Sharing What Works

March 16 – 18, 2016 Orlando, FL

Register Now Includes:

ECO114 Facilitating an Organizational Learning Culture

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, March 16


The performance ecosystem is about more than just helping people do what is known that they need to do. In this era of continual change, the only sustainable differentiator will be the ability to adapt, deal with ambiguity, and innovate. This comes from a rich ecosystem, but it takes more. Where the culture doesn’t support sharing, where it’s not safe to contribute, the ecosystem can’t flourish, and organizations can miss out on the opportunity.

In this session, you will review the elements that make a learning culture. You will learn about what it takes to facilitate valuable interaction and the barriers that can hinder participation. You will explore what’s known not just about culture, but about making culture change happen. Additionally, you will learn about the keys to innovation: constructive interaction between people; and communication, sharing, and collaboration. You will learn about the process to develop conditions under which an ecosystem can operate optimally and provide the maximum benefit to the organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The elements of a learning culture
  • The components of innovation
  • The key element to change
  • Successful change practices

Intermediate and advanced managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Clark Quinn

Chief Learning Strategist

Upside Learning

Clark Quinn, PhD is the executive director of Quinnovation, co-director of the Learning Development Accelerator, and chief learning strategist for Upside Learning. With more than four decades of experience at the cutting edge of learning, Dr. Quinn is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and author of seven books. He combines a deep knowledge of cognitive science and broad experience with technology into strategic design solutions that achieve innovative yet practical outcomes for corporations, higher-education, not-for-profit, and government organizations.

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ECO414 Gaining Buy-in for Your Learning Technology-supported Ecosystem

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, March 16


As a learning leader, you want to build a world class learning model. But the problem is you need executive support, funding, IT support, etc. A learning ecosystem that satisfies today’s learner requires changing the conversation with all the stakeholders.

In this session, you’ll use the learning model canvas to create the story for changing the mindset and mechanics of the corporate learning model. You’ll learn the top two learning organization patterns and the top five learning organization models. You will be able to identify your organization’s current model, identify the dependencies needed for implementing a new learning ecosystem, and actionable next steps for implementing it in the workplace. You will gain the skills to: select the most effective learning model for the organization, determine actionable steps to gain commitment and resources for a new learning ecosystem, and facilitate consultant-like discussions at the executive level.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The two key patterns and the five top learning organization models for creating a learning ecosystem
  • How to create a story to have consulting-like conversations with executive leadership to gain buy-in and resources for the desired learning ecosystem
  • How to have tough consulting-like conversations with executives
  • How to use learning ecosystem interdependencies to negotiate trade-offs
  • How to determine the next steps to implementing the preferred learning ecosystem
  • To identify how to measure the effectiveness of learning within the ecosystem

Novice to advanced project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Laptop for downloadable PDF and access to pre-conference materials.

John Delano



John Delano is the CEO and co-founder of Saltbox, where he empowers learning development leaders to create innovative performance development ecosystems. A synergist, his experience in learning development, consulting, and entrepreneurship with companies such as AT&T, Comcast, and T-Mobile provides a perspective that crosses the line from academic theory to practical tactics based on real-world success. John works with learning leaders who want to challenge the status quo, disrupt outdated learning models, and innovate to achieve their goals. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington and a master’s degree from the University of Portland.

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ECO514 Is Your Ecosystem Ready for the Next Generation?

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, March 17


Employees today don’t just use the Internet—they live in it! And they expect their online learning experience on the job to match their online experience in their digital, highly connected life. Is your ecosystem up to the challenge, or does it seem boring and limited to your learners? We’ve been reading about the wave of new employees in the workforce for years, but have we built the learning and performance support environment that will engage them and help them thrive?

In this interactive session, we will explore how the brain operates and how it expects to seek out, receive, and apply information. Then you’ll learn about specific ways to evaluate your current ecosystem and identify ways to tailor it to meet the needs of your connected employees. You will be able to immediately use this information to evaluate your own ecosystem’s readiness and the five things you can do right now to make it more effective for all.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How people are learning from YouTube and other social media
  • What employees today expect and require from their corporate learning ecosystem
  • How to evaluate your current ecosystem’s readiness
  • Five things you should start doing now to make your ecosystem more effective

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Margie Meacham

Chief Freedom Officer

Margie Meacham is a leading expert in the application of neuroscience and machine learning to enhance knowledge management, learning, and performance. She teaches education, training, and leadership development professionals how to apply the latest discoveries in cognitive neuroscience, educational psychology, and artificial intelligence. Her first book, Brain Matters: How to help anyone learn anything using neuroscience, is a practical review of current research placed into practice. Her second book, AI in Talent Development: Capitalize on the AI Revolution to Transform the Way You Work, Learn, and Live, is a call to action for educators to embrace AI applications to accelerate learning. She has been recognized by the World Training Congress as a Top 100 Most Innovative learning professional and her blog is recognized as one of the Top 100 related to neuroscience.

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ECO815 L&D Credentials: A Jack of All Trades or Master’s of Instructional Design?

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, March 17


The struggle of managers to identify the best candidates for the roles within their learning and development (L&D) ecosystem is always an issue, as is cultivating the development of valuable skills and knowledge within the existing ecosystem. The problem can be addressed by detailing the capabilities and competencies that are of the most value and importance in the L&D ecosystem, given the range of experience, degrees (formal education), and certifications available for professional development within the industry.

In this session, you will learn a new perspective on evaluating candidates. In addition, you will learn about helping current professionals within the L&D ecosystem determine the best fit and desire for ongoing professional development. You’ll explore the value of one master’s degree program compared to another, and which professional certifications offer the most value to your team.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How professionals with varying levels of formal education add value and strengthen the overall L&D ecosystem
  • How different master’s programs are structured from a curriculum and development perspective
  • About the relative value of different professional certifications
  • About opportunities to develop the skills and education of your existing team

Intermediate and advanced managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Chad Lowry

Customer Education Manager


Chad Lowry, customer education manager for Morningstar, has worked in the learning and development field for almost 20 years as a technical writer, instructional designer, eLearning developer, and manager. He recently completed his master’s degree in learning design and technology from Purdue University.

Sarah Crago

Instructional Designer

Arizona State University

Sarah Crago is an instructional designer at Arizona State University’s Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives. While her background includes roles in educational publishing, teaching, and online course development, her current position allows her to design and deliver integrated, applied sustainability education to a wide variety of adult audiences. Sarah holds an MSEd degree in learning design and technology from Purdue University.

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