Sharing What Works

March 22 – 24, 2017 Orlando, FL

Register Now Includes:

LS105 Investigating Performance Using Data

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, March 22


Your access to learning-related data has grown dramatically over recent years. But just because you have a large volume of data doesn’t mean it necessarily provides value. While tools like xAPI make it increasingly easy to acquire data about learners’ activities, this information provides little benefit if you don’t know how to design to acquire meaningful data, interpret that data, or improve your learning design based on what you’ve discovered.

In this session, you’ll dive deep into how data should shape your learning systems design, including exploring the basic principles of how to use data effectively and how to design to provide meaningful feedback. To do this, you’ll look at outside inspiration from fields that are already doing this well: user experience design (UXD), web analytics, and business intelligence. You’ll also uncover some of the pitfalls of data collection and analysis, discuss using both qualitative and quantitative data, and address the difficulties inherent in finding valid measurements of learning.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to use your data analytics to improve course design
  • How to design to gather meaningful data
  • About the potential pitfalls of data interpretation
  • Lessons, from fields like business intelligence and web analytics, about how to apply data principles to learning design

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
xAPI and data analytics.

Sean Putman

Vice President of Learning Development

Altair Engineering

Sean Putman, a partner in Learning Ninjas, has been an instructor, instructional designer, and developer for over 15 years. He has spent his career designing and developing training programs, both instructor-led and online, for many different industries, but he has had a strong focus on creating material for software companies. Sean has spent the last few years focusing on the use and deployment of the Experience API (xAPI) and its effect on learning interventions. He has spoken at industry conferences on the subject and is co-author of Investigating Performance, a book on using the Experience API and analytics to improve performance.

Janet Laane Effron

Managing Principal

Four Rivers Group

Janet Laane Effron is a data scientist who focuses on the creation of effective learning experiences through iterative processes, data-driven feedback loops, and the application of best practices in instructional design. She has worked on xAPI design projects related to designing for performance outcomes and designing both for and in response to data and analytics. Janet’s areas of interest include text analytics, machine learning, and process improvement. She is also the co-author of Investigating Performance: Design and Outcomes with xAPI.

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EME104 Using xAPI to Collect Learning Data from Simulations

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Wednesday, March 22

Expo Hall: Emerging Tech Stage

Education providers know that taking online courses isn’t the only way to learn. They want to invent new learning formats and experiences that better meet their members’ needs. However, the types of learning opportunities trackable by traditional learning management systems (LMSs) is limited. The Experience API (xAPI) specification is flexible enough to track a wide range of experiences, but it’s a new technology, and barriers to adoption still exist.

In this session, you will learn how the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) uses xAPI to collect learning data from high-fidelity medical simulations, giving you a roadmap to adoption within your own organization. See how, in its Difficult Airway Management live-learning course, CHEST uses xAPI to send activity statements from Laerdal simulators to a learning record store (LRS) in its CourseStage Health LMS.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the opportunities xAPI creates for education providers
  • About the advantages and disadvantages of xAPI compared to earlier technologies like SCORM
  • How to decide what you want to track, and how to translate those objectives into xAPI activity statements
  • About technological best practices for building your API
  • Which factors to consider when choosing a learning record store (LRS)

Intermediate to advanced developers, directors, and senior leaders (VP, CLO, executive, etc.). To gain the most benefit, attendees should be generally familiar with professional education, learning management systems, and SCORM. Technical and/or programming knowledge may also be beneficial, but is not necessary for comprehension.

Technology discussed in this session:
Experience API, REST, JSON, CourseStage QIE, CourseStage Health LMS, Moodle LMS, ADL LRS, Learning Locker, and Laerdal Airway Management Trainer.

Jon Aleckson


Web Courseworks

Jon Aleckson is the CEO of Web Courseworks. He is an educational leader and a consultant in learning technologies and eLearning, who works with an extensive list of clients on LMS implementation and development, platform alignment and integration, and online curriculum development. This gives him a holistic view of business models, operational practices, and educational approaches in eLearning.

