Sharing What Works

March 22 – 24, 2017 Orlando, FL

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Learning Guild

The Learning Guild is a community of practice for those supporting the design, development, strategy, and management of organizational learning. As a member-driven organization, we aim to create a place where learning professionals can share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas to build a better industry—and better learning experiences—for everyone. 

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Sessions in Video Track

10:45 AM Wed, March 22

Track: Video

Implementing a video strategy is always tricky when juggling budget line items. There’s the risk of throwing too much money at equipment, and the risk of not making the right choices that will produce the level of quality your team expects.

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11:00 AM Wed, March 22

Track: Video

Retention and engagement are two drivers you focus on when trying to design effective learning experiences. That said, it can be difficult to find solutions that manage to retain your audience’s interest, present the content you need them to know, test their knowledge, and adjust materials based on the results. But a blending of technologies is emerging that uses the pairing of attention-grabbing media with more adaptive approaches to achieve all these goals and more: interactive video.

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1:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Video

If a picture can convey a thousand words, imagine how much more a video can convey. Videos are fast becoming a standard means of sharing knowledge and training information in organizations, but using them effectively has a number of challenges. How can you ensure they’re searchable, archivable, and relevant for your audience? How can you easily organize and manage these dynamic training assets, including user-generated content? And once you’ve created videos, how can you drive traffic to your online video portal so this content is actually viewed by the people who need it?

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1:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Video

YouTube is the world’s biggest online video provider and second-largest search engine—and that presents some amazing opportunities for L&D. But selling this free tool to stakeholders and gatekeepers in your organization can be a challenge, particularly if they’re having trouble envisioning YouTube used for purposes beyond entertainment. Do they need to see a working sample first? Do you?

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2:30 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Video

Video is all the rage, but what constitutes good video? In the YouTube era, many developers have been taught to point their iPhone and shoot with little thought to aspects like visual composition, lighting, and editing. When you’re shooting video, a number of small, easily adjusted factors often make the difference between a quality video and one that’s unwatchable.

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4:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Video

Having an educated team isn’t just a best practice; it’s a requirement. The more educated the team, the healthier the bottom line. The challenge lies in keeping teams informed and wanting to learn more about their roles in the industry. With dry content centered around policies and procedures, how do you create a story that engages a learner and makes an impact? By using animated videos that are relatable and fun!

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10:45 AM Thu, March 23

Track: Video

Video is rapidly becoming a much more common method of learning delivery than it was even a few years ago. But when you get started with video, it’s important to recognize that you can’t just use the exact same approaches you used in the past for creating eLearning or ILT—this medium has its own unique design rules. To use video as effectively as possible in L&D, you need to look at how this medium really works—from a neurological and a practical point of view—and how that affects the way you design content for it.

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11:00 AM Thu, March 23

Track: Video

2-D video is an important and engaging component of training programs and curricula around the world, but learners see only the linear path the video projects. What if you created a more immersive world for your learners, and gave them control of what to focus on and explore, by allowing them to see everything around them?

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1:00 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Video

In a world of fragmented content consumption and constant distraction, how do you get your audience’s attention and keep it? To open the door to learning, you have to put them in the driver’s seat and create an emotional connection with authentic dialogue. Behavior beyond surface-level content engagement requires emotional investment.

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2:30 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Video

Web video is seeing massive growth, and learners are not only consuming video but also making it. The literature indicates that there is an abundance of both underuse and overuse of videos in learning environments. Long, not engaging, and ill-prepared videos are very common.

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4:00 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Video

Spurred both by the growing popularity of video among learners and the availability of the production tools, learning professionals are increasingly producing their own videos. Most, however, quickly learn that video is very different from eLearning. Creating videos that can have a real impact on the workplace requires building new skill sets, and that journey begins with learning more about video scripts. Scriptwriting is essential to creating effective media but is often where workplace videos stumble, with script missteps adding time to the filming and editing process or even preventing a video from making the full impact intended. That’s why, before you pick up a camera and start filming, it’s vital to understand how to create a script that works.

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8:30 AM Fri, March 24

Track: Video

Microlearning videos under one minute in length require rapid storyboarding and predefined video content structures. As the length of the video decreases, so does the optimal format of the video. Leaving out too many details will have a negative effect on your learning strategy. Every second counts for your learner!

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10:00 AM Fri, March 24

Track: Video

You use online video, but do you know how it works and why videos uploaded to YouTube may behave differently than those uploaded directly into an LMS? Online video use is growing for training and learning, but many people don’t know what happens and what’s possible after a video is uploaded.

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