both mobile and desktop devices.

In this session, you will learn:

  • To understand the principles of responsive design
  • How to modify an existing program to improve the design, structure, and content for all environments
  • To assess whether design, content, and functionality will integrate on any size device
  • To apply an online framework which allows one design to seamlessly function on multiple devices

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Adobe Captivate.

Participant technology requirements:
Laptop with Adobe Captivate installed.

Anita Horsley


CALEX Learning Consultants

Anita Horsley is the founder and president of CALEX Learning Consultants, where she works with agencies internationally developing eLearning and mLearning. An Adobe certified instructor and expert in Captivate, she provides Adobe Captivate/Presenter and Storyline training and is the Adobe eLearning User Group manager for the Carolinas. Anita holds a master’s degree in education; she also is a technical reviewer for Packt Publishing and Adobe Systems, and an author for Packt Publishing.

Karen Blades

Principal Consultant

WhirlyBee Consulting

Karen Blades is a principal consultant with WhirlyBee Consulting where she is the driving force. Her over 20 years of experience in project and technology management enables Karen to draw upon a depth of skills in design, technology, and training to produce engaging learning solutions for academic, corporate, and nonprofit environments. She is a published author and international speaker who presents at numerous conferences, universities, and online webinars. Karen holds a master’s degree in engineering.

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501 Exploring an Advanced Deployment of the xAPI at Lifeway’s Ministry Grid

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 25

Marina 1

People have yet to see major enterprise-level examples of Experience API (xAPI) adoption and the value of its features and functionality. Without these examples, bringing fully formed ideas about the xAPI’s capabilities back to their workplace is a challenge. Learning professionals need to see advanced integrations of the xAPI in non-traditional adaptations so they can understand how it can be used effectively.

In this session participants will learn about Lifeway’s Ministry Grid, and exactly how the xAPI is enabling it. You will review a demonstration of the application itself, and discuss the specific enhancements made possible via the xAPI. You will explore the architecture, the kinds of xAPI statements made, and the specific technology in play. You will discuss the lessons learned during the implementation, including pitfalls like trying to capture everything that happens anywhere. Participants will leave this session with a real-life example of implementing and using the xAPI in a large, enterprise environment.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What the xAPI can do in real world application
  • How organizations can accomplish what has not been possible before
  • How Lifeway is using the xAPI to directly support business objectives
  • What roles or skill sets were used to accomplish what Lifeway has done

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers with a cursory knowledge of the xAPI.

Technology discussed in this session:
Ministry Grid, enabled by the xAPI.

Tim Martin


Rustici Software

Tim Martin is the CEO of Rustici Software, which helps eLearning software work well together through compliance with standards like SCORM and xAPI. Tim is influential in the evolution of eLearning standards and was involved in the creation of xAPI via a BAA awarded to Rustici Software by ADL. In 2016, Tim and his partner Mike Rustici sold Rustici Software to Learning Technologies Group and spun off Watershed Systems, where Tim continues to serve as a board member.

Tom Gilbert

Director of Technology and Transmedia Content

LifeWay Christian Resources

Tom Gilbert is the director of technology and transmedia content for LifeWay’s church resources division. As such, Tom helps provide solutions for churches to engage their staff and members in a very important kind of learning. Tom has spent the majority of his career in the publishing space, with a focus on strategic business technology and digital asset management, including working for some of the earliest leading companies that helped launch the print on-demand/eBook self-publishing business models.

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511 B.Y.O.L.: Leveraging Articulate Studio’s Engage Tool for Performance Support

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 25

Marina 2

More and more learning professionals are realizing that training and courses are only one piece of the overall puzzle. Organizations are increasingly looking to incorporate performance support to provide workers with the support they need, when they need it. What most instructional designers fail to realize is that that the tools they use to develop courses can often be used to develop mobile performance support solutions.