Chad Jackson

Senior Director, Simulation, eLearning & Innovation

American College of Chest Physicians

Chad Jackson is the senior director of simulation, eLearning, and innovation for the American College of Chest Physicians. His teams develop a variety of educational programs for the members of CHEST, including live learning courses, online eLearning programs, virtual patient tours, and games for learning. Chad is active in the simulation community and has conducted numerous presentations and workshops on simulation-enhanced educational programs at regional, national, and international levels. He has a PhD in instructional systems with a focus on simulation-based learning and best practices.

Tim Chudy



Tim Chudy is a senior director at Watershed. As a former business owner, Tim has years of experience training, managing, and developing other professionals. Now, at Watershed, he’s using that experience to help L&D professionals understand the evolving learning ecosystem through technologies, such as xAPI and a learning record store.

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LS204 Data, Dashboards, and Decisions

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, March 22


Do you struggle with how to prioritize all of your training requests? Are you able to say no to some projects, or do you just take on every one that comes your way? Do you want to bring more rigor to the processes and strategies your team uses to accomplish your training goals? Then there’s a tool you’ll want to use to analyze your work and back up your decisions—data.

In this session, you’ll learn how to empower your team to make strategic plans and choices based on facts. You’ll look at how to determine what data will best support the decisions you need to make. You’ll then investigate how to collect and analyze this data in a dashboard to help you better recognize trends and identify areas of strength and opportunity. Finally, data is helpful, but only if you can share it with others effectively, so you’ll also get tips for how best to discuss your findings with your team and partners to get better buy-in and results.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to determine what data will best support your strategic decisions and project planning
  • How to create a dashboard based on collected data
  • How to recognize trends and identify areas of strength and opportunity in your department
  • How to use this information to prioritize and analyze your training requests

Novice and intermediate project managers, managers, directors, and senior leaders (VPs, CLOs, executives, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:
Microsoft Office.

Susan Prichard

Team Leader

Edward Jones

Susan Prichard is an instructional design and technology team leader in operations and service training at Edward Jones. She leads her team to create world-class training for the Edward Jones home office. Prior to becoming a team leader, Susan was a senior instructional designer at Edward Jones and a senior multimedia specialist at Saint Louis University. She has over 15 years’ experience in the practical application of instructional design.

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LS205 Who Said Choosing an LMS Is Easy? R-F-Please!

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, March 22

Narcissus/Orange Blossom

Going to RFP (request for proposal) for an LMS can be a daunting process. With all the special protocols, the nondisclosure agreements, and the thick cloud of secrecy that envelopes all parties involved, it can be frustrating and isolating. But once you accept that there’s no avoiding the pomp and circumstance of the process itself, you can begin to strategically position your company to choose the right LMS.

In this session, you’ll find out how best to avoid the common mistakes that can be made throughout the selection process. You’ll get tips that can help you effectively communicate your needs to vendors, and you’ll learn how to wade through sales pitches to successfully evaluate your requirements. While this session can’t completely solve the complexity of choosing an LMS, it can make the process easier to manage and more productive.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What steps to take before the selection process begins
  • How to determine what you really need vs. want in an LMS
  • Whom to involve in the process
  • How to write concise RFP requirements that will communicate what you want to your vendors
  • How to make the most out of your vendor demonstrations

Novice to intermediate managers, directors, and senior leaders (VP, CLO, executive, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:
Learning management systems (LMSs).

Pavandeep Dhillon

Senior Consultant, Learning & Organizational Development

Mackenzie Health Hospital

Pavandeep Dhillon is a senior consultant, L&OD at Mackenzie Health. She has over 10 years of experience in the education technology field across the corporate, higher education, and healthcare sectors. In addition to eLearning development, she has expertise in the implementation and optimization of learning management systems and virtual conferencing tools. She has successfully implemented Absorb LMS, DualCode Moodle LMS, Desire2Learn LMS, and Saba Centra. Pav has presented at various conferences such as Learning Solutions, eACH, and the Canadian eLearning Conference. She has also authored publications for The Learning Guild and Adobe on the topic of learning management systems.

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ECO313 Enabling a Blended Resuscitation Training Program with xAPI

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, March 22


Rapid responses to “Code Blue” resuscitation events are critical to patient outcomes. MedStar Health has developed several training interventions over time to improve performance, but data from these activities were captured in disparate tools or not collected at all. Without a centralized method for analyzing data, understanding the impacts of different elements of the training program was not possible. This illustrates a common problem in blended learning approaches.

This session will describe MedStar Health’s journey in developing an ecosystem of tools to collect and analyze data from multiple training interventions, including eLearning modules, instructor-led training, a part-task training app, and in situ simulations. You will learn how the Experience API (xAPI) and a learning record store (LRS) enabled this approach, and about the successes and challenges encountered in adopting these technologies. The session will also illustrate how aggregating data from these learning experiences provides insights into training effectiveness questions, such as how usage of the mobile part-task trainer affects performance in high-fidelity in situ simulations.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How xAPI can enable a flexible ecosystem of learning technologies
  • How to analyze multiple components of a blended learning solution
  • Why it is critical to formulate meaningful questions early in the planning process
  • About the challenges of adopting an LRS and the resources required to do so

Novice to intermediate project managers, managers, and directors with a basic understanding of xAPI.

Technology discussed in this session:
xAPI, Watershed LRS, mobile games, and Training Evidence Systems/xapiapps.

David Bauer

Director of Learning Technologies

MedStar SiTEL

David Bauer is a director of learning technologies at MedStar Simulation Training & Education Lab (SiTEL). He leads the learning technologies team, which focuses on developing an adaptable learning infrastructure for MedStar Health. Dave specializes in product management, human factors engineering, and usability. He holds a master of science degree in systems engineering from the University of Virginia, where he was a National Library of Medicine medical informatics fellow. Dave has served as the lead user interface designer on over 20 R&D projects in the healthcare, military, and aviation domains.

Tim Chudy



Tim Chudy is a senior director at Watershed. As a former business owner, Tim has years of experience training, managing, and developing other professionals. Now, at Watershed, he’s using that experience to help L&D professionals understand the evolving learning ecosystem through technologies, such as xAPI and a learning record store.

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ECO414 Making Future-Focused Platform Decisions with xAPI

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, March 22


You’re excited about the promise of an xAPI-enabled world, but you have a learning management system (LMS) and a host of SCORM-based courses that you need. You’ll need to make some strategic decisions, stay flexible, and manage the transition over time. What if you could get the most out of both an LMS and a learning record store (LRS) at the same time as you move to your next-generation learning and performance infrastructure?

This session will quickly review what an LRS is and how it’s different from and similar to the LMS you already have. You’ll review your options when it comes to LRSs and how they work (or don’t work) with your LMS. Will you work with a stand-alone LRS? A front-end xAPI solution with a built-in LRS? Or an LRS that is aligned with your LMS and your current learning infrastructure? The decision you make here is a crucial one as you plot your organization’s course toward your next-generation learning ecosystem.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to identify the benefits of an LRS both in contrast to and in combination with your LMS
  • How to evaluate your LRS options
  • About potential options for your next-generation learning and performance infrastructure
  • How to identify key partners in your business to engage as you migrate from SCORM to xAPI

Intermediate to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors. A basic familiarity with xAPI will be helpful, as this session will not cover “what is xAPI.”

Technology discussed in this session:
The Experience API (xAPI), learning record stores (LRSs), SCORM, and learning management systems (LMSs).

Megan Torrance



Megan Torrance is CEO and founder of TorranceLearning, which helps organizations connect learning strategy to design, development, data, and ultimately performance. She has more than 25 years of experience in learning design, deployment, and consulting . Megan and the TorranceLearning team are passionate about sharing what works in learning, so they devote considerable time to teaching and sharing about Agile project management for learning experience design and the xAPI. She is the author of Agile for Instructional Designers, The Quick Guide to LLAMA, and Making Sense of xAPI. Megan is also an eCornell Facilitator in the Women's Executive Leadership curriculum.

Rob Houck

Head of Technology Innovation

UL Compliance to Performance

Rob Houck is the head of technology innovation at UL Compliance to Performance. He has provided strategic direction for learning and talent management software, managed software development and support of technology products and services, and overseen software implementations for more than 3.2 million users in 73 organizations. Rob has worked in technology for more than 25 years and has consulting experience ranging from small business to Fortune 100 clients.

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LS405 Reach, Resonance, and Reaction: A Holistic View of Learning Analytics

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, March 22


All groups within an organization need some way to demonstrate their value. However, unlike sales, L&D generally doesn’t have hard data to measure results. In the past, most learning departments have been limited to measuring only whether their users had accessed their programs—not the strongest metric of how their work contributed to the organization. But L&D isn’t the only group that faces these measurement challenges. Marketing also has similar barriers to finding data that shows its value, but some have found creative solutions to this issue. What can L&D learn from marketing when it comes to measurement?

In this session, you’ll uncover how the work of Nielsen, a company that specializes in marketing analytics, can help you rethink measurement in L&D. You’ll learn more about a Nielsen framework called “Reach, Resonance, and Reaction” that describes how consumers react to marketing campaigns. You’ll then explore how to apply this framework to L&D and get a broader perspective on your learning analytics. By the end of this session, you’ll have a new view on how you can measure and share the value of the work you do with your broader organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What the Reach, Resonance, and Reaction framework is and how it applies to learning
  • How to take a broader view of the learning process and how each part can be measured
  • Which parts of the learning process have often been ignored by data analytics
  • How to identify opportunities for capturing new data to support the Reach, Resonance, and Reaction model

Novice to intermediate designers, managers, directors, and senior leaders (VP, CLO, executive, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:
This session explores analytics from a platform-agnostic perspective.

Adam Weisblatt


Blank Page Learning

Adam Weisblatt is a learning strategist with a passion for creating learner-centered experiences and business-centered learning systems and processes. He is the founder of Blank Page Learning, which helps companies develop strategies integrating learning technologies to open the doors of new ideas and break down the barriers to learning. Adam has 20 years of experience in all aspects of workplace learning and implementing global enterprise-wide projects. He has been an instructor, eLearning designer, and programmer, as well as a performance artist, puppeteer, and cartoonist.

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EME201 It’s Time to Rethink the LMS

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Thursday, March 23

Expo Hall: Emerging Tech Stage

Analysts and L&D experts agree that there is a massive shift happening in the world of learning technology. Data suggests that the LMS category is in the late stage of eLearning’s product lifecycle, but what’s next? Analysts like Ambient Insight, Brandon Hall, and Bersin by Deloitte are in agreement that the market can expect to see rapid migration to “more efficient knowledge and learning transfer products.” Join this session to learn five key reasons why the LMS is failing L&D organizations; the role that the LMS can still play in a modern learning ecosystem; and when to consider a full replacement of the LMS vs. selecting add-on technologies to help modernize. You’ll also hear about examples of organizations that have successfully made the shift.

Carol Leaman



Carol Leaman is the CEO of Axonify, a disruptor in the corporate learning space and innovator behind the world’s first employee knowledge platform. Previously, she was CEO of several other tech companies, including PostRank, a social engagement analytics company she sold to Google. Carol is a thought leader whose articles appear in various publications; she also sits on the boards of many organizations and advises high-tech firms. Carol’s awards include the Waterloo Region Entrepreneur Hall of Fame Intrepid Award (2011) and the Sarah Kirke Award (2010) for Canada’s leading female entrepreneur. She is a finalist for the Techvibes Entrepreneur of the Year Award (2017).

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ECO513 Learning Management System Success in Six Months or Less

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, March 23


When a new LMS administrator joined Whole Foods Market, she found herself in a decentralized organization right in the middle of scoping out a new LMS implementation. In only six months she would need to take this project from the early stages all the way to a systems launch. While not everyone may face this exact situation, if you’re considering implementing a new LMS, chances are you’ll experience many of the same pain points and challenges she had to face to make the launch happen.

