000 Developing Learning Professionals for the New World of Learning and Development

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8


Economic stress, learning technologies, global competition, and the learning sciences present opportunities and threats to learning and performance professionals. How will you respond as we move to more mobile, performance support, and video?

In this session, you will learn how the world of learning and work are impacting the roles of learning and performance professionals. You will see examples of the changes happening and learn from those who are driving the change from the top, and you will learn more about the emerging roles and varying responsibilities that are presenting themselves today.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What’s happening now
  • Descriptions of emerging players, roles, and responsibilities
  • Examples of places where change is happening, including testimonials from learning executives
  • A checklist of critical success factors which you can apply to your own circumstances

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Allison Rossett


Allison Rossett & Associates

Dr. Allison Rossett, long-time Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University, is in the Training magazine HRD Hall of Fame, and was a member of the ASTD International Board of Directors. Recipient of ASTD’s recognition for lifelong contributions to workplace learning and performance and designated a 2008 LEGEND, Allison co-authored Job Aids and Performance Support: Moving from Knowledge in the Classroom to Knowledge Everywhere and a new edition of her book, First Things Fast. Rossett edited The ASTD E-Learning Handbook: Best Practices, Strategies, and Case Studies for an Emerging Field. She also wrote a white paper for the American Management Association, Blended Learning Opportunities and another, on learner engagement, for Adobe Systems. Allison’s client list includes IBM, HP, Ingersoll Rand, the Getty Conservation Institute, Fidelity Investments, Kaiser Permanente, BP, the IRS, Amgen, Royal Bank of Scotland, USAA, National Security Agency, Transportation Security Administration, and several eLearning start-ups. Allison was awarded the Guild Master Award in 2013 for her accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community.

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106 The EnABLE Framework: Effective Learning and Performance Support Together

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8


Your business sponsor wants to cut costs and improve performance. Your end users want lots of high-quality, traditional training. You need solutions that focus on enabling performance through the use of both formal training and effective performance support. How can you effectively evaluate learning and performance needs and implement solutions that leverage both formal training and performance support in the most efficient way possible?

In this session, you will learn a way to connect sound instructional design and strategy to business results by focusing on performance. You will be introduced to the EnABLE Framework (engage-align-build-leverage-evaluate) as an approach for effectively addressing large and small projects with an emphasis on performance. The session will illustrate, in a fresh way, the challenges many learning organizations face when it comes to helping their clients move the needle on employee performance. This framework synthesizes key concepts in the field of learning and performance support, and it provides a way of thinking about how formal training and performance support go hand in hand for effective employee learning and performance.  

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why we have to change our thinking when it comes to learning and performance support
  • Why aligning on critical skills helps learning teams to be more efficient and effective
  • How to leverage people and technology from the start of a project to implement effective learning and performance support
  • Why a focus on performance enablement creates line-of-business buy-in
  • Tips for articulating the changing landscape of adult learning and why it matters to employees

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Oracle User Productivity Kit

Ryan Sarpalius


Pacific Gas & Electric

Ryan Sarpalius, a manager with Pacific Gas & Electric, has more than 10 years of experience in corporate learning and performance improvement. Ryan manages a dynamic team of senior instructional designers and senior learning strategists focused primarily in the IT and customer service arena. He is experienced in implementing large-scale performance support solutions and effectively changing the conversation from training to performance.

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107 Focusing on the Now and Next of Learning and Technology

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8

Lone Star F

Technology continues to advance rapidly, changing how people live and interact with the world around them. Today’s learning professionals face the challenge of staying ahead of this curve and tracking the technologies that are shaping the future of organizational learning, while at the same time recognizing technologies that may be more of a passing fad.

In this session, you will explore the changing face of the learning technology landscape. You will discuss how mobile, video, performance support, and other technologies have shifted the landscape of organizational learning. You will examine the common characteristics of these shifts so that you are better equipped to recognize which emerging technologies have the potential to disrupt organizational learning, as opposed to those that are just hype. You will leave this session better prepared to stay ahead of the evolving technologies you need to focus on.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How technology can disrupt organizational learning
  • Which technologies are shaping the future
  • About common characteristics shared by disruptive technologies
  • Tips for staying ahead of the technology curve

Novice to advanced designers, developers, senior developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Various emerging technologies.

David Kelly


The Learning Guild

David Kelly is the Chairman of the Learning Guild. David has been a learning and performance consultant and training director for over 20 years. He is a leading voice exploring how technology can be used to enhance training, education, learning, and organizational performance. David is an active member of the learning community, and can frequently be found speaking at industry events. He has previously contributed to organizations including ATD, eLearn Magazine, LINGOs, and more.

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108 What You Must Know to Select the Best Mobile Learning Development Tools

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8


There are so many authoring tools on the market, and so many promise that they’ll let you create stellar mobile learning solutions. How can any organization make sense of which will serve it best? Is one enough, or do you need two? Are two enough, or do you need eight? You don’t randomly choose which car to buy. You don’t throw a dart at a map to decide where to live. Research is key, and consulting an unbiased expert can save a lot of time and cost. Choosing an authoring tool that you can use to create mobile lessons is no different.

In this session, you will learn the right questions to ask to get the answers needed to avoid costly mistakes. You’ll learn how to help your team use this information to create the best learning in the least amount of time and at the lowest cost, avoiding the potential land mines that await you. Additionally, you will learn about the critical differences between Flash and HTML5, and strategies for creating mobile learning that must also work on desktop computers.

In this session, you will learn:

  • To evaluate the landscape of mobile learning tools available in today’s market
  • To determine the principal features of many of the top tools to help you and your team create mobile learning rapidly
  • To decide when it makes sense to go with HTML5, with Flash, or with both
  • To ask the right questions of tool vendors and to evaluate the answers you get

Novice and intermediate developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile development tools, HTML5, and Flash.

Joe Ganci


eLearning Joe

Joe Ganci is the owner and president of eLearning Joe, a custom learning company. Since 1983, he has been involved in every aspect of multimedia and learning development. Joe holds a computer science degree, writes books and articles about eLearning, and is widely considered an eLearning development guru. He consults worldwide and also teaches at conferences and client sites. Joe writes tool reviews and has received several awards for his work in eLearning, including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999 and an eLearning Guild Master Award in 2013. His mission is to improve the quality of eLearning with practical approaches that work.

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112 Just Because You Can Make a Video Doesn’t Mean You Should

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8

Lone Star H

Video technology is ubiquitous. However, many professionals become so preoccupied with whether they CAN produce a video that they often don’t stop to think about whether they SHOULD. Too often, this results in the development of ineffective content that doesn’t support user needs, wastes viewers’ time, and sets a poor precedent for the use of video within the organization.

This session will cover strategic ways of applying video to facilitate learning within a modern performance ecosystem. You will assess the connection between video consumption habits in the real world and the workplace. You’ll examine practical examples in which video supports learning in unique and meaningful ways. You will leave this session with new ideas of how to quickly and creatively use video to address your organization’s knowledge and skill needs.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to determine whether video is a right-fit learning solution
  • Specific ways in which video can support learning and performance
  • How to leverage familiar consumer video consumption behaviors at work
  • Simple guidelines for delivering video within a workplace context
  • How to integrate video with your other learning and performance strategies

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, managers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
YouTube, Netflix, Confluence, Kaltura, Axonify, PowerPoint, Blab, and Periscope.

JD Dillon

Chief Learning Architect


JD Dillon became a learning and enablement expert over two decades working in operations and talent development with dynamic organizations including Disney, Kaplan, and AMC. A respected author and speaker in the workplace learning community, JD continues to apply his passion for helping people around the world do their best work every day in his role as Axonify's chief learning architect. JD is also the founder of LearnGeek, a workplace learning insights and advisory group.

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113 Building an Entire Learning Experience with Micro Videos

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8


Microlearning is a way to solve the problems facing L&D today: dwindling attention spans, shrinking budgets, knowledge workers with less time, and perhaps most challenging, the rapid evolution of technology that outdates skills as soon as they’re learned.

