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March 22 – 24, 2017 Orlando, FL

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Learning Guild

The Learning Guild is a community of practice for those supporting the design, development, strategy, and management of organizational learning. As a member-driven organization, we aim to create a place where learning professionals can share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas to build a better industry—and better learning experiences—for everyone. 

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Sessions in Tools Track

10:45 AM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

Video can be a powerful tool in training, but many of the quality video tools are expensive and difficult to master. The average developer just does not have the budget, the skills, or (most importantly) the time to become proficient in a high-end video editing tool.

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10:45 AM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requires that employers provide “reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants and employees.” But many instructional designers worry that accessible content will be less interactive and thus less effective. Others want to do more but don’t know where to begin. In the end, many often just create a printable text version of the content and call it good enough. You can and should do better than that for your learners.

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12:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

Time is money, and so are happy clients! Come spend some time with the Articulate team and learn how you can speed up your workflow, help your budget, and increase your productivity with the tools in Articulate 360.

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1:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

Do you have a large number of similar courses to develop in a short amount of time? Is it painful for you to build one-off custom courses for material that just changes slightly? Would you like to build an efficient course development template so that all of your courses have the same look and feel, can be rapidly produced, and still can be customized? JavaScript with Storyline is the answer!

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1:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

3-D virtual simulations give you the opportunity to create an immersive learning environment with interactive and engaging experiences. Articulate Storyline has emerged in recent years as a popular eLearning authoring tool, but it lacks built-in tools or methods to create 3-D virtual simulations.

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1:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

Workplaces are awash in email traffic, competing demands, and hard-to-maintain courseware, while businesses try to operate more responsively to the needs of both the marketplace and its stakeholders. To better work within this complexity and remain relevant to the business, L&D needs to rethink the methods it uses to support learners. While expensive, enterprise-weight solutions exist for this dilemma, there is a simpler approach you can consider that has shallower learning curves, stronger impact, and greater extensibility—Slack.

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2:30 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

PowerPoint is often the basis for much of the training material you use and the eLearning and mLearning content you create, and yet it’s text-heavy, dull, and boring. This is not effective; it results in disengaged students and click-through eLearning.

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2:30 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

With the frequent releases of eLearning products, it can be hard to keep up with all the new features introduced with every version. But if you don’t look into these updates, you could miss great new features that can make your course creation easier or even allow you to do brand-new things with the tool.

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3:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

Many people in L&D work with technology that does their coding for them, enabling them to create something exciting without really understanding the code behind it. But if you don’t know how something works, then you can’t possibly control it, mold it, or make it better. The thing decides how it works, and you must simply abide. That’s why, even if you have no intention of making coding your full-time job, it can still be handy to have a basic understanding of how it works and when just a small amount of coding can make what you create even better.

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4:00 PM Wed, March 22

Track: Tools

Creating effective learning experiences is not a job for a novice, although many novices are thrown into the role of instructional designer or developer. If beginners turn to the field’s expansive literature, which ranges from cookbook-style guides and blogs to scientific research, they are easily overwhelmed and typically turn to overly simplistic approaches. But even experienced professionals can come to feel they’re never able to do the job that should be done.

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10:00 AM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

Your goal is to provide learners with a terrific learning experience on whatever device they might be using. But spending countless hours tweaking content for various screens when there’s a fast-approaching deadline doesn’t seem like a great solution. Help is on the way! In this session you’ll find out how mobile eLearning development just got easy with the hot new apps in Articulate 360.

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10:00 AM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

Let’s face it: we all need a little help sometimes. Whether you’re a manager, an instructional designer, a developer, a programmer, or some combination—no matter what your role is, sooner or later you need to choose an authoring tool to develop eLearning content. But how to decide? In this topic, we’ll discuss various criteria and decision points to help you figure out which authoring tool is the best fit for you. At the end of the presentation, attendees will be provided with their own essential checklist to help them choose.

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10:45 AM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

While instructional design and effective learning approaches are paramount in eLearning, aesthetics can’t be ignored either. That’s because the page layouts and overall design of your projects influence both your client’s feelings about the quality of your work and your audience’s confidence in the course. But most instructional designers and developers aren’t trained graphic designers, leaving them at a disadvantage when it comes to building professional, modern eLearning projects.

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10:45 AM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

L&D practitioners have always struggled with extending the learning experience to help make workplace learning less of a one-time event and more of a long-term process. Social tools are one way to shift this approach, offering great opportunities for increasing our reach before, during, and after formal training. But sometimes when using social tools in the same ways we use them in our personal lives, we miss opportunities to leverage them differently to support extended learning and engagement with our audience. There's so much more that these tools have to offer than just asking people to join discussion groups!

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1:00 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

eLearning authoring tools like Articulate Storyline 2 and Presenter are powerful applications to enrich eLearning experiences. Yet most companies suffer from “PowerPoint Conversion Syndrome.” Therefore, learning experiences continue to be “death sentences” of boredom because courses are just PowerPoint decks full of text and bullets, driving engagement way down.

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1:00 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

Want to create highly effective and engaging eLearning content, but have a limited budget? A wide variety of high-end digital learning design tools have features that promise to produce visually stimulating experiences, but they come complete with an equally high price tag.

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2:00 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

Take an in-depth look at the tools, designs, and technologies you should focus on in learning today, and at what’s just around the corner. This session will dissect technologies that will enhance learning and show you how to integrate them into your solutions. What can you learn from the buzz and new tools appearing in the consumer and corporate environments, and how can you take advantage of them to help your users learn? This fun session will give you dozens of ideas and reboot your brain for fresh perspectives on how to enhance your learning today.

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2:30 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

As technology changes day-to-day life, it is fascinating to imagine what the future will bring. For L&D professionals, however, it’s very hard to keep up the pace. What technology will be trending and will change the way people live and learn, and what technology will be nothing but hype? Has augmented reality really disrupted learning? And how about virtual reality and wearable tech?

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2:30 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

Animation and movement can be key features that help the learner pay attention to what’s important on the screen. When done well, motion and animation can be effective tools to leverage; but when done poorly, they are a waste of development time and a distraction to the learner.

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4:00 PM Thu, March 23

Track: Tools

Animation can enhance learner engagement, but who has the time to learn to animate? Storyline 2 has great illustrated characters with many poses and expressions, yet when you need your character to do something not in its lineup, what are you to do?

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8:30 AM Fri, March 24

Track: Tools

How many times have you had to redo a project because you thought you understood the challenge, goals, or requirements but the final product didn’t work as expected or fully solve the issue? As we start to build more complex interactions and applications, we need to improve our process to allow us to test a concept, measure its results, and iterate over and over until it meets the needs of our audience. Thankfully, software development already has a fantastic process for doing this that we can borrow from that field: prototyping.

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10:00 AM Fri, March 24

Track: Tools

Responsive eLearning design is becoming less of a nice-to-have feature and more of an absolute must for many organizations. As a result, the most popular authoring tools, like Captivate, Storyline, and Lectora, have been adding more features for integrating responsive design, while some newer tools have been designed right from the start to accommodate the needs of this design concept. That said, these tools each take a different approach to making content responsive, so you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right one for your needs.

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10:00 AM Fri, March 24

Track: Tools

Rapid eLearning development tools are incredibly helpful, but they may leave you scratching your head, wondering “How am I going to do that?” You know there has to be a way to make the idea you have in your head work in this tool, but you’re just not quite sure how. That’s when it’s time to shift your creativity into high gear and find a crafty solution for things that aren’t default processes.

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