In this session, you’ll learn more about how Whole Foods Market made this quick LMS deployment work and what those experiences can teach you about implementing your own new LMS. You’ll get insight into the steps you’ll want to take to help your LMS launch run smoothly, including how to plan and manage the transition from a legacy system, conduct stakeholder interviews, assemble your launch team, create standard operating procedures, and gain the buy-in you’ll need for a successful deployment. In addition, you’ll explore how to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities you may encounter when implementing an LMS in a highly decentralized and collaborative organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to rapidly deploy a large-scale learning management system successfully
  • Tips from agile methodologies to establish roles and responsibilities, prioritize your high-value elements, and start releasing slices as soon as possible
  • How to modify your stakeholder interview process to ensure the right configuration decisions are being made for the organization as a whole
  • How an LMS content audit can help you set standards in a solutions blueprint
  • Why you need to define basic system governance

Novice to intermediate project managers, managers, and LMS (or other platform) administrators.

Technology discussed in this session:
Learning management systems (legacy systems and new systems), Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs.

Jessica Salinas

Global Learning Management System Administrator

Whole Foods Market

Jessica Salinas is a global LMS administrator with Whole Foods Market. In this role, she successfully launched a new learning management system for 90,000 users in less than six months. Previously, she led an eCommerce web and marketing team, managed a company intranet, administered employee engagement and leadership surveys, and created university-level eLearning. Jessica is truly passionate about her work, the Internet, and learning ecosystems, and she is always eager to talk shop with others.

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LS605 Conquering an LMS Rollout: An Intuit Case Study

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, March 23

Narcissus/Orange Blossom

LMS rollouts are never easy, but add a global implementation and a tight timeline, and this challenge could seem insurmountable. But Intuit didn’t want to just meet the basic requirements of this LMS rollout—the company also wanted to see how a more user-centered design approach could make this system more approachable and enjoyable for its audience.

In this case study session, you’ll find out how Intuit made its LMS rollout succeed. You’ll take a closer look at the best practices, common pitfalls, and critical insights that the team learned from their experience with designing and delivering an award-winning learning program around their LMS implementation. In addition, you’ll see how delivering a high-quality user experience was a key part of their plan, and you’ll explore the necessity of thinking of your users first rather than last when launching an LMS.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How Intuit launched an LMS within 60 days (and what you can learn from its journey)
  • Critical tips on how to get buy-in from key stakeholders, including leadership and IT
  • How to build a vision for your LMS implementation
  • About the importance of building a user-focused experience

Novice to intermediate project managers, managers, directors, and senior leaders (VP, CLO, executive, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:
Learning management system (LMS) design.

Syed Ali

Sr. Global Learning Manager


Syed Ali is a global learning experience manager at Intuit. He has been working in the consulting and professional services field for more than 12 years, and with L&D specifically for 10 years. At Intuit, he is responsible for the global delivery of training and certification programs to help drive customer engagement and confidence. Syed is also responsible for creating a learning experience for customers that increases their brand loyalty, confidence of use, and product recommendations. He also has experience leveraging learning technology to provide users with a cross-platform mobile, global, and social learning experience.

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LS804 Adaptive Learning: Using Measurement and Analytics to Customize Training

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, March 23

Narcissus/Orange Blossom

L&D professionals often search for detailed, credible learning measurement coupled with an engaging and highly effective learning experience—a pairing that can be achieved only by revisiting L&D’s approach to creating content. By embracing the adaptive learning methodology, while continuing to leverage the sound instructional design principles and emerging technological innovations that have helped you succeed in the past, you can achieve a new level of training sophistication, intelligently adapting the learning experience to each learner based on their actions, decisions, and abilities.

This session will explore what true adaptive learning is, how deep learning measurement contributes to this approach, and how to leverage this methodology to enhance training engagement and effectiveness within your organization. To go beyond theory and into application, you’ll dive deep on two advanced case studies that show how adaptive learning has successfully been used in healthcare and finance. You’ll also discuss the emerging role of the learning architect and the importance this role will have in the future.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What true adaptive learning is, including why it’s a crucial component in the next generation of training
  • About the principles of adaptive learning that create highly effective and cognitively engaging training content
  • How to avoid common pitfalls by identifying the keys to achieving deep learning data and avoiding the shortcomings in shallow measurement techniques
  • How to communicate the value of better training design to business stakeholders

Intermediate to advanced designers, developers, managers, directors, and senior leaders (VP, CLO, executive, etc.).

Technology discussed in this session:
Adaptive training development tools and big data technologies (including IBM Hadoop and various processing libraries).

Glenn Bull

CEO & Founder


Glenn Bull is the founder and CEO of Skilitics, which is the creator of an enterprise training development platform designed for integrated learning measurement. The Skilitics platform is fast gaining attention globally for its disruptive and innovative approach to training design and measurement. Glenn is the visionary behind this cloud-based solution and spearheads the company’s global strategy. He is also the editor of training comic, contributed to by many of the industry’s key thought leaders. Glenn is one of six members of The eLearning Guild Academy’s Advisory Council.

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LS805 Panel: What’s Wrong with Evaluation?

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, March 23

Palm 3

Most eLearning designers and developers are starved for information about the efficacy of their solutions. Many of the existing models for evaluation and measurement aren’t easy enough to implement; and when they are implemented, they aren’t providing quality data.

In this session, you’ll learn more about why evaluation isn’t as effective as you want it to be and what you can do to improve it. This panel of experts and practitioners will look at the shortcomings of current evaluation models, discuss practical alternatives and solutions that can work right now, and debate what L&D professionals can look to do differently in the future.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why evaluation is so difficult right now
  • What methods can be applied immediately to improve the feedback loop
  • About evaluation options provided by new technologies and new methodologies

Novice to intermediate designers, managers, directors, and senior leaders (VP, CLO, executive, etc.).

JD Dillon (Host)

Chief Learning Architect


JD Dillon became a learning and enablement expert over two decades working in operations and talent development with dynamic organizations including Disney, Kaplan, and AMC. A respected author and speaker in the workplace learning community, JD continues to apply his passion for helping people around the world do their best work every day in his role as Axonify's chief learning architect. JD is also the founder of LearnGeek, a workplace learning insights and advisory group.

Will Thalheimer


Work-Learning Research

Will Thalheimer, PhD, MBA, is a world-renowned speaker, writer, researcher, and consultant focused on research-based best practices for learning design, learning evaluation, and presentation design. Will wrote the award-winning book Performance-Focused Learner Surveys (second edition); created LTEM, the Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model, the Presentation Science Workshop, and co-created the eLearning Manifesto. Will has the honor of being a Learning Guild Master.

Julie Dirksen

Learning Strategist

Usable Learning

Julie Dirksen, a learning strategist with Usable Learning, is a consultant and instructional designer with more than 15 years' experience creating highly interactive eLearning experiences for clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to technology startups to grant-funded research initiatives. She's interested in using neuroscience, change management, and persuasive technology to promote sustainable long-term learning and behavior change. Her MS degree in instructional systems technology is from Indiana University, and she's been an adjunct faculty member at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She is the author of Design For How People Learn.

Steve Foreman


InfoMedia Designs

Steve Foreman is the author of The LMS Guidebook and president of InfoMedia Designs, a provider of eLearning infrastructure consulting services and technology solutions to large companies, academic institutions, professional associations, government, and military. Steve works with forward-looking organizations to find new and effective ways to apply computer technology to support human performance. His work includes enterprise learning strategy, learning and performance ecosystem solutions, LMS selection and implementation, learning-technology architecture and integration, expert-knowledge harvesting, knowledge management, and innovative performance-centered solutions that blend working and learning.

