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301 Corporate MOOCs: Adapting an Academic Model for Corporate Learning

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Tower 1

The promise of MOOCs is appealing … massive to scale an organization’s limited resources, online on any device, open to people who wouldn’t otherwise have access, but that course part? It gets boring fast. Courses can be too linear, too logical, and too long for digital learners. It’s time to face up to the fact that courses are an artificial way to learn, invented 150 years ago to make farmers into obedient assembly line workers.

In this session you will explore a new way of looking at MOOCs and how they can be applied to corporate learning. You will learn how MOOCs can be fascinating, engaging communities that have bite-sized content at their fingertips. You will explore the results of a recent experiment—a MOOC on corporate MOOCs—and discuss many of the lessons learned along the way. You will leave this session with a number of tips that can be applied to help build a fascinating MOOC people will love.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Alternatives to traditional course models in MOOCs
  • Strategies for creating bite-sized learning opportunities
  • Lessons from a public MOOC implementation
  • Tips to apply in building your own MOOC

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers.      

Technology discussed in this session:

Judy Albers

Principal Consultant, Learning Experience Design

Intrepid Learning

Judy Albers is a principal consultant for learning experience design with Intrepid Learning. Judy, an MSEd, helps leading companies create engaging online learning experiences backed up by neuroscience and research on web behavior. These projects have earned over a dozen awards from across the learning, media, and marketing fields. Prior to Intrepid, Judy served as first vice president of learning technology at JPMorgan Chase, and she facilitated Bank One’s learning governance council during its three straight years as the top-rated bank in the Training Top 100.

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506 What Corporate Learning Can Learn from the MOOC Experience

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 30

Tower 2

Preconceptions of eLearning, lack of instructional design insight within organizations, disjointed learning ecosystems, and the perceived size of the task in front of them mean organizations have lacked the confidence to take their more complex programs into the online domain. However, online learning is opening the doors to more flexible, sustained, and comprehensive support for learners than ever before.

In this session you will explore a comprehensive analysis of the MOOC experience since 2012. You will examine the MOOC experience and how the highs and lows have informed the strategies and approaches taken by a range of organizations in their programs. You’ll discuss case studies from Telefonica, Transitions Optical, and The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising on how MOOCS have been applied to programs that include flipped classrooms, online CPD, and sponsored MOOCs. You will also explore the skills, tools, and technology needed to create the right ecosystem in which more complex online programs thrive.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Best practices in learning path design for complex subjects
  • How to create learner engagement through learning design, course orchestration, and facilitation
  • Where to spend, where to reuse, and where to save
  • How to create the business case for corporate MOOCs
  • When to curate from an existing MOOC and when to create your own
  • How to create the right learning ecosystem to support complex subjects online

Intermediate and advanced managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:

Lisa Minogue-White

Director of Learning Solutions


Lisa Minogue-White is a director of learning solutions and co-founder of WillowDNA, a reporter for Learning Now TV, a presenter for Learning Now Radio, and a fellow of the Learning and Performance Institute. She is also a popular webinar speaker in the UK, a regular contributor to leading industry publications, a speaker at key events, and a writer. Lisa’s specialties include online distance learning, collaboration, learning technologies, and communities, and she was featured by Clive Shepherd in his book More Than Blended Learning.

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701 MOOCs as a Catalyst for Institution-wide Improvement and Excellence

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, October 31

Van Gogh 2

Learning professionals have a number of difficult goals to achieve relative to the creation and management of online learning. We need to ensure consistent quality, visual identity, and education outcomes of effective learning objects that are reusable between programs and delivery methods. As many challenges as we face, sometimes the solution itself presents its own new set of issues. In the case of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, massive open online courses (MOOCs) were both a challenge and a solution.

