Sharing What Works

March 16 – 18, 2016 Orlando, FL

Register Now Includes:

ECO115 Using Nano-learning in Onboarding

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, March 16


Today’s market requires faster onboarding; often there is overlap or confusion between process and training. Staff are overwhelmed by information in the initial stages of their performance and often forget or don’t have the opportunity to apply the why and the how of what they have learned in an appropriate timeframe.

In this session, you will learn about the role nano-learning can play in your onboarding strategy. You will learn how staff can be trained faster and on an on-demand basis by embedding nano-learning modules within reference manuals. You’ll learn how learners receive training when it is needed and training that is tied directly to the process being completed, resulting in quicker onboarding for staff, a one-stop shopping for process and training, and ultimately enhanced performance due to the availability of on-demand training.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to determine the critical information to be included in a nano-learning module
  • How to assess whether or not a nano-learning module will enhance a process
  • How to structure a nano-learning module specifically to pair with reference material
  • How to review metrics to determine the benefit of a nano-learning module, as well as potential actions to be taken

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Greta Dearing

Instructional Design Specialist

Cooperators General Insurance Company

Greta Dearing, an instructional design specialist for Cooperators General Insurance Company, has 18 years of insurance industry experience, including business analysis, process design and improvement, and instructional design focused on content design and development.

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ECO214 Bite-sized Learning Is the New Black

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, March 16

International North

Have you ever gotten way too much content for a module, but you still tried to squeeze it all in? Do subject matter experts (SMEs) give you too much content and refuse to cut any away, because it’s all important? Do you wish you could just do small modules, knowing it is better for your audience, especially in today’s world of short attention spans and busy participants? You may often get content that others think is easy to put into a module, but there is a better way to please the SMEs and give your audience the best experience.

In this session, you will learn how to design eLearning where your users can absorb information in micro-modules by breaking large chunks of information into bite-sized pieces that are more manageable. You will learn how this also helps to lower the risk of cognitive overload to your learners. In addition, you will learn how smaller modules also increase the ability of learners to retain more and help fight the forgetting curve. If you are an instructional designer who is looking for a light at the end of the tunnel when given hours’ worth of information and told to put it in a quick module, this session is for you.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The benefits of bite-sized chunks or micro modules in instructional design (ID)
  • How bite-sized modules can improve the learning process for your users
  • How to effectively describe the process for creating micro modules within the ID process
  • How to create prototypes for a micro module ID project
  • How to improve your ID process by implementing bite-sized modules in your projects

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Lisa Whalen

Senior Instructional Designer

Waters Corporation

Lisa Whalen, MAT, MSIT, is a senior instructional designer at Waters Corporation. Lisa has four years of experience in instructional design and 13 years in technology design, in addition to a master's degree in teaching with Internet technology and a master's degree in information technology. She also holds a President’s Award, a Tech Scholar Award, and a Best of Tech Award. Lisa specializes in instructional design, streamlining processes, marketing, implementation, and prototyping with usability design. She is also a writer for the company blog in instructional design.

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ECO315 How Data Is Changing Content Development

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, March 16


Students don’t know what they don’t know. This concept applies not only to academics, but to learners in any environment. This means that educators and developers are constantly developing resources that focus on what they anticipate the learner needs. Adaptive learning technologies are now providing the data that allows us to understand specific knowledge deficiencies. This is not only changing the learning environment, but also the process by which content is generated.

In this session, using data obtained from a large-lecture university science education class, you will be shown how an understanding of knowledge deficiencies is being used by the individual to personalize the learning experience and in the classroom to flip the learning environment. You will learn how the analysis of this data is leading to revisions of content within the textbook, and allowing for the development of continuously updated information. Ultimately, you will experience how data from a single learning experience may be utilized across the entire learning ecosystem.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How user data may be used to revise content
  • How user data may be used to personalize learning
  • How user data may be used to generating micro-learning resources
  • How adaptive learning platforms provide data on knowledge deficiencies

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Michael Windelspecht


Ricochet Creative Productions

Michael Windelspecht, the CEO and president of Ricochet Creative Productions, is a science educator and author. He is responsible for the development of a major science textbook series. Michael is a digital content developer with a focus on the repurposing of content for microlearning environments. He is a consultant to the publishing industry on the effective integration of digital learning platforms into the higher education environment.

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ECO613 Using Big Data to Shape the Learner Experience

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, March 17


Organizations are increasingly looking beyond the confines of learning management systems. Where organizations were once focused on content delivery, they’re now switching to user-generated content and more social, connected learning experiences. As devices and sensors are added to the learning environment, datasets have marched toward the realms of big data. Yet, as is so often the case with data-driven strategies, connecting data with action can remain a mystery.

In this session, you will learn about the tools and methods that were applied to help learning organizations connect their various platforms together and start deriving actionable data insights. You will learn why it is becoming necessary for organizations to think strategically about how they share data between systems, how they avoid redundancy and replication, and how others are tackling big issues like identity and security. You will leave this session with an action and a code of practice for learning organizations looking to use big data.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How other organizations are using big data in learning
  • How to use a standard like the xAPI as part of your strategy
  • How to tap into an organization’s data supply chain
  • How to use data to recognize a wide range of achievements
  • How to create actionable data
  • About a code of practice for using big data

Intermediate and advanced managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Ben Betts

Chief Executive Officer

Learning Pool

Ben Betts serves as CEO for Learning Pool. Previously, Ben served as chief product officer, where he worked to help define and develop Learning Pool's next generation of workplace digital learning platforms, with a focus on learning experience platforms and the learning analytics space. Ben's expertise is based in research, having completed his PhD researching the impact of gamification on adult social learning, Ben has authored and contributed chapters for many books, has two peer-reviewed academic papers, and has presented at conferences around the world, including TEDx.

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ECO615 Applying Performance Support Across the Learning Continuum

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, March 17


If you taught them this, why don’t they do it? Educational services at Saint Vincent Hospital got tired of hearing this question and started looking for a new learning paradigm for the institution. The solution was found in performance support. By blending learning opportunities and performance support for associates—before a class, during a class, and on-the-job—Saint Vincent is able to significantly impact job performance.

In this session, you will learn the principles of performance support, the process of gaining buy-in for performance support at Saint Vincent Hospital, and how performance support was successfully blended into a learning continuum for several projects. Details will be provided and examples will be shared. You will have the opportunity to step through the process of developing a fully integrated performance learning plan and discuss potential points of implementation for your organizations.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The difference between job aids and true performance support
  • The benefits of providing performance support throughout the learning ecosystem
  • Steps to be taken to implement performance support throughout the ecosystem
  • The potential metrics to be used to determine the success of the implementation

Advanced developers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Molly Petroff

Education Specialist

Saint Vincent Hospital

Molly Petroff, an education specialist at Saint Vincent Hospital, is the architect of performance support (PS) at the hospital and has implemented several PS solutions focusing on the moment of apply for health system associates. She has worked in staff development for over 25 years, focusing the last 15 years on online learning technologies and the last five years primarily on PS design and development. She has authored numerous eLearning programs and PS solutions for in-house delivery and for other institutions. Molly, an RN, holds a BSN in nursing, an MEd in adult education, and certificates in eLearning instructional design and 5MoN design.

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