Megan Torrance



Megan Torrance is CEO and founder of TorranceLearning, which helps organizations connect learning strategy to design, development, data, and ultimately performance. She has more than 25 years of experience in learning design, deployment, and consulting . Megan and the TorranceLearning team are passionate about sharing what works in learning, so they devote considerable time to teaching and sharing about Agile project management for learning experience design and the xAPI. She is the author of Agile for Instructional Designers, The Quick Guide to LLAMA, and Making Sense of xAPI. Megan is also an eCornell Facilitator in the Women's Executive Leadership curriculum.

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LS905 xAPI: A Swiss Army Knife for Your Learning Environment

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, March 24

Narcissus/Orange Blossom

The Experience API (xAPI) can improve the ways you create and deliver content, track interactions, and measure performance—and not just in theory. Years of momentum have resulted in numerous use cases for teams seeking to leverage xAPI to better track, measure, and manage their learning efforts. The challenge now is not whether xAPI can be used in your learning environment, but which ways you will choose to use it out of the multitude of options available to you.

This session will discuss what xAPI really is and how it’s being put into use today. You’ll explore how progressive teams are leveraging xAPI to improve learning, streamline tracking, automate tasks, and drive engagement via modern authoring tools and an LRS. You’ll also look at how LMSs are undergoing transformations to support these trends as well. Throughout this talk, you’ll uncover how authoring tools, LMS platforms, mobile apps, and IoT endpoints are being connected to leverage the power of xAPI. You’ll even take a closer look at the basic challenges teams face in implementing xAPI. Armed with knowledge and the proverbial Swiss Army knife of xAPI functions, this session will help you begin to “slice, saw, tweeze, and pick” your way through any training obstacles you face.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Which authoring tools and learning platforms best take advantage of xAPI and cmi5
  • What the basic structural and design tenets of an xAPI-based solution are, and the best-practice approach to implementing them
  • About new use cases to apply tracking to nontraditional learning assignments and interactions
  • About technical challenges you’ll need to overcome with LMS integration, security, mobile, and more
  • About the importance of cmi5 and its future impact on learning

Intermediate to advanced designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Examples of how xAPI is used within a variety of content authoring tools, how statements are collected using both integrated and remote learning record stores (LRSs), and how xAPI statements can be applied to traditional training and informal learning interactions.

Robert Gadd


OnPoint Digital

Robert Gadd is president of OnPoint Digital and responsible for the company’s vision and strategy. OnPoint’s online and mobile-enabled offerings support more than one million workers and include innovative methods for content authoring, conversion, and delivery extended with social interactions, gamification, and enterprise-grade security for workers on their device or platform of choice. Prior to OnPoint, Robert spent 10 years as CTO of Datatec Systems and president/CTO of spin-off He is a frequent speaker on learning solutions—including mobile, informal learning, xAPI, and gamification—at national and international T&D conferences.

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LS1009 BYOL: Sending xAPI Statements to an LRS from Standard eLearning Tools

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, March 24

Palm 5

Most eLearning tools out of the box publish to xAPI, but you still have to package up the course and upload it to your LMS, not really taking advantage of xAPI’s true potential of tracking learning no matter where the learning content may be.

This session will cover the basics of an xAPI statement: how to create a statement and how to trigger and send statements from Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate. With this integration, you can upload your Storyline and Captivate courses to any location and get a greater level of tracking through xAPI.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the basics of xAPI statements
  • How to generate statements
  • How to trigger custom statements within Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, and the xAPI specification.

Participant technology requirements:
Laptop running Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate.

Jeff Batt


Learning Dojo

Jeff Batt has 15+ years of experience in the digital learning and media industry. Currently, Jeff Batt is a Learning Experience Designer for Amazon. He is the founder and trainer at Learning Dojo, a company dedicated to training you to become a software ninja in various eLearning, web, and mobile-related software applications. He was also the program manager of DevLearn for The Learning Guild. Jeff often speaks on developmental technologies such as xAPI, HTML5, augmented reality, mobile development, eLearning development tools, and more.

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