In this session you will explore how the MOOC creation process served as a catalyst for the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing to improve course quality and production standards and promote innovative teaching. You will discover how the process of creating and deploying MOOCs can help teams focus attention on keys issues. You will learn how this process led to institution-wide changes in the way the school conducts all of its eLearning activities. You will leave this session with an understanding of both the changes possible when attempting to build and implement MOOCs, as well as methods for structuring the MOOC-building experience to maximize opportunities for organizational growth and improvement.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How MOOCs can be a catalyst for improving eLearning across multiple online learning paradigms
  • How to improve production and use of eLearning components across platforms based on MOOC best practices
  • How to promote best practices that can be embraced by the institution, encouraging compliance
  • How to develop workflows to ensure consistent application of branding and copyright review in the production of eLearning

Novice and intermediate managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
MOOCs (Coursera), self-paced module (Storyline), online courses (Blackboard), video production (green screen/Vimeo), presentation tools (PowerPoint/Keynote).

Robert Kearns

Instructional Design Manager

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Robert Kearns is the instructional design (ID) manager for the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. Robert has over 10 years of experience in eLearning, customer relationship management, and higher education in both the public and private sector. As the ID manager for the School of Nursing, he manages a team of instructional designers and technologists working with faculty, staff, students, IT managers, and academic leadership to provide design, training, and support for the school’s online and technology-enabled classes. Robert also leads the School of Nursing’s MOOC initiative on the Coursera platform.

Nathan Poole

Instructional Designer

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Nathan Poole is an instructional designer at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. He has helped pioneer the school’s self-paced online module development program, now available as part of the School of Nursing Professional Programs. Nathan regularly partners with other members of the university and Johns Hopkins Hospital to develop interprofessional education modules and training. With more than 10 years of experience in education and technology, Nathan specializes in the employment of backwards design, high-quality assessment, learning styles, and learner differentiation.

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805 L&D Jurassic Park: If You’re Not Predator, You’re Prey!

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Friday, October 31

Tower 2

There was a time, not that long ago, where the lowly training team, in tough times, was the first to go. Training was the expendable critter scurrying through the business wilderness picking up resource scraps and being kicked around by larger apex predators. Over time we evolved into learning and development moving up the corporate food chain. Have we now reached an evolutionary dead end? Do we need to become a different species to move up any further?

In this session you will explore new and concrete ways that L&D departments can more tightly fuse themselves into the business and decrease their cost profile. You will explore ways to increase your ability to actually generate trackable revenue. You will discuss examples of success and failure and gain practical processes and tools you can immediately implement to evolve your training efforts. You will leave this session with new insight into the world of learning you’ve chosen as your career.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to tell if your department is currently acting as predator or prey
  • What being a predator looks like
  • How you can be both predator and prey
  • What you can do to move up the food chain

Novice to advanced project managers, managers, directors, and VPs.

Technology discussed in this session:

Brent Schlenker

Community Director

dominKnow Inc.

Brent Schlenker is community director of dominKnow Inc. Previously, he was the chief learning strategist for Litmos by CallidusCloud. Throughout the last decade he has established himself as an eLearning industry leader blogging and speaking at industry events as an early adopter of new technologies. He has experimented with their viability as learning tools in small, medium, and large enterprises while (re)building training departments and learning the practical business impacts of the training function. From 2007 to 2012 Brent was program director for The eLearning Guild’s DevLearn conference. He holds a bachelor’s degree in media arts and a master’s degree in educational media and computers.

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811 Let’s Talk About MOOCs: Using Massive Open Online Courses for Learning

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Friday, October 31

Monet 2

MOOCs have become a popular buzz word in the industry over the past couple of years. While interest in MOOCs continues to increase, our understanding of what MOOCs are and where they can best be applied to help organizations and individuals learn has not kept pace.

In this session you will explore the core elements of an effective MOOC. You will discuss the various ways that MOOCs can be used in organizational learning contexts. You will examine the various platforms that are used to develop and run MOOCs. You will leave this session understanding what a MOOC is, and how utilizing or providing MOOCs can be a huge value to organizations and their learners.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What a MOOC is
  • How MOOCs are delivered
  • About the different tools for delivering MOOCs.
  • What issues MOOCs present
  • How MOOCs may fit into your current eLearning strategy

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
MOOCs, Coursera, edX, Udacity, Udemy.

Michael Reedy

Managing Partner


Michael Reedy, a managing partner with OutCons, is a senior learning professional who provides a mix of learning consulting and project/program management. He has worked with many diverse clients providing a variety of services, such as learning management systems implementation, training, and change integration. Michael is known for having a track record of building a learning strategy and executing to make that vision a reality.

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