In this session, you will learn how businesses and trainers who adopt microlearning see their training time and costs reduced, their workers more fulfilled and productive, and their profits soar. Learn how a micro approach provides opportunity for content innovation in many formats. Learn how to develop scalable processes for creating large amounts of short and focused video content that meets specific and immediate learning needs.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What microlearning is and about the science behind its effectiveness
  • How to create engaging microlearning that covers everything a learner needs to know
  • How organizations of various sizes are putting microlearning into practice
  • How to ensure that microlearning is addressing skill gaps in your organization and driving your development and performance goals
  • How to choose the right video format for learning needs

Novice and intermediate designers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Microlearning videos

Brittany Jordan

Strategic Learning Experience Designer


Brittany Jordan, a strategic learning experience designer at Grovo, has a track record of creating innovative, high-impact learning solutions. Previously, Brittany designed and created kindergarten- to graduate-level digital and blended learning at Six Red Marbles. She has also worked as an instructor and curriculum developer at USBI University in Jakarta, Indonesia, and at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She combines her cross-cultural work experience and performance arts background to creatively approach problems. Brittany holds a BA in history and a BM in music history from Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music and an MEd from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She combines her cross-cultural work experience and performance arts background to creatively approach problems. Brittany graduated with a BA in History and a BM in Music History from Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music and with a M.Ed. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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115 Performance Support for Performance Support: How to Best EnABLE Your Teams

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8


Within the learning and development professional community, we don’t always focus on the tools we need to enable our performance. The phrase “The shoemaker’s children have no shoes” comes to mind here. In this session we will discuss a performance support solution created for instructional designers participating in the 5 Moments of Learning Need™ certificate program. We will preview the solution and discuss how it helps instructional designers both as a tool during learning and, more importantly, as a support tool while they apply 5 Moments of Learning Need™ methods on the job.

Conrad Gottfredson

Chief Learning Strategist

APPLY Synergies

Conrad Gottfredson, the chief learning strategist at APPLY Synergies, has deep experience in organizational learning, collaborative development, knowledge management, online learning, performance support, and instructional design and development. Conrad is the original developer of the Learning at the Five Moments of Need framework now in use around the world. He has worked with many of the world's largest organizations, helping them attain higher levels of learning agility. Conrad's experience includes the design and deployment of large-scale knowledge management and performance support systems within multinational corporations. In 2014 Conrad was awarded the Guild Master Award for his accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community. He holds a PhD in instructional psychology and technology.

Beth Daniel

Senior Learning and Performance Strategist

APPLY Synergies

Beth Daniel, a senior learning and performance strategist with APPLY Synergies, has more than three decades of experience managing learning-and-development functions across the organization. She has led all aspects of learning, from developing strategic visions to designing, developing, and delivering classroom, virtual classroom, performance support, and eLearning solutions to meet rapidly changing business needs. Beth previously lead learning-transformation efforts at Bank of America, including the development and rollout of an AGILE learning methodology and the development and implementation of a performance-support strategy and approach.

Stephen Pappas

Senior Vice President


Stephen Pappas, the senior vice president of Panviva, Inc., manages all aspects of Panviva’s North American operations. Stephen, who has more than 20 years’ experience in enterprise software sales and operations, previously served as a director of international sales with Harte-Hanks Trillium Software, where he took their enterprise data management offering to 54 countries by establishing reseller partnerships and regional sales offices. Other roles have included executive vice president of a SaaS software start-up and director of sales and business development at PageFlex.

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210 Agile Project Management for Performance Support Projects

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 8


Juggling the related-but-different needs for effective formal learning and informal performance support can be daunting. So how do you keep your project from falling short in delivering client needs on time and within budget? How do you adjust when client needs are often changing? Agile provides a framework for adapting to change as it happens and working with the client to deliver the content most needed by learners.

Participants in this session will learn about the Agile project management methods adapted specifically for instructional design and performance support projects. From project kickoff to iterative development and evaluative release schedules, learn how project teams can use Agile methods to keep things on track and constantly improving. You’ll learn about the tools and supplies you need, how to choose a project to pilot, and how to bring your team, your subject matter experts, and your project stakeholders along to deliver the most value to the learners and users.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to make a business case for approaching a project using Agile project management
  • To kick off projects using techniques to agree upon scope and set the project up for success
  • How to plan for iterative releases of both formal learning and informal performance support
  • How to use evaluative data from releases to inform future iterations of the project

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and project managers.

Megan Torrance



Megan Torrance is CEO and founder of TorranceLearning, which helps organizations connect learning strategy to design, development, data, and ultimately performance. She has more than 25 years of experience in learning design, deployment, and consulting . Megan and the TorranceLearning team are passionate about sharing what works in learning, so they devote considerable time to teaching and sharing about Agile project management for learning experience design and the xAPI. She is the author of Agile for Instructional Designers, The Quick Guide to LLAMA, and Making Sense of xAPI. Megan is also an eCornell Facilitator in the Women's Executive Leadership curriculum.

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211 The Secret to Better Performance? Less Training

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 8

Lone Star F

Business leaders often request training when there are better options available. Even when they do need “courses,” it’s often only to check off a box. In these situations, you have a responsibility to validate that creating a course is the most effective and efficient approach. Even when courses are appropriate, they’re rarely enough on their own to drive the change organizations need.

In this session, you will learn how to shift from the traditional course delivery approach to a consultant’s mindset focusing on the performance needs of your organization. You’ll learn valuable strategies and effective questions you can ask to uncover the most efficient and effective solutions, whether they are courses, social and collaboration tools, performance support, or other lower-tech alternatives.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About factors that impact performance, including which ones training can and can’t address
  • About questions that you should ask and answer before beginning any learning program
  •  How to guide stakeholders to more efficient options

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Mike Taylor

Learning Consultant

Mike Taylor

With over two decades of real-life, in-the-trenches experience designing and delivering learning experiences, Mike Taylor understands that effective learning isn't about the latest fad or trendy new tools. Known for his practical, street-savvy style, Mike is a regular and highly-rated speaker at industry events, and consults on learning design and technology at Nationwide in Columbus, Ohio. Mike holds an MBA degree from Ohio University and a master's degree in educational technology from San Diego State University.

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212 Delivering the Goods: Developing a Performance Support Proof of Concept

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 8


As a performance support professional, you “get it,” but what if your leadership doesn’t? How do you prove that PS is the way to address a business issue and move your organization toward innovation? This session will review a step-by-step framework for developing a proof of concept and demonstrate several budget-friendly tools you can use to make PS come alive.

Get your leadership on the PS train, and increase your credibility and value to your organization. In this fast-paced session, you will learn how to frame the PS discussion for leadership and apply it to your own challenge. You will view several budget-friendly tools and examples you can use to build your own proof of concept. You will also be invited to share insights and ideas with the group. A dynamic list will be developed as the session unfolds—and beyond.

In this session, you will learn:

  • A framework for developing a PS proof of concept
  • About tools for creating the proof of concept
  • Ways to use tools to deliver an effective PS proof of concept
  • About potential plans that you can apply to your own organization

Novice and intermediate designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Photo-collection sites, curation tools, and other social learning supports.

Candice Kramer

Senior Learning Consultant

Apply Learning

Candice Kramer, a senior learning consultant with Apply Learning, is an L&D professional who has been helping adults learn for over 30 years. Passionate about lifelong learning, she is the author of Success in Online Learning, the first support text written to assist adult learners returning to college using distance learning; it is based on her own experiences as a distance learner, faculty member, and academic advisor. A CPLP-certified independent consultant, Candice creates learning architectures for corporate clients, among them Cisco Systems, PBS, the US Army, the Internal Revenue Service, and the US Supreme Court.

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213 Performance Support Technologies: Who Are the Stakeholders?

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 8


When investing in technologies and applications to enable effective workforce performance support, who is buying? Who is investing time? Who manages them? Who creates the assets? Who deploys the assets? Who are the beneficiaries? 

As technologies evolve, so do the answers to these questions. No longer is the training department the answer to all questions; the stakeholders are diversifying. During this discussion, we will address various technologies and advances in our field as well as the answers to the questions above. The goal is to guide conversation and to exploit current innovations available to us.

