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103 Using Book Clubs and Online Debates for Engagement and Learning

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, October 29

Van Gogh 1

Engaging learners online in an authentic way presents challenges for instructors and designers trying to create effective and pedagogically sound courses. An ideal educational experience happens when students encounter a cognitive presence, a social presence, and a teaching presence. Such an experience can also be grounded within the community of inquiry model and personal learning environment.

In this case-study session, you will explore how book clubs became the stepping stone to transform a traditional online asynchronous classroom activity to an engaging, social, and active online-learning experience through asynchronous peer interaction and collaboration. You will learn how these book clubs provided the scaffolding for small-group debates. You will discover how Southern New Hampshire University successfully implemented asynchronous online book clubs and debates in a combined community and global Health course. You will discuss overcoming potential difficulties and limitations in the successful deployment of collaborative activities within a learning management system.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to implement collaborative strategies in an online environment
  • How book clubs and debates can create student engagement and learning opportunities
  • How to reference the community-of-inquiry model in asynchronous activities
  • Design, development, and implementation techniques for group forums, wikis, and discussions

Novice designers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Collaboration and other tools available in Blackboard, Adobe Connect, Skype, etc.

Janet Syed

Instructional Designer

Southern New Hampshire University Online

Janet Syed, MEd, is a lead instructional designer at Southern New Hampshire University, where her chief goal is to maximize the range and pedagogical effectiveness of technology. Her curricular development work is grounded in careful analysis of users’ needs and capabilities in order to enhance and exploit the potential of technology to communicate with all learners. She seeks versatile applications of instructional-design best practices and the application of universal design to ensure equitable access to diverse audiences. She creates multi-media-rich opportunities to support learning so her students can interact collaboratively through various online mediums.

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302 Unleash Skynet: Building a Simple AI to Increase Engagement

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Tower 7

If you talk to game developers most will agree that building a functional artificial intelligence (AI) for a game engine is usually the most time-consuming part of development. Are there tools that we can use to rapidly develop the look and feel of AI without the resource drain of full AI development? Despite the fact that our development tools have greatly enhanced our abilities to create compelling, engaging content, adding AI elements to our courