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209 When Responsive Training Isn’t Enough

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Tower 2

Developing content that is meaningful and accessible in a world of multiple devices and varied platforms is a huge challenge for today’s instructional designer. Content developers have to first consider the context in which the training is being consumed, and then try to navigate the devices that might access that training today and in the future. Responsive training design is being heralded as a panacea for this training delivery dilemma, but is it enough?

In this session participants will examine the concept of adaptive or intelligent responsive training development. You will explore a framework to evaluate a training need and the context in which the training is being delivered. You will discuss development strategies and techniques such as simplifying content when needed and adding extra when it makes sense. This session will explore real-world examples and offer 15 tried and true tips for making responsive eLearning adaptive, intelligent, and as effective as it can be no matter what the end user’s device is.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The difference between responsive and adaptive training
  • The current frameworks for responsive and adaptive training development
  • What learning opportunities are best suited to adaptive responsive design
  • Fifteen tried and true tips for making eLearning adaptive and responsive

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers with a general understanding of training development and the issues confronting designers trying to develop for a multi-device world.

Technology discussed in this session:
Responsive design, HTML5, iOS and Android OS, various Android and iOS devices (phone and tablet).

Chris Van Wingerden

Sr VP Learning Solutions

dominKnow Learning Systems

Chris Van Wingerden is Sr. VP Learning Solutions at dominKnow Learning Systems, where he leads dominKnow's content and its training and client success teams. In his almost 20 years with dominKnow, Chris has helped create hundreds of hours of online learning programs, from traditional eLearning courses to immersive game-based designs, as well as working in responsive design projects to meet mobile device needs. Chris is also co-host of the popular weekly live video session and podcast, Instructional Designers in Offices Drinking Coffee (#IDIODC). Chris has a BA in adult education and a BA in English literature.

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305 Going Under the Hood of Responsive Design

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Monet 2

It is increasingly challenging for designers and developers to create content that works well across an ever-increasing number of devices. Screen sizes and aspect ratios vary tremendously, and instructional designers and developers do not have the resources to create multiple versions of each project for each type of potential device.  Responsive design has allowed learning content to be flexibly displayed across the diversity of devices while maintaining a single content source.

In this session you’ll learn the HTML and CSS code that creates responsive interactions. You will explore how responsive design is coded. You will discover how responsive design can provide you with high levels of control over your content and how it appears across the gamut of devices used to consume eLearning content. You will leave this session with a greater understanding of how responsive design works and how it can enhance your eLearning projects.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The syntax of responsive design code in CSS
  • How to create optimized views for mobile, tablet, and other specialized devices
  • Techniques to hide and reveal content as appropriate for different-sized devices
  • To evaluate code produced by eLearning tools and further optimize for better responsive design

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers.        

Technology discussed in this session:

Mark Lassoff


Dollar Design School

Over two million people have learned coding and design from Mark Lassoff. Mark and his company are pioneers in new media learning, having created the first streaming media network dedicated to learning workforce and career skills. They produce broadcast-quality learning content that focuses on digital skills such as design, coding, and digital productivity. Mark is an in-demand speaker and has traveled the world to teach. He was named to the 40 under 40 in both Austin, Texas, and Hartford, CT. In 2017, Mark was awarded the prestigious Learning Guild Guild Master Award.

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510 Top Tips for Responsive eLearning Instructional Design

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 30

Renoir 1 & 2

“I need the content to work on a phone and a tablet as well as on a desktop.” This is a request we’re hearing more and more each day. In the new era of multi-device delivery, instruction designers struggle to find the one design to rule them all. How can you ensure solid instructional design across all those devices if your aim is to only build one course?

In this session, you will explore top tips for responsive eLearning design that you can start using right away. You will start with a brief overview of what responsive means and how it is different from traditional content. You will discuss the new world of scrolling pages and learn to love the scroll bar. You’ll examine audio strategies for multi-device delivery. You will explore examples built in Adapt, the open-source responsive eLearning framework. You will leave this session with practical ideas and inspiration to jumpstart your own responsive eLearning projects.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What responsive eLearning design means
  • How to identify if responsive design is the right approach for your organization
  • How to apply simple design strategies to your own responsive projects
  • How to optimize audio in a multi-device environment

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Cammy Bean

Senior Solutions Consultant


Cammy Bean started in the industry as a junior instructional designer in 1996 and has since collaborated with hundreds of organizations to design and deliver training programs. She’s worked at small startups, mid-sized training companies, boutique eLearning shops, and as a freelance instructional designer. An English and German studies major in college, Cammy found an affinity for writing and making complex ideas and concepts clear to an audience. In 2009, she helped start up US operations for Kineo, a global provider of learning solutions. Originally Kineo’s VP of learning design, Cammy is currently a senior solutions consultant. In this role she leads the North American sales team, supports clients through the initial discovery process, and manages Kineo’s portfolio of custom client accounts to help organizations meet their strategic business objectives through better learning solutions. She is the author of The Accidental Instructional Designer: Learning Design for the Digital Age – second edition (ATD Press, 2023).

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815 B.Y.O.L.: Building Responsive Custom HTML5 in Adobe Edge Animate

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Friday, October 31

Raphael 2

Learning how to do full HTML5 and JavaScript programming can be a daunting task unless you’re able to spend hours learning how to do all the programming by hand. Adobe Edge Animate is like Flash for HTML5. Edge Animate allows you to quickly build custom learning interactions with more control than any standard eLearning tool, but can still be imported into most eLearning authoring tools or wrapped inside of a PhoneGap mobile project.

Participants will learn the basics of how to create custom interactive learning activities that will play on any mobile device. This allows you to go beyond the limitations of any eLearning authoring tool and build custom mobile-compatible interactions with greater flexibility. You can do most of the interactivity without even knowing any code. Get hands-on experience with a great HTML5 animation/interaction builder. Get real-world examples that you can use as a reference down the road.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Adobe Edge Animate basics
  • Learn how to animate objects in Adobe Edge along the timeline
  • Creative interactive movie clips/buttons
  • Create interactive content with little to no coding knowledge

Developers, project managers, and managers. No previous knowledge required.

Technology discussed in this session:
Adobe Edge Animate CC.

Participant technology requirements:
A laptop with Adobe Edge Animate CC installed.

Jeff Batt


Learning Dojo

Jeff Batt has 15+ years of experience in the digital learning and media industry. Currently, Jeff Batt is a Learning Experience Designer for Amazon. He is the founder and trainer at Learning Dojo, a company dedicated to training you to become a software ninja in various eLearning, web, and mobile-related software applications. He was also the program manager of DevLearn for The Learning Guild. Jeff often speaks on developmental technologies such as xAPI, HTML5, augmented reality, mobile development, eLearning development tools, and more.

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