In this hands-on session you will learn how you can easily leverage the Engage interactions offered within Articulate’s Studio suite to quickly build and deliver mobile performance support tools. You will explore the various interactions that are available and learn how to build and customize them for effective performance support tools. You will examine how to publish projects to multiple formats so learners can access them anytime, anywhere. You will leave this session able to use these interactions to truly engage your learners, all without breaking a sweat as a developer.

In this session, you will learn:

  • To convert boring content into mobile Engage interactions with ease
  • How to identify the various Engage interactions and their uses
  • To customize interactions for a unique experience
  • How to publish for use in mobile deployment

Novice to advanced designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile technologies, Articulate Engage.

Participant technology requirements:
Articulate Engage (full version or active trial version).

Stefanie Lawless

VP Training

Yukon Learning

Stefanie Lawless is the vice president of training at Yukon Learning, where she manages the design and development of customizable off-the-shelf courseware in Rapid Course and provides virtual training for the Articulate suite of tools. She has spent more than 10 years training people on software products and policies, as well as developing eLearning content and custom courseware for organizations worldwide. Stefanie holds a BS in information technology and an MBA from Western Governor's University.

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512 B.Y.O.L.: Best Practices for Creating Mobile Learning Using Adobe Captivate

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 25

Nautilus 3

Adobe Captivate is a great tool for creating eLearning, but how well can you use it to create mobile learning? There is some debate as to whether or not a designer can create learning programs for desktop and mobile at the same time. It’s definitely possible, but there are design issues and crucial development issues that you must address before you start.

In this hands-on session you will learn the critical design and development considerations you must take into account before building mobile learning projects with Adobe Captivate. You will follow step-by-step on your laptop and learn what you need to do to prepare projects for delivery to mobile devices. You will explore how failing to address these important issues results in lost money and productivity, and less-than-stellar learning experiences for your audiences. Participants will leave this session with a number of mobile learning samples built in Captivate that you can use to practice and build mobile learning projects for your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to consider design issues that are important when delivering to both desktop and mobile learning
  • How to adjust settings for mobile projects
  • How to take advantage of Captivate’s unique strengths in the delivery of mobile learning
  • How the samples and step-by-step handouts can help you apply these principles to your own work

Novice and intermediate designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Adobe Captivate.

Participant technology requirements:
Adobe Captivate (or trial version) pre-installed.

Joe Ganci


eLearning Joe

Joe Ganci is the owner and president of eLearning Joe, a custom learning company. Since 1983, he has been involved in every aspect of multimedia and learning development. Joe holds a computer science degree, writes books and articles about eLearning, and is widely considered an eLearning development guru. He consults worldwide and also teaches at conferences and client sites. Joe writes tool reviews and has received several awards for his work in eLearning, including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999 and an eLearning Guild Master Award in 2013. His mission is to improve the quality of eLearning with practical approaches that work.

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606 Adapt: Device-proof Your Learning

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 25

Seabreeze 1

Being able to develop learning that works on multiple devices is very relevant in the learning industry today. Organizations are under increasing amounts of pressure to meet tight deadlines and to keep budgets down. Learning professionals are going to need tools that help them keep up with the growing demands of the multi-device workplace.

In this session participants will learn about Adapt, a revolutionary open-source technology that simplifies numerous development challenges. You will receive an in-depth overview and discuss the surrounding challenges and advancements Adapt will provide. You will examine case studies from organizations like Mozilla, McDonald’s, Nikon and others that are using Adapt to meet business needs. Participants will leave this session with an understanding of the Adapt Framework and how authoring content via its open source solutions will answer the call for multi-device development.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The key market drivers calling for multi-device learning
  • An in-depth overview and demonstration of Adapt technology
  • The core capabilities of responsive design shown through real life case studies and examples
  • How to get involved in Adapt open source project and ways to take control of their authoring future

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers. A basic knowledge of eLearning and mLearning is a plus.