Malcolm Poulin

Senior Director, Strategy and Market Relations


Malcolm Poulin, the senior director of product strategy for ANCILE Solutions, has been in the corporate learning and performance field for over 34 years. At ANCILE Solutions, Mal’s focus is on achieving business value by enabling learning and performance strategies. While at RWD and SAP Education for the prior 15 years he assessed customer business needs and market trends. The results have been new and different ways to address these needs and support companies in their mission of optimizing employee performance across the enterprise. For the preceding 16 years, Mal held several positions in education services at Digital Equipment Corporation.

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F01 Realizing the Real Potential of Mobile

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 8

Lone Star A-E

After more than half a decade, what’s the current state of mobile learning? Looking around the industry, one would think that little has changed since 2010. The focus still seems to be on porting your content over and designing small courses and modules for your learners. This is a core problem holding mobile learning back at many organizations today. They’re missing the bigger picture.

In this session, you will deconstruct the issues that are holding organizations back from realizing the true potential of mobile. You will engage in a discussion that will help you, and the industry, get mobile efforts back on track. The reason organizations are not seeing results with mobile endeavors isn’t that what they’ve produced is bad; it’s just that they’ve made things that aren’t particularly useful. In this session, you will explore some frequent, fundamental mistakes and find a path to correct them, focusing on the best that mobile learning has to offer.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why the potential of mobile seems out of reach
  • About the true potential of mobile technologies for learning
  • About the differences between quality and usefulness
  • From mobile mistakes that have been made by many organizations

Novice to advanced designers, developers, senior developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Various mobile technologies.

Chad Udell

Chief Strategy Officer

Float and SparkLearn

Chad Udell is the award-winning managing partner, strategy and new product development, at Float and SparkLearn. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to create experiences for 20 years. Chad is an expert in mobile design and development, and speaks at events on related topics. He is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor/author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success and Shock of the New.

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301 Growing Mobile Competencies Across the Enterprise

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 8


As organizations roll out mobile devices across the enterprise, opportunities to improve personal productivity emerge for savvy users. But others who aren’t as knowledgeable about mobile technology may not realize the full potential of these devices and the mobile platform. This session will review how to tackle the knowledge gap to help bring new mobile users up to speed and improve enterprise competency with mobile tools and technologies.

In this session, you will learn how Anthem helped improve competency across the enterprise on the iOS mobile platform. You will hear about some of the unique challenges you may face in creating relevant general learning content for the diverse audiences using these platforms. This session will show you how to identify potential performance improvements and cost savings in making the case for a mobile competencies development initiative. By improving overall competency with mobile, L&D teams can improve general performance of associates using mobile technology. This is low-hanging fruit for any organization that has rolled out mobile technology.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to identify and address the unique challenges of your mobile ecosystem
  • How to identify potential performance improvements and cost savings in making the case for a mobile competencies development initiative
  • How to prioritize which aspects of mobile device utilization to address first
  • Several approaches to capturing videos from mobile devices
  • Which tools and techniques to consider in producing learner-ready videos
  • How to consider hosting options for your mobile competency solutions

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
iPad, iPhone, QuickTime, mobile device management, and Camtasia.

Joe Fournier

Learning Infrastructure Designer


A long-time learning professional, Joe Fournier has been a hands-on practitioner, manager, director, and consultant to many Fortune 100 companies. He is currently a learning infrastructure designer focusing on the edge and exploring the use of technology in learning and performance contexts. Joe's current projects and interests include mobile learning, AI/machine learning, chatbots, and blockchain. Joe leads the internal Learning Innovation and AI Enthusiasts learning communities at Anthem.

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306 How Disruptive Learning Technologies Deliver Higher Knowledge Levels

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 8


There is a lot of mediocre training out there. This can be attributed to a shortage of time and money available to corporate training departments. Many of the DIY development tools currently in use yield passive learning experiences that are not engaging and do not require critical thinking or problem-solving skills. We are out to change that by using game-based technologies to improve engagement and produce measurable results.

In this session, you will explore why game-based learning produces results based on brain science. You will see various game-based development tools and learn how and where they can be most effective. You will hear success stories from actual implementations of game-based learning in the workplace. You will learn about the latest trends in gamification and the disruptive learning trends that are game changers for corporate training. And you will see actual examples of cutting-edge technology applied to solve training challenges to engage learners.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How disruptive learning trends in gamification are improving factual and skill-based knowledge and retention
  • Why gamification and game-based learning are important trends in the changing demographics of the global workforce
  • About game mechanics and platforms for creating immersive 2-D and 3-D simulations for both single-player and multi-player learning
  • How and why video storytelling can be effective for leadership and skills training
  • How and why games drive engagement and how engagement can be measured

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Immersive 2-D and 3-D simulations, video-based simulations, diversity dramatizations, podcasts, and scribe video training programs.

Anders Gronstedt


The Gronstedt Group

Anders Gronstedt, PhD, is president of The Gronstedt Group, which is instrumental in helping global companies like Walmart, Pfizer, Novartis, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Daikin improve performance with their custom-developed multi-player VR simulations and learning games. He is a frequent industry speaker and writer with articles appearing in the Harvard Business Review.

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307 Learn Virtually Anything, Anywhere, at Any Time

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 8


As training audiences are deployed with mobile devices to use for training and performance support, performance technologists often face challenging logistical and infrastructure constraints when building performance solutions.

In this session, you will learn how to cherry-pick technology to empower mLearning. You will learn how to aid content development teams in streamlining the training experience for learners by eliminating dependence on training sites and knowledge management. You will gain insights into enabling personalization to create a solution for learners to continue education on the fly. Finally, you will learn to better understand your learners and deliver individualized experiences.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to leverage technology and resources to facilitate different platforms and devices for training
  • How to stay in-house rather than using an external vendor
  • How to manage graceful loading and consume heavyweight content

Intermediate designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Cordova, Sencha Touch, Angular, iOS, Android, iPads, and tablets.

Beverly Bensing

Program/Project Manager II


Beverly Bensing is a program/project manager at Sprint University. Beverly’s 22-year career in training and development spans program management of the number one most profitable seminar line during her time at American Management Association to her current role as program/project manager for Sprint University, managing priority digital and interactive turnkey projects involving talent management, IT, digital, brand, and Sprint University. She enjoys helping Sprint’s award-winning teams deliver innovative solutions. Beverly holds an MA in communications studies and a BS in journalism from the University of Kansas.

Reginald Barnabas Prabaharan

Performance Technologist

Sprint Corporation

Reginald Barnabas Prabaharan is a performance technologist with Sprint Corporation. With a master’s degree specializing in application development, Reginald has considerable experience in the mobile space. With an interest in creating aesthetic user experiences, he started the journey of re-creating the learning experience for Sprint Corporation in the mobile realm.

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313 Increasing Performance with Mobile Games and Gamification

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 8

Lone Star F

Incorporating gaming techniques (serious games, social games, and gamification) within educational programs and corporate training experiences is one of the hottest topics in the learning and development field today. If your organization isn’t already leveraging the power of gaming, then this session is the perfect way to quickly assess whether and where mobile gaming and gamification techniques are right for your organization.

The session will explore some of the most pressing questions academia and corporations are asking, including: What’s the difference between games and gamification? Aren’t games only for the Millennial generation? In what ways are games an effective means to deliver educational and corporate training experiences? How do you blend gaming experiences within existing learning programs and courses to make a business impact? How do you gain stakeholder buy-in for games at work and at school?

In this session, you will learn:

  • The distinction between games and gamification
  • About a variety of real-world mobile learning gamification experiences that have been proven to improve performance and increase retention
  • Best practices for increasing the effectiveness of games and gamification
  • How to sell the concept to your stakeholders, and tips for gaining their buy-in for the project

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Games and gamification techniques applied through a variety of mobile devices.

Brenda Enders

President & Chief Learning Strategist

Enders Consulting

Brenda Enders is the president and chief learning strategist for Enders Consulting, a St. Louis, MO-based company. She is a consultant, author, and public speaker specializing in leveraging innovative technologies to improve employee performance. She has 19 years’ experience in the learning and development field. Brenda’s first book, Manager’s Guide to Mobile Learning, was published in 2013. Prior to founding Enders Consulting, Brenda was the chief learning strategist and learning services practice leader for a custom learning solutions provider for 12 years, where she led the design and deployment of innovative and award-winning custom learning solutions.

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F02 Mobile: The Killer App for Performance Support

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 8

Lone Star A-E

When it comes to organizational learning, the potential impact of mobile is off the charts. Mobile has evolved well beyond the idea of course completion on a phone and now presents a singular opportunity for the learning and development (L&D) community to transform itself into an indispensable strategic partner.

In this session, you will learn a framework for accelerating workplace learning and performance in today’s ever-changing environments via mobile technology. Specifically, you will learn how mobile uniquely meets all 5 Moments of Learning Need—delivering just what people need, when they need it, wherever they are, to enable effective performance on the job.

In this session, you will learn:

  • A framework for accelerating learning through mobile technology
  • How to extend learning’s reach deep into the workflow
  • How to expand L&D’s key activities to include areas like performance support
  • How to create a culture of learning that suits the high-pressure environment of modern, high-tech, fast-changing workplaces

Intermediate and advanced project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile devices.

Conrad Gottfredson

Chief Learning Strategist

APPLY Synergies

Conrad Gottfredson, the chief learning strategist at APPLY Synergies, has deep experience in organizational learning, collaborative development, knowledge management, online learning, performance support, and instructional design and development. Conrad is the original developer of the Learning at the Five Moments of Need framework now in use around the world. He has worked with many of the world's largest organizations, helping them attain higher levels of learning agility. Conrad's experience includes the design and deployment of large-scale knowledge management and performance support systems within multinational corporations. In 2014 Conrad was awarded the Guild Master Award for his accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community. He holds a PhD in instructional psychology and technology.

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405 Mobile Learning Globe Trekking: Plan It Right from the Start

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 8


Do the people who most need your mobile learning reside internationally, although you are apprehensive of taking on a global launch? Do you want to learn more about the considerations that impact your global mobile learning success? Maybe you have a solid plan, or maybe you are ready to take the jump and want to validate your strategy with a global organization on the same journey.

In this session, you will specifically explore the technical, data, delivery, social, and legal considerations that impact your global mobile learning implementation and delivery. You will learn how to assess mobile projects to determine the alignment with your environment and tolerance for risk. The group will discuss expectations for global mLearning initiatives and growing the movement within your organizations.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Various global mobile learning strategies
  • About the technical, data, and delivery factors that impact successful implementation and delivery
  • About the cultural, social, and legal considerations that impact successful adoption
  • Strategies to assess global mobile learning projects that are in alignment with your tolerance for risk
  • About ideas for growing a global mLearning movement in your organization

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
iPad, SuccessFactors mobile LMS and Jam apps, and mobile custom and vendor content.

Tammy Olson

Global Learning Program Manager

Donaldson Company

Tammy Olson, a global learning program manager at Donaldson Company, is an experienced global learning leader and strategist with a passion for developing learning strategies, infrastructures, and solutions that leverage social, collaborative, virtual, and mobile learning technologies for Fortune 500 companies. Tammy continually looks for opportunities to innovate the way people work by integrating learning and collaboration exactly where and when it is needed. She has over 20 years’ experience creating technology-enabled learning experiences to engage and develop high-performing, diverse employee populations.

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411 Atomic Performance Support! Mobile App for Nuclear Medicine Production

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 8


Learning and development professionals strive to meet on-the-job performance support needs in a typical work environment. Now, imagine the needs of a laboratory where employees are responsible for manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive drugs). Cardinal Health technicians operate in a highly regulated lab environment with ever-changing operating procedures that affect a manufacturing process in which one misstep could impact a patient.

Session attendees will learn how the Cardinal Health nuclear pharmacy services team developed and implemented Albert, an HTML5 mobile app, to increase application of information and supplement existing training with on-the-job performance support. Presenters will demonstrate how Albert is currently being used on iPads at each facility to provide technicians just-in-time access to video demonstrations, job aids, training guides, and a library of current operating procedures. The session will also include a high-level overview of the technology used, lessons learned, and recommendations for others considering a similar solution.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How Cardinal Health successfully implemented Albert
  • What benefits were gained from using Albert
  • What to consider when developing a similar app
  • About different technology options available

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile performance support apps, video, HTML5, and iPad.

Joseph Suarez

Senior eLearning Developer

Management Concepts

Joseph Suarez works as an instructional designer and eLearning developer in Columbus, OH. He strives to craft impactful learning experiences based on effective design, proven technology, and empathy for end users. Joseph also produces and co-hosts the Instructional Redesign podcast.

Tim McClurg

Manager, L&D

Cardinal Health

Tim McClurg is a manager of L&D in Cardinal Health’s nuclear pharmacy services division. Tim oversees training initiatives for a nationwide network of PET manufacturing sites, with a focus ranging from initial onboarding to on-the-job performance support. With more than 15 years of experience in the L&D space, Tim's expertise lies in developing interactive, media-rich learning experiences with a focus on user engagement.

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503 The xAPI: A “Swiss Army Knife” for Your Learning Environment

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, June 9


Years of momentum have resulted in a collection of use cases for teams seeking to leverage the xAPI to better track, measure, and manage their learning efforts. The time is now; the xAPI can improve the ways you create and deliver content and classes, track interactions, communicate, and measure performance. Armed with knowledge and the proverbial “Swiss Army knife” of xAPI functions, you can begin to “slice, saw, tweeze, and pick” your way through training obstacles.

In this session, you will learn what the xAPI really is, how statements are structured, and how it is being operationalized. You will explore how progressive teams leverage the xAPI to improve the learning experience, streamline tracking, perform common tasks, and drive engagement via modern authoring tools and an LRS, and how LMSs are undergoing transformations to support the trend. This session will help you understand the basic challenges teams face in implementing the xAPI on a limited budget. Finally, you will learn how authoring tools, LMS platforms, mobile apps, and IoT endpoints are being connected to leverage the power of the xAPI.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to determine the best authoring tools and learning platforms to take advantage of the xAPI
  • The basic structural and design tenets of an xAPI-based solution and the best-practice approach to implementing those solutions
  • New use cases to apply tracking to nontraditional learning assignments and interactions
  • When to use the xAPI over SCORM for tracking and when “all of the above” is better than one or the other
  • How to overcome challenges with LMS integration, security, mobile access (especially when offline), and more

Novice to advanced designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
The xAPI, LRSs, and SCORM.

Robert Gadd


OnPoint Digital

Robert Gadd is president of OnPoint Digital and responsible for the company’s vision and strategy. OnPoint’s online and mobile-enabled offerings support more than one million workers and include innovative methods for content authoring, conversion, and delivery extended with social interactions, gamification, and enterprise-grade security for workers on their device or platform of choice. Prior to OnPoint, Robert spent 10 years as CTO of Datatec Systems and president/CTO of spin-off eDeploy.com. He is a frequent speaker on learning solutions—including mobile, informal learning, xAPI, and gamification—at national and international T&D conferences.

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510 The ACT Principle: The Key to Effective Performance Support

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, June 9


Implementing effective performance support is challenging. How do you deliver useful information at the time of need without being disruptive to the employee’s workflow? How do you integrate the content effectively within the context of the user’s task at hand? How do you leverage the available technology (devices, web access, security) to reach the target audience and provide a strong user experience?

In this session, you will learn the three major components of the “ACT Principle”: audience, context, and technology. You will learn how making these three facets a priority can lead to powerful performance support. You will examine how user-centered design can produce training deliverables that resonate with the users. You will explore the importance of context and how the learner’s environment and culture can greatly affect the user experience. Finally, you will identify the proponents of a good technology approach that can enhance performance support by taking advantage of the unique affordances of mobile and wearable devices.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to analyze and evaluate a target audience to build learning objectives and goals
  • How the environment affects the performance support experience
  • About a wide variety of mobile device capabilities that enhance performance support
  • How wearables are making a big impact on performance support tasks
  • What uses of enterprise augmented reality and virtual reality are on the horizon

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Handheld mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets; wearable devices, such as glasses, watches, sensors, and headsets; and the Daqri smart helmet.

Scott McCormick


Emergent Enterprise

Scott McCormick is a national speaker, CEO, editor and writer. In a 30+ year career he has helped launched three companies including his current business, Emergent Enterprise. He has spoken at ATD CETS Showcase, Learnaplaooza, Augmented World Expo, LiveWorx, Realities360,, and XR Immersive Enterprise 2020. Scott speaks and consults on topics such as emergent technology adoption strategy and user experience and is editor of emergent-enterprise.com, the tech news and insight website. He was featured in the 2019 eBook, What is Augmented Reality? and has delivered strategy webinars and onsite presentations to leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality, and consulting.

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511 Shifting the Organizational Mindset to Performance Support

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, June 9

Lone Star F

Performance support is very different from training. In a world where many people are conditioned to think that learning should look like school, with teachers, students, and formal instruction, it can be difficult to get an organization and its workers to adjust to a performance support approach.

In this panel discussion, you will learn from individuals who have faced this resistance to change and found ways to overcome it. You will explore reasons why stakeholders resist performance support so that you are better prepared to address them. You will discuss strategies that can help shift the mindsets of both organizational leaders and workers on the front line.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why organizations resist the shift to performance support
  • How to address stakeholder concerns
  • How to speak to both senior leaders and the front line

Intermediate and advanced directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Bob Mosher

CEO/founder/Chief Learning Evangelist

APPLY Synergies, a 5 Moments of Need Company

Bob Mosher, the chief learning evangelist at APPLY Synergies, has been an active and influential leader in the learning and training industry for over 30 years, and is renowned worldwide for his pioneering role in eLearning and new approaches to learning. Before co-founding APPLY Synergies consultancy with Conrad Gottfredson, Bob served as the chief learning evangelist for Ontuitive, director of learning strategy and evangelism for Microsoft, and executive director of education for Element K. He is an influential voice in the IT training industry, speaking at conferences and participating in industry associations. Bob was awarded the Guild Master Award in 2014 for his accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community.

Beth Daniel

Senior Learning and Performance Strategist

APPLY Synergies

Beth Daniel, a senior learning and performance strategist with APPLY Synergies, has more than three decades of experience managing learning-and-development functions across the organization. She has led all aspects of learning, from developing strategic visions to designing, developing, and delivering classroom, virtual classroom, performance support, and eLearning solutions to meet rapidly changing business needs. Beth previously lead learning-transformation efforts at Bank of America, including the development and rollout of an AGILE learning methodology and the development and implementation of a performance-support strategy and approach.

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513 How Grainger Moved from Strategy to Reality with a Multi-national Performance Support Program

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, June 9


As a follow-up to 2015’s Performance Support Symposium presentation, we present the results and lessons learned!

Grainger, a global industrial supply distribution company with thousands of users across 369 branches, 15 distribution centers, and a growing online presence, rolled out SAP’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in Mexico and Canada. Because of their geographically dispersed locations, traditional instructor-led training using a full training environment was expensive, complicated, and risky.

Using an advanced system cloning tool, Grainger was able to create, store, and deploy advanced system training with considerably reduced cost compared to a live training environment. They also used Vimago, a state-of-the-art EPSS tool, to rapidly deploy messaging, updates, and training materials during go-live support and sustainment.

Come explore Grainger’s big wins and lessons learned as they navigated from planning to execution.

Jeff Merrill

Training Manager

WW Grainger

Jeff Merrill, the training manager at WW Grainger, is experienced at managing global training initiatives. He is currently leading the training development and delivery effort on a multicounty SAP implementation. Jeff has been with Grainger for almost two years, and is an SAP-certified trainer with experience in change management and communications.

Paul O Keeffe

Managing Director


Paul O'Keeffe is a managing director with Accenture, where he leads the team that delivers change measurement solutions for Accenture clients. Paul has been with Accenture for 20 years and specializes in change management, training, talent management, and business readiness. Paul’s clients include a number of major US manufacturers, including Harley- Davidson and Case New Holland.

Barry Smith

Client Partner


Barry Smith, a client partner at Assima, has an extensive background with supporting enterprise systems through change management, business analysis, business process re-engineering, project management, end-user performance strategy, and training delivery. Barry has over 15 years of project management experience, spanning industries including pharmaceutical, government, manufacturing, beverage, defense, and energy. His current focus is helping clients leverage advanced software cloning technologies to optimize enterprise system implementation and end- user performance. Barry holds a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

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605 eLearning Everywhere

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 9

Lone Star H

The current state of mobility and the demand it has created for shorter content lengths, collaborative environments, and personalized experiences are the primary drivers of a renaissance that sees learning seeding itself in practically every environment encountered by today’s worker. Learning has propagated beyond the LMS, beyond the classroom, beyond performance support tools. Organizations must come up with new eLearning strategies and archetypes to work within this evolving learning ecosystem.

In this session, you’ll look at learning content and effective and sustainable learning strategies in the context of perpetual change—changes in the types of devices people use, their media environments, and the technologies that string them all together. You will examine the underlying technologies, like the Experience API, that support learning in this new paradigm, and you will learn strategies that can be used to launch successful learning initiatives that will survive continuing shifts in technology.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to build digital business expertise and knowledge within the organization’s learning functions
  • How to take advantage of the opportunities for learning that are increasing at the fastest rate ever, thanks to an expanding learning ecosystem
  • How to effectively incorporate collaborative environments within an eLearning initiative
  • How to use micro-badging and certificate-based learning to motivate learning audiences and address the growing demand for continuous training

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
LMS, LRS, SharePoint, Yammer, Skype for Business, the Experience API (Tin Can), Captivate 8/9, Articulate Storyline, and WordPress.

Ian Huckabee


Principled Technologies

Ian Huckabee, the CMO of Principled Technologies, has more than 20 years of operations-management experience in communication-technology industries. Ian is a digital strategist and technologist specializing in social media and training, and has formed partnerships with leading technology companies in the learning and social-media spaces. Prior to founding Weejee Learning, he was vice president of audio operations and marketing for Sony Music Entertainment in New York. Ian served on the board of directors of the Consumer Electronics Association’s TechHome division, representing the wired-home channel.

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608 Performance Support is a Four-letter Word

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 9


Electronic performance support systems, workflow learning, just-in-time training, help on steroids. Even though performance support (PS) has existed as a concept for more than 25 years, its many names are a testament to how difficult it can be to explain, let alone sell, PS to customers, senior leaders, or sometimes even your own team.

In this session, you will explore a methodology to educate stakeholders on performance support and see how this approach impacted three actual case studies from Fortune 100 companies. In particular, you will examine the business problem, the company culture, the performance support solution design, and the business case that justified the investment in PS. You will also hear real-life examples from session attendees, and you can apply the methodology to help drive the adoption of performance support in your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to educate stakeholders on performance support
  • From three Fortune 100 performance support case studies
  • How to apply the methodology in your own context
  • How to drive adoption of performance support in your own organization

Novice to advanced managers.

Frank Nguyen

Executive Director


Dr. Frank Nguyen is a learning executive who specializes in transforming learning organizations through strategy and technology. He has led enterprise learning for Fortune companies including AIG, Amazon, American Express, Intel, MicroAge, and Sears. Frank has published extensively on the intersection of eLearning, instructional design, and performance support. He is a recipient of the Learning Guild Master and the ISPI Distinguished Dissertation awards. His work on compliance training, learning strategy, business transformation, and technology has been recognized by Brandon Hall and Chief Learning Officer. Frank has served on a variety of learning industry committees for Adobe, ATD, BJET, Brandon Hall, eLearning Guild, and ISPI.

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611 How to Kick-start Performance Support in Your Organization

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 9


Getting started is often the hardest challenge when implementing a performance support solution. You have recognized the need for performance support and want to implement it in your organization, but where to begin? What factors should you take into consideration? What resources are required? Where should you first deploy the solution? Across which business processes? These questions and more will be addressed in this session.

This session will take attendees through a proven performance support methodology to identify what elements need to be in place, and how to get them there, in order to deploy a successful performance support solution. You will learn from the experience of numerous performance support projects from various sectors. In this session, you will learn the most important factors for a successful performance support implementation, how much time should be allocated for content development, how many content developers you will need, which stakeholders should be involved in the project, and how to bring them to the table.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What is required to implement a performance support methodology into your organization for successful adoption
  • Which departments and resources should be included in planning for performance support
  • How to select the right process to begin
  • How to kick-start performance support in your organization when you return from this conference

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Yanay Zaguri

Director of Product

Kryon Systems

Yanay Zaguri is Kryon Systems’ director of product. Yanay has more than 15 years of experience in general education and organizational learning, focusing mainly on learning technologies for the past eight years. Prior to becoming a product manager at Kryon Systems, he served as the head of instructional design and learning technologies with Pelephone Communications, Israel’s largest mobile carrier; as the head of learning technologies with HOT, a broadcasting provider; and as a learning manager at Meitav College where he redesigned and built all of the college’s core courses using eLearning. Yanay holds an MA degree in social psychology from Tel Aviv University and a BA degree in psychology.

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613 Ready, Set, Go! Managing Your Performance Support Process for Success

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, June 9


Preparing to implement a performance support process requires forethought and planning, but it doesn’t need to be daunting or overwhelming. In this session, we will explore ways you can prepare for a successful implementation and share real-world examples of how outlining the right steps beforehand will ensure the best outcome. 

Sharon Smith

Professional Services Manager, North America


Sharon Smith, the professional services manager, North America, for Panviva, has over 28 years of experience in training, instructional design, documentation, and project management. Her experience includes designing and developing training curriculum for ILT and online delivery, technical documentation projects, international training and support, and managing domestic and international training and documentation departments. Sharon joined the Panviva professional services team in May 2009.

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703 Interactive Video Technologies: The Gimmicks vs. the Game-changers

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 9


In the 21st century, it’s increasingly challenging to keep people engaged in content. Today’s learning professionals must employ new technologies to influence and change attitudes and behavior. Interactive video is one of those technology solutions that the market is gravitating toward, and for good reason. However, there are many different solutions out there, and not all are created equal. When instructional designers and eLearning professionals are selecting technology for their programs, where should they begin?

In this session, you will learn about the different types of interactive video that are in the marketplace today, their features and benefits, and applied use cases. You will explore how different interactive video technologies define and deliver interactive, personalized, and more relevant content as a way to drive deeper learning, engagement, data, and insights. You will examine case studies that show these new technologies and approaches in practice with both employee and customer audiences. You will leave this session understanding the potential of the different interactive video technologies out there that can be realized in your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the top interactive video solutions in today’s marketplace and how they are different from one another
  • From examples and case studies employing the different interactive video solutions available today
  • What the most important questions are when researching and choosing an interactive video solution specifically for employee learning, consumer education, and storytelling
  • How interactive video and personalization drive better insights into your curricula and can increase user engagement and knowledge retention for multiple ROI scenarios

Advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Commercial interactive video products (e.g. YouTube, Interlude, Rapt Media, HapYak) and DIY interactive video solutions.

Caleb Hanson

VP of Product

Rapt Media

Caleb Hanson is a vice president of product at Rapt Media, a role he has held since September 2013. Caleb’s background is in design, UX, and front-end development. He started his career on the digital production side of marketing, where he led the creation of award-winning integrated digital campaigns, and then transitioned into UI/UX and product. His real passion is in startups (both software and consumer packaged goods) where he gets to create cool new products and set them free in the market. Caleb also previously worked as a freelance graphic and web designer after graduating with a degree in visual communication from the University of Massachusetts.

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705 Building a Business Case for mLearning Within Your Organization

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 9


Mobile learning has tremendous value, but for many organizations, going mobile is a big step. That’s why, when trying to develop a mobile learning culture within your organization, often the hardest part is convincing internal stakeholders. Amid budget constraints, complex infrastructures, IT restrictions, and philosophical misalignment, how do you make a compelling case for mLearning within your organization?

In this session, you’ll learn how to overcome the first major obstacle to implementing a mobile learning solution: gaining organizational buy-in. You will be provided concrete strategies for how to manage stakeholders and tackle common points of resistance. Through the examination of a series of mobile case studies and success stories, you’ll leave with a tangible action plan for how to make a compelling business case for mobile learning within your organization. This is a must-attend for anyone who considers themselves a champion for mobile within their organization, but who needs help building momentum and urgency to act.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Strategies for managing internal stakeholders
  • How to create a use case and business case for going mobile
  • About typical pain points and forms of resistance to mobile, internally
  • How to develop an action plan for obtaining your first mobile learning solution

Sales managers, L&D directors, and senior project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile phones and tablets.

Shahin Sobhani

President and Founder


Shahin Sobhani is the founder and President of SwissVBS, a firm dedicated to moving communities from learning to doing. With 20 years of online training experience, Shahin has overseen SwissVBS’s innovation in the field— creating learning solutions for some of the world’s most prestigious organizations—and guided its emergence as a leader in the industry. Shahin is a frequent speaker and consultant on how companies can transform learning in the workplace—most recently, Apple invited Shahin to present in its sponsored seminars on training a mobile workforce.

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707 Exploring BYOD Approaches for Mobile Learning

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 9


Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) has emerged as a cost-effective solution, allowing organizations to adopt an mLearning approach without having to provide the devices. What are the concerns of BYOD, and how can you address them? What are the opportunities for BYOD? What are the key elements to consider when deploying mobile learning for a BYOD environment? BYOD offers employees and corporations countless business benefits, from increased efficiency to controlled costs on provisioning a mobile workforce.

This session will review the concerns and opportunities for BYOD in mobile learning. You will learn about BYOD policies, view examples, and learn about the importance of working with your IT department to ensure a successful BYOD mLearning program. You will also explore key elements to consider when deploying mobile learning for a BYOD environment. And finally, you will learn about BYOD mobile learning policies and how to implement them.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the concerns for BYOD in mobile learning
  • About key elements to consider when deploying mobile learning for a BYOD environment
  • About BYOD mobile learning policies and how to implement them
  • About the opportunities for BYOD in mobile learning

Novice designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile learning on phones and tablets.

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711 Using Virtual Reality to Impact the Bottom Line

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 9


Increasingly, companies must use innovate ways to add to the bottom line. Unlike previous disrupters in mobile and eLearning, Gear VR, powered by Oculus, takes video experiences to the next level. Where does virtual reality fit into an organizational learning strategy? How does an organization effectively move forward to maximize its capability?

In this session, you will learn about a recent Oculus-based learning initiative: what worked, what the results were, and how the strategy aligned to the company’s needs. You will be able to better determine where and why virtual reality is most effective. You will see on-the-job applications and learn how to apply strategic and tactical tips for creating virtual reality training. Discover why the Gear VR is much more than just a cool gadget.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Strategic and tactical tips for creating virtual reality training
  • Where and why virtual reality is most effective
  • Why the Gear VR is much more than just a cool gadget
  • About results of a recent Oculus-based learning initiative

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Gear VR, powered by Oculus.

Kizzy Dominguez


K Parks Consulting (KPC)

Kizzy M. Dominguez, president of K Parks Consulting, received her doctor of philosophy and master of science degrees in industrial organizational psychology from the Florida Institute of Technology. Kizzy has over 15 years of experience in content development and facilitating to multiple industries. She was the 2014 Enterprising Woman of the Year and was recently recognized by Profiles in Diversity Journal as a “Woman Worth Watching.”

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714 Succeeding with Performance Support in the Land of the Never-ending Project

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, June 9


Undefined business processes, untested and incomplete systems, continually changing requirements, and scope creep—sound familiar? One or all of these conditions can wreak havoc on a project and cause it to continue on well past its targeted end date. How do you develop content for a project that continually evolves? How do you maximize limited resources under these conditions? How do you survive the project that never seems to end?

In this session, you will learn how developing content using an agile design process and performance support can help you survive the never-ending project. You will learn how strategically positioned performance support can ease timing and maintenance concerns. You will discover strategies for being agile in your design and development process that will help you quickly mobilize resources during crunch time. These strategies will ensure you meet and exceed your customer’s expectations.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How developing content using an agile design process and performance support can help you survive the never-ending project
  • How strategically positioned performance support can ease timing concerns
  • How discreet pieces of content reduce maintenance time and increase reuse of content
  • Strategies for being agile in your design and development process that will help you quickly mobilize resources during crunch time

Intermediate and advanced project managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Ontuitive’s solutions.

Rory Francis

Performance Development Design Manager

Huntington National Bank

Rory Francis is the performance development design manager for Huntington National Bank. He has been involved in learning and performance development for over 15 years, including 12 years in the financial services industry. Rory is responsible for the training curriculum and performance support tools for Huntington’s Customer Relationship Management application, and leads the implementation of a common performance-support solution across the organization. He is a graduate of Ohio Northern University.

Rose Lawyer

Learning Development Manager

Huntington National Bank

Rose Lawyer is the learning development manager for Huntington National Bank. Having been in the learning world for almost 30 years, Rose currently specializes in aligning learning design with business outcomes, learning transfer, and performance support. Rose was vice president of training and organization development for Accor Hotels North America, and created their Learning Academy in the States. She is a graduate of the University of Delaware, and holds a senior professional in human resources (SPHR) certificate.

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805 Scaffolded Design for Mobile Learning

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, June 9


Mobile learning is one component in a whole learning ecosystem. Many organizations have discovered what does not work: simply pushing existing content out to mobile as though it were merely an infrastructure. To design and deliver effective mobile learning requires a new design mindset: a mindset for mobile. This will help the organization adapt its approach to truly unlock the power of mobile learning.

In this session, you will learn how mobile learning can be both engaging and effective, and how you need a holistic design approach to achieve that. You will explore how mobile fits into social lives and what you can learn from that about how to use it in formal learning. You will also learn about what doesn’t work. The session will use a learning methodology to work through two case studies, exploring how design decisions for mobile affect engagement and effectiveness.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to successfully implement mobile learning within your organization
  • About the importance of a design methodology to achieve success
  • To rehearse design approaches through two case studies
  • How to integrate social and storytelling approaches around mobile
  • To consider the use of game dynamics and game mechanics in the learning design

Intermediate and advanced designers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Knowledge technologies, sense-making technologies, storytelling technologies, and emerging wearable technologies.

Julian Stodd

Author and Founder

Sea Salt Learning

Julian Stodd is an author and founder of Sea Salt Learning, a global learning consultancy helping organizations adapt and thrive in the social age. Much of his consultancy work is around the need for social leadership, the design of scaffolded social learning, planning for organizational change, and the impacts of social collaborative technology. Julian comes from an academic background in communication theory, psychology and neurophysiology, learning design, educational psychology, museum education, and philosophy. He is a proud global mentor with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, and a Trustee of Drake Music, a charity that works to break down disabling barriers to music through education and research. He was awarded the Learning Performance Institute’s Colin Corder Award for Services to Learning in 2016. He has written 10 books, including The Social Leadership Handbook, Exploring the World of Social Learning, and A Mindset for Mobile Learning.

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808 From Knight to Today: Evolving at the Speed of Mobile

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, June 9


Skill training in first aid had changed little since the Knights of St. John formalized the process in the 11th century. The focus had been on in-class demonstrations, in-class practice, and paper-based exams, and students updated their skills only every three years. Fast forward to 2016; people aren’t learning that way anymore. So how do you transform hundreds of years of subject matter expertise into a 21st-century learning solution? Follow St. John Ambulance’s journey from inspiration at mLearnCon 2014 to leaping forward to embrace evolution through mobile learning.

In this session, see how the St. John team navigated internal and external resistance to bring about significant change in how the company designs, develops, presents, and evaluates first aid training. Learn how today it is creating learning experiences that would not be possible without mobile technologies; the organization has enhanced in-class and mobile learning sessions with video and had life-saving video go viral. Finally, see how, through mobile technologies, St. John has extended performance support far beyond the classroom.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to overcome internal and external resistance
  • How to craft mobile learning experiences
  • Strategies to get started with mobile learning and performance support

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Moodle LMS, low-cost tablets, polling applications, and portable video.

Keith Tyler

Senior Training Specialist

St. John Ambulance

Keith Tyler is a training development manager for St. John Ambulance. Having completed his first first-aid course at age 10, he has been practicing, teaching, and designing courses in various roles ever since—one day he hopes to get it right. An alumnus of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh), Keith has taken his passion for pre-hospital care and applied it to education by completing a specialization certificate in virtual learning. He is a recognized subject matter expert who has created and contributed to several nationally recognized courses.

Cindy Lund Chow

Chief Learning Officer

St. John Ambulance

Cindy Lund Chow is a chief learning officer with St. John Ambulance. Committed to innovation and growing the impact of learning and development on the bottom line, Cindy has more than a decade of experience in learning and organizational development, working with corporations and small businesses in Canada, the United States, and internationally. As CLO for St. John Ambulance, she is responsible for leading the training operation to the next level of excellence in serving clients and communities, in keeping with the company’s mission to save lives at work, home, and play.

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815 Keeping Performance Support Solutions Relevant in a World of Constant Change

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, June 9

Lone Star F

Moments after a performance support solution has been introduced, it is quite possible that it contains irrelevant or inaccurate information due to the constant state of change businesses are experiencing in technology, policy, and process. A core tenet of performance support is that it is immediately helpful. Often, it takes just one irrelevant or inaccurate experience to cause a user to abandon a performance support solution permanently.

In this session, you will learn strategies and tactics to help you successfully plan for and implement a sustainment strategy for your performance support solutions, including the areas of design and development, business process, roles and resources, and governance. Learn how the successful sustainment of a performance support solution starts with careful planning and continues through thoughtful management, sound business process, and effective governance until the end of the solution’s life span, often measured in years.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Tips for designing solutions that are easier to sustain
  • How to develop a long-term business process focused on sustainment
  • About roles and resources necessary for effective sustainment
  • Concepts to establish a governance model that supports sustainment

Intermediate designers, project managers, and directors.

Jeremy Smith

Senior Learning Solutions Manager

Herman Miller

Jeremy Smith, a senior learning solutions manager at Herman Miller, focuses on learning strategy, change management consulting, and global shared learning services under the umbrella of talent management. Jeremy has been a corporate learning professional for over 20 years, and during that time has played a leading role in learning organizational structure, infrastructure, design and development, governance, measurement, and resourcing strategies. For more than seven years Jeremy has led the effort to introduce and operationalize performance support strategies and systems at Herman Miller, including solutions for IT applications, product introductions, corporate competencies, talent planning, and management skills.

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905 Mobile Mindset: Alternate Delivery Method or Fundamental Shift in Education?

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, June 10


While technology has transformed people’s lives, L&D has primarily stayed the same. Sure, the industry has evolved by utilizing technology to access and track content, but it is still focused on the traditional course mentality. Should you be going down the same path with mobile learning? What are the opportunities for mobile to help promote a fundamental change in how and when you provide education?

This session will begin by exploring benefits of anywhere/anytime vs. just in time. Learn how the unique affordances of mobile tech enable you to provide powerful bite-sized contextual learning opportunities at the moment of need, increase knowledge retention, and supply performance support in new ways. You’ll see a wide variety of examples and discuss how these new approaches have provided unique business value to the organization, as well as created a fundamental shift for education and performance support solutions.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the affordances that mobile technologies bring to the L&D table
  • How to use microlearning to increase retention and application of critical content
  • How augmented reality can be used to increase awareness of campaigns, provide real-world context, and deliver just-in-time performance support
  • Why organizations are rethinking how and when to provide training through mobile technologies
  • How wearables fit into the mobile learning equation

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
SMS/MMS in subscription models, augmented reality, various wearables, videos, and performance support in native and web apps.

Brenda Enders

President & Chief Learning Strategist

Enders Consulting

Brenda Enders is the president and chief learning strategist for Enders Consulting, a St. Louis, MO-based company. She is a consultant, author, and public speaker specializing in leveraging innovative technologies to improve employee performance. She has 19 years’ experience in the learning and development field. Brenda’s first book, Manager’s Guide to Mobile Learning, was published in 2013. Prior to founding Enders Consulting, Brenda was the chief learning strategist and learning services practice leader for a custom learning solutions provider for 12 years, where she led the design and deployment of innovative and award-winning custom learning solutions.

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906 Project Management for Video eLearning

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, June 10

Lone Star H

When they go right, video projects can go incredibly right! But when they go wrong, they can go very, very wrong. The stakes are higher with eLearning in video form because of the costs, expectations, and limitations in making updates to content.

In this session, we’ll answer questions such who to solicit/accept feedback from, how to sidestep IT roadblocks, where to store those massive source files, what content should never be made into a video in the first place, and how to know when your project has gone off track. We’ll also examine the proven strategies and methodologies that will allow you to produce more videos faster, increase learning quality, and stay sane in the middle of crazy.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to spot train wrecks in the making
  • How to plan to your available budget and timeline
  • How to communicate appropriately with SMEs, management, legal, IT, etc.
  • How to address fears and questions about managing video eLearning projects
  • How to draft an action plan to hit the ground running immediately

Intermediate and advanced project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Video production tools, project tracking tools, and learning management systems.

Sam Rogers


Snap Synapse

Sam Rogers, the president of Snap Synapse, creates more effective, efficient, and engaging ways to deliver learning for clients including Google, Capital One, Deloitte, and AAA. He produced YouTube’s first online certification training, and he is a writer, director, producer, composer, and performer for stage and screen. Sam also writes and speaks frequently at conferences, sharing his passion for solving the problems that matter and inspiring learners to action.

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F06 Performance Support in Context: Learning and Development in Flux

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, June 10

Lone Star A-E

Performance support, mLearning, and more are part of a bigger picture, a shift in the role of learning and development (L&D). The realization is that competitive pressures are requiring organizations to become more nimble, with an ability to adapt, but what role does performance support play in this bigger picture? Understanding the drivers and opportunities implied by increasing changes augurs a new and valuable way for L&D to contribute.

In this session, you will hear about performance support in a context that links eLearning, social media, mLearning, and more into a coherent whole. You will learn how to balance optimal execution as continual innovation places new demands on L&D and presents new opportunities. Explore how to support employees across their roles by leveraging technology in new ways. See how a successful approach requires an overarching framework within which to integrate the elements. Finally, the session will take a larger perspective on developing a performance ecosystem, which provides the mechanism to take performance support further and reposition L&D at the core of organizational success.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Where performance supports the performance ecosystem
  • About the organizational drivers requiring this shift
  • About the other elements in a performance ecosystem
  • About the strategic opportunities that exist

Intermediate and advanced directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Performance support, portals, and social media.

Clark Quinn

Chief Learning Strategist

Upside Learning

Clark Quinn, PhD is the executive director of Quinnovation, co-director of the Learning Development Accelerator, and chief learning strategist for Upside Learning. With more than four decades of experience at the cutting edge of learning, Dr. Quinn is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and author of seven books. He combines a deep knowledge of cognitive science and broad experience with technology into strategic design solutions that achieve innovative yet practical outcomes for corporations, higher-education, not-for-profit, and government organizations.

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1002 BYOL: Mobile Learning Solutions—Getting to Yes!

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, June 10


L&D personnel, from learning leaders to instructional designers to technology innovators, all face a common challenge: How to “sell” executives on the tools and resources necessary to create powerful learning experiences. In this hands-on, interactive session, you will learn to outline a personalized game plan to get the resources for your specific learning organization model or tool.

Whether you are creating an entirely new learning ecosystem or just gaining support for a new learning tool within an existing ecosystem, in this session you will learn the “know, sell, and measure” tactics that successful L&D personnel use to gain commitment for learning solutions. Using your computer for downloadable models and interactive PDFs, you will identify your own learning model using the nine components of a learning ecosystem; learn techniques for getting and giving information to gain executive commitment to necessary resources; and provide proof of success with measurement.

In this session, you will learn:

  • “Know, sell, and measure” tactics that successful L&D personnel use to gain commitment for learning solutions
  • Where your mobile learning fits into your learning model (hint: one can be performance support), using the nine components of a learning ecosystem
  • Techniques for getting and giving information to gain executive commitment to necessary resources
  • About a framework to place vendors in the exhibition
  • About negotiables and how to make trade-offs with executives

Novice to advanced project managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Technology Required:
A computer with Internet access to download interactive PDFs and models.

John Delano



John Delano is the CEO and co-founder of Saltbox, where he empowers learning development leaders to create innovative performance development ecosystems. A synergist, his experience in learning development, consulting, and entrepreneurship with companies such as AT&T, Comcast, and T-Mobile provides a perspective that crosses the line from academic theory to practical tactics based on real-world success. John works with learning leaders who want to challenge the status quo, disrupt outdated learning models, and innovate to achieve their goals. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington and a master’s degree from the University of Portland.

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1005 Access Ready: Mobile-first Design in an Open-source Environment

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, June 10


JLG, a leading manufacturer of lift equipment for various industries, needed a way for site supervisors to verify whether an operator had the proper certifications to operate any given piece of equipment, down to the specific model. The company struggled with providing immediate compliance instructions.

This session will address the importance of accessible and mobile-friendly solutions on job sites, including immediate training options and checklists so operators can quickly be cleared for work or directed to compliance courses. You will learn strategies to use in almost all industries where timely confirmation of compliance is essential to productivity. You will also learn the specific solutions implemented to help JLG as well as explore how open source provided an essential level of flexibility, security, and customization for these solutions.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the importance of accessible and mobile-friendly solutions on job sites
  • Why open source provides an essential level of flexibility, security, and customization for these solutions
  • What it means to be “access ready” and how to implement that in your own business
  • About the importance of design for the full digital learning environment, beyond the LMS

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile apps and Moodle.

Page Chen

Chief Executive Officer

Two Tree Solutions

Page Chen is a versatile executive with over 15+ years of experience in leading remote teams, driving growth and development in distributed and global organizations. Page’s most recent roles include chief experience officer at Learning Pool and CEO of Remote Learner Inc. She serves on multiple boards and demonstrates a unique skill set in building strategies that produce a robust cultural and knowledge-sharing environment, allowing companies to thrive in today's rapidly changing world. Page is committed to developing leaders within organizations to excel and achieve, resulting in more scalable and resilient businesses. Recognized for a proactive approach in enabling teams to manage change, Page has spent two decades researching the intersection where strategy and technology come together to allow for the design of impactful digital learning experiences that scale. Whether authoring textbook chapters, speaking at global events, mentoring CEOs, or consulting on learning experience strategies for Fortune 500 companies, federal agencies, or universities, she excels at helping organizations identify their core requirements and achieve a solution that exceeds their desired results.

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1013 Adopting an EPS Strategy? Readiness, Set, Go!

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, June 10


All too often, embedded performance support (EPS) is seen as a technology or a software application to purchase. While both may come into play, EPS is a discipline that drives new skills in L&D as well as new methods and, potentially, new technology. History shows that being ready to pursue adoption of EPS is not the same as being in a state of readiness to sustain the adoption.

In this session, you will learn what adopting an EPS strategy implies for existing L&D design and development best practices. You will learn how to expand your efforts into workforce performance solutions that are holistic enough to cover all five of Conrad Gottfredson’s “Moments of Need.” You will learn how to “extend the blend” from the point of work into the formal learning experience consistent with the 70:20:10 framework. You will also learn how to assess readiness to create these holistic solutions and ensure sustained capability at the point of work. Learn how EPS shortens time to impact as well as time to competency.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the implications for existing L&D design and development best practices that come with adopting an EPS strategy
  • How to “extend the blend” from the point of work into the formal learning experience consistent with the 70:20:10 framework
  • How to leverage single-source documentation to dramatically reduce level of effort on multiple learning experiences
  • How to expand your efforts into workforce performance solutions that are holistic enough to cover all five of Gottfredson’s “Moments of Need”
  • How to assess readiness to create these holistic solutions and ensure sustained capability at the point of work

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Gary Wise

Founder/Principal Strategist

Human Performance Outfitters

Gary Wise, the founder and principal strategist at Human Performance Outfitters, is a workforce performance strategist and coach with performance consulting fueling his foundational discipline and perspectives. He is a 30- plus-year veteran of corporate L&D gigs and is now a Point-of-Work consultant and coach. Gary’s experience includes several performance support system integrations. He speaks at many local and national events, is a longtime blogger, and advocates for changing things mired in outdated paradigms. He recommends disruptive solutions that normally accompany shifting paradigms.

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