803 Avoiding Camera Tech Overload: Five Ways to Choose the Best Video Camera

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, November 18


When new technology hits the market, there is often a push to incorporate it into all upcoming projects. You may hear statements such as “We need a GoPro video” when what the speaker really means is, “We need a high-energy, action-oriented video.” When you know what is needed, not just what is wanted, you can make informed purchasing decisions to help ensure that the efforts are high-quality and in budget.

In this session, you will learn how to separate your vision in your project from the devices you use to record it. Then you will be able to approach each project with fresh eyes for a strong, effective end product, regardless of whether it uses the “latest and greatest” camera gear. In the process, you will find out how to save a lot of resources (i.e., money) without losing any quality from your final product. Finally, you’ll learn about a variety of cameras to gain a better understanding of what they do well, and when to grab something better.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the strengths of each type of camera
  • About the weaknesses of each type of camera
  • How to view your video project from a tech-savvy perspective
  • No-nonsense advice to prepare you for the technical conversations necessary to make a video project look great

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
GoPro, Action Cam, full auto home movie cameras, “prosumer” and professional full manual video cameras, DSLR, and cinema-quality digital movie cameras.

Tori Simokov

Enhanced Engagement Team Coordinator

Alliance Data

Tori Simokov, the enhanced engagement team coordinator at Alliance Data, is an experienced visual designer specializing in graphic design and photo editing. Tori dove head-first into the world of DSLR cameras at age 11 and has been exploring the medium ever since. Her current work at Alliance Data includes graphic design and video production for several S&P 500 retailers.

Ryan Schlagbaum

Sr. Coordinator

Alliance Data

Ryan Schlagbaum, a senior coordinator at Alliance Data, is a Cindy Award recipient and seven-time Emmy Award-winning cinematographer. Formerly a freelance multimedia producer, he currently works with a team of training developers at Alliance Data. Over more than a decade, Ryan has worked on productions of every scale, from industrials to television commercials to feature films. He has also taught summer programming classes through the Wexner Center for the Arts and the Delaware City School District (Ohio). To Ryan, the only thing more fun than making a great video project is helping other people make their own great video project.

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805 Project Management for Video eLearning

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Friday, November 18


When they go right, video projects can go incredibly right! But when they go wrong, they can go very, very wrong. The stakes are higher with eLearning in video form because of the costs, expectations, and limitations in making updates to content.

In this session, you’ll learn about whom to solicit and accept feedback from, how to sidestep IT roadblocks, where to store those massive source files, what content should never be made into a video in the first place, and how to know when your project has gone off track. You’ll also examine proven strategies and methodologies that will allow you to produce more videos faster and increase learning quality.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to spot train wrecks in the making
  • How to plan to your available budget and timeline
  • How to communicate appropriately with SMEs, management, legal, IT, etc.
  • How to address fears and questions about managing video eLearning projects
  • How to draft an action plan to hit the ground running immediately

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Video production tools, project tracking tools, and learning management systems.

Sam Rogers


Snap Synapse

Sam Rogers, the president of Snap Synapse, creates more effective, efficient, and engaging ways to deliver learning for clients including Google, Capital One, Deloitte, and AAA. He produced YouTube’s first online certification training, and he is a writer, director, producer, composer, and performer for stage and screen. Sam also writes and speaks frequently at conferences, sharing his passion for solving the problems that matter and inspiring learners to action.

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