Technology discussed in this session:
HTML, JavaScript, responsive web design, Adapt technology and framework, Adapt design, layouts, and functionality

Steve Lowenthal


Kineo US

Steven Lowenthal has more than 15 years of experience as a training and development leader. He has held leadership roles at organizations including Berlitz International, CognitiveArts, University HealthSystem Consortium, and SAI Global.

Serge Abellard

Solutions Consultant

Kineo US

Serge Abellard is a solutions consultant for Kineo US and has expertise developing and programming eLearning solutions using major authoring tools and custom development in HTML and Flash. Serge is also experienced in instructional design, graphic design, and developing blended learning programs.

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609 Create Native Learning Apps with Appcelerator Titanium Alloy

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 25

Spinnaker 2

There is a frustration on the part of many HTML designers and instructional designers. While they would love to be able to place content directly on an iPhone or iPad as a native app, they soon realize that a solid knowledge of Xcode is required. If you want a native experience without having to learn iOS, Android, and BlackBerry (soon Windows 8) native development, then Titanium is the perfect solution.

In this session you will learn how Appcelerator Titanium Alloy has enabled web developers to build native applications using XML, JavaScript, and CSS. You will discover how this enables you to use the same elements Xcode uses without having to learn Objective C. You will explore how web developers can develop installable learning applications with one code base for all platforms, and you will leave this session understanding how web/eLearning developers can use the languages they already know to build native mobile applications as though they were built using normal app building applications. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • Appcelerator Titanium user interface basics
  • How to creating windows and views
  • How to create tables
  • How to add interactivity

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
JavaScript and Appcelerator Titanium Alloy.

Jeff Batt


Learning Dojo

Jeff Batt has 15+ years of experience in the digital learning and media industry. Currently, Jeff Batt is a Learning Experience Designer for Amazon. He is the founder and trainer at Learning Dojo, a company dedicated to training you to become a software ninja in various eLearning, web, and mobile-related software applications. He was also the program manager of DevLearn for The Learning Guild. Jeff often speaks on developmental technologies such as xAPI, HTML5, augmented reality, mobile development, eLearning development tools, and more.

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612 B.Y.O.L.: Creating an Interactive Book with iBooks Author

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 25

Marina 2

There’s a growing interest in creating interactive digital books for learning. The challenge is that there are several publication formats and many different vendor applications to use to build an interactive book. Knowing which format and/or tool to use, when to use it, and what’s involved in creating your content in the format provided by the vendor can seem overwhelming.

In this hands-on session participants will learn the process for building eBooks using iBooks Author. You will explore the authoring environment and discuss the processes that are involved in building an eBook. You will discuss and apply the pluses and minuses of each file format using iBooks Author. You will leave this session with an understanding of the latest tools, gain an understanding of what each format offers, and discover how you can take advantage of it in your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • When creating a digital book makes sense
  • How to navigate the new iBooks Author development environment
  • Which format to choose for mobile delivery
  • What works best for your audience or customer base

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, or instructional designers looking to deliver content into this dynamic media format.

Technology discussed in this session:
Apple iBooks, iBooks Author,  Amazon Kindle, Android, ePub format, and mobile formats and distribution.

Participant technology requirements:
Laptop with iBooks Author (free download from Apple App Store—requires a Mac).

Nick Floro

Learning Architect/Imagineer

Sealworks Interactive Studios

Nick Floro, a co-founder and learning architect at Sealworks Interactive Studios, has over 25 years of experience developing learning solutions, applications, and web platforms. Nick is passionate about how design and technology can enhance learning and loves to share his knowledge and experience to teach, inspire, and motivate. As a learning architect, Nick gets to sketch, imagine, and prototype for each challenge. He has worked with start-ups to Fortune 500 companies to help them understand the technology and develop innovative solutions to support their audiences. Nick has won numerous awards from Apple and organizations for productions and services.

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703 Build Responsive Mobile Development with Captivate 8

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 25

Marina 1

Instructional designers are increasingly faced with the challenge of building learning programs that are being accessed on different types of devices. Exporting a course in a way that makes it accessible on a mobile phone isn’t good enough. Our learning programs should adapt their content to work on the different types of devices being used to access it: PCs, tablets, and smartphones. That’s where responsive design comes in.

In this session you will explore the new Adobe Captivate (version 8) and learn how it completely changes the way we develop courses for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. You will discover how to build courses in Captivate 8 that automatically recognize the learner's device width and change the course content. You will leave this session understanding the differences between just resizing the course content and using a responsive design that produces unique content for different devices. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to create content for any device width
  • How to use the tablet and mobile break points in Captivate 8
  • Ways to create unique content for mobile devices
  • How to enable mobile gestures for learners
  • How to create responsive software simulations
  • How to preview content on multiple devices


Novice, intermediate, and advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Adobe Captivate 8.

Andrew Scivally

CEO & Co-founder

ELB Learning

Andrew Scivally is the co-founder and CEO of ELB Learning. He has 20 years of experience in the learning technology space, including all aspects of course design and development, as well as leading learning and development teams for financial institutions such as JPMorganChase and Zions Bank. He holds a master's degree in computer education and cognitive systems. Led by Andrew, ELB Learning has established an industry-leading brand and been featured in the Inc. 5000 for six consecutive years.

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712 B.Y.O.L.: Create Amazing iPad Learning Content with iBooks Author

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 25

Marina 2

iPads are used in schools, universities, and businesses all over the world. Despite being a mainstream device, many individuals and organizations are still reluctant to use iPads for learning and performance support. Most of the hesitancy comes from ignorance and the belief that developing learning content for iPads is extremely challenging and expensive.

In this hands-on session participants will discover how easy it is to create world-class, interactive learning content for the iPad. You will learn how to use the built-in templates in iBooks Author to add text, interactive images, videos, quizzes, pop-overs, and more. You’ll explore how to use multi-touch interfaces to add interactivity. You will leave this session prepared and energized to rush out and start creating amazing iPad content for your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The types of interactive content possible with iBooks Author
  • How to get started using iBooks Author templates
  • How to create interactive images and galleries
  • How to add quizzes and reviews
  • How to add pop-over text to content
  • How to quickly preview your work on the iPad

Novice and intermediate designers and developers who are familiar with Mac and iPad.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mac, iPad, and iBooks Author.

Participant technology requirements:
A Mac with iBooks Author loaded, plus an iPad with iBooks downloaded. Both are free.

Paul Clothier

Independent mLearning Specialist

Paul Clothier is a learning specialist, eLearning and mLearning designer, speaker, and writer who has been in the technology training and learning field for over 25 years. Paul’s articles on training and learning have been featured in numerous learning and training magazines. He has a passion for mLearning design and user experience, and designs learning content and apps for touch-screen mobile devices.

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811 Google Glass—the Experience, the Reaction, the Possibilities

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 26

Marina 2

From the first desktop PCs to today’s cutting-edge smartphones, technology has a history of fundamentally changing the expectations of learning and development programs. We are now on the cusp of another technological advance, one that will once again change some of our definitions and how we address performance issues: wearable technology. This technology will come in various forms, but the one that is blazing the path is Google Glass.

 In this session you will learn about Google Glass from one of the members of the Glass Explorer program, who have been testing and using the device in advance of its public release. You will learn what Glass is, how it works, and what the experience of using glass is like. You will explore the many different ways that Glass can be used for learning and performance improvement. In this session you will discover the possibilities that are being opened by this new and exciting technology, and how those possibilities are once again redefining the expectations of learning and performance programs.

 In this session, you will learn:

  • What Google Glass is, and what it can do
  • What the Glass experience is like for the user
  • How people react to Glass
  • What doors Glass opens up for learning and performance
  • How people are already using Glass for learning today


Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

 Technology discussed in this session:

Google Glass.

David Kelly


The Learning Guild

David Kelly is the Chairman of the Learning Guild. David has been a learning and performance consultant and training director for over 20 years. He is a leading voice exploring how technology can be used to enhance training, education, learning, and organizational performance. David is an active member of the learning community, and can frequently be found speaking at industry events. He has previously contributed to organizations including ATD, eLearn Magazine, LINGOs, and more.

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812 B.Y.O.L.: Learn to Build jQuery Mobile Apps Easily and Quickly

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 26

Nautilus 3

When building web or native applications, it can be daunting trying to learn new coding languages for various platforms. Even if you are just targeting web applications, there is still a lot of CSS to get the HTML to look good on both phones and tablets. To get the effect you want you may have to spend hours learning CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. The integration with jQuery Mobile has been a lifesaver for the non-techie or even the techie that wants to get the task done quickly and efficiently.

In this hands-on session you will discover how using jQuery within DreamWeaver is extremely easy with CS versions 5.5 and above. You will learn how to easily insert tables, mobile buttons, mobile view accordions, and more with a simple button click in DreamWeaver. You will leave this session understanding jQuery Mobile and DreamWeaver and with the knowledge of how to build custom web apps using HTML and some JavaScript.

In this session, you will learn:

  • A basic understanding of jQuery Mobile
  • How to use jQuery Mobile within DreamWeaver
  • How to build custom tables for course navigation
  • How to use the jQuery content layouts to create awesome looking layouts

Novice, intermediate, and advanced designers, developers, and managers

Technology discussed in this session:
HTML, JavaScript, DreamWeaver, and jQuery Mobile.

Participant technology requirements:
A laptop loaded with DreamWeaver CS5.5 or higher.

Jeff Batt


Learning Dojo

Jeff Batt has 15+ years of experience in the digital learning and media industry. Currently, Jeff Batt is a Learning Experience Designer for Amazon. He is the founder and trainer at Learning Dojo, a company dedicated to training you to become a software ninja in various eLearning, web, and mobile-related software applications. He was also the program manager of DevLearn for The Learning Guild. Jeff often speaks on developmental technologies such as xAPI, HTML5, augmented reality, mobile development, eLearning development tools, and more.

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911 B.Y.O.L.: The Unique Multi-device Thinking Behind Adobe Edge Animate

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Thursday, June 26

Marina 2

There are a great number of tools available to use for building mobile learning. The challenge with many of these tools is that they use legacy functionalities and a fixed canvas that do not effectively support the ultimate goal of designing device-agnostic experiences. These tools often trap us in PC-based paradigms that have been used for decades to design static content and now fall short of designing more flexible content that can better respond to the end-users needs on and beyond the desktop.

In this session participants will learn how Adobe Edge Animate can support cross-platform development. You will explore how Adobe Edge Animate allows for flexibility, portability, and continuity of content regardless of the information access environment. You will leave this session with practical examples of how those features can help you create more effective and malleable learning solutions.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to offer rich and adaptive experiences capable of flowing across different screens and platforms
  • How to design multi-device flexible layouts
  • How to experiment with the natural and intuitive sense of touch in order to allow learners to directly manipulate the content
  • How to explore different tools and approaches to better support multi-device development
  • How to carry out a simultaneous cross-mobile-device previewing and testing of your content

Novice designers, project managers, managers, and directors with a basic understanding of design principles, different authoring tools and latest technologies such as HTML5.

Technology discussed in this session:
Edge Animate CC, Edge Inspect CC, iOS, Android, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (the basics), Dreamweaver CC and PhoneGap Build, mobile web apps, native apps, and hybrid apps, and responsive design.

Participant technology requirements:
Laptop with Adobe Edge (or trial version) installed.

Mayra Villar

Instructional Designer


Mayra Villar is an instructional designer and consultant. During her 10-year career, she has carried out different tasks related to educational content design and evaluation, as well as documentation management. Mayra currently works as a freelance consultant helping companies design, implement, and evaluate mLearning and eLearning solutions. She holds an MA degree in applied linguistics (subfield computer assisted language learning) and is an independent researcher at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. She is also an ASTD-published author and a featured contributing writer for various online magazines.

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