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206 Five Trends Leading to the End of the LMS

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Tower 3

Learners are increasingly taking control of their learning. As a result, the role of the learning department is changing from steering to facilitating. The trends affecting this change are already visible, however many learning professionals do not know how what they mean or how to respond to them. Even if they recognize the environment changing around them, they do not know what to do or how to adapt. These changes could ultimately signal the end of the learning department staple—the LMS.

In this session you will explore the five trends that are changing the future of organizational learning: self-directed learning, personalized or adaptive learning, curation, anywhere-anytime-any-device learning, and specialized learning content. You will learn what these trends are and how these trends are leading. You will explore why the LMS, in its current form, may not fit in the future. You will leave this session understanding these trends and how you can prepare yourself and your organization for the future.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The trends that will change the world of learning and development
  • Why the LMS may be dead five years from now
  • What you as a learning professional can do to prepare for this change
  • What you as an organization should do to prepare for this change

Novice to advanced designers, developers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile devices, Experience API, LMSs, and authoring tools.

Kasper Spiro



Kasper Spiro is the CEO of Easygenerator. He has over 30 years of experience in the field of learning: teaching, authoring textbooks, designing and creating eLearning, and developing knowledge management systems, user performance support systems, and eLearning systems. Kasper’s experience as a manager also includes being CEO of an early internet startup in the 1990s. At Easygenerator, the goal is to facilitate non-learning professionals in sharing knowledge and creating effective eLearning through Easygenerator’s cloud- based eLearning service.

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516 B.Y.O.L.: Getting Introduced to Moodle: How to Design Your First Course

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 30

Raphael 2

In today’s training departments, a learning management system is a usually a necessary technology for organizations that utilize eLearning. However, these systems can be expensive, especially for organizations with minimal budgets. Finding low cost learning management system options that still provide the needed features for organizational learning can be a challenge.

In this hands-on session participants will learn about Moodle, a free open-source learning management system that many organizations use for their training and eLearning needs. You will explore how Moodle works from the user and admin perspective. You will walk through the steps for designing a course within Moodle, and what the learner experience of taking that course looks like. You will leave this session with the knowledge to begin exploring the use of Moodle in your own organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The basics of Moodle operation
  • How to design a course in Moodle
  • How to take the course online
  • How to get real time feedback

Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers with a basic understanding of instructional design.

Technology discussed in this session:
Web-based systems, Moodle.

 Participant technology requirements:
A windows/Mac laptop with web browser and Moodle installed.

Rupinder Kaur


RK Consulting

Rupinder Kaur is a trainer and instructional designer who for the last eight years has worked in both the government and private sectors. Having graduated with distinction from an executive management program in Indore, Rupinder is currently affiliated with ISTD as a faculty trainer and as a volunteer with ASTD Atlanta.

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710 Implementing an LMS in SharePoint 2013 with ShareKnowledge

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, October 31

Raphael 1

Many organizations have significant investments in SharePoint. If you are already using SharePoint as a corporate intranet portal, it makes sense to consider an LMS with strong integration points with SharePoint. CorVel has a well-developed intranet portal in SharePoint and had previously implemented a home-grown LMS. However, after a few years, some additional requirements led the company to evaluate the LMS market for SharePoint.

In this case-study session, you will review the success factors CorVel considered, get information about its current eLearning efforts, and learn how it made its ShareKnowledge LMS implementation a success. You will explore how companies that are already invested in SharePoint can realize significant savings in infrastructure, IT staff resources, and implementation by leveraging an LMS that is integrated with SharePoint. You will examine how this project enabled the company to better serve the needs of its 3,000 member workforce distributed across the country.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How CorVel implemented an LMS fully integrated with SharePoint
  • How CorVel developed and rolled out a CEU program for sales associates
  • How CorVel offers weekly training events over WebEx and tracks attendance automatically through the LMS
  • The significant ROI CorVel achieves through its training offerings

Novice and intermediate project managers, managers, directors, VPs, and CLOs with knowledge of the basic features of an LMS and familiarity with SCORM.

Technology discussed in this session:
SharePoint 2013 and ShareKnowledge.

Matthew Smith

Documentation and Training Manager

CorVel Corporation

Matthew Smith, documentation and training manager for CorVel Corporation, has been a technical trainer in the healthcare industry for over 15 years. He was twice a peer showcase presenter at the WritersUA conference.

Keth Crotty

Sales and Business Development Manager


Keth Crotty, sales and business development manager for CorVel Corporation has over 15 years of experience in business development. He enjoys consulting with clients on LMS technologies and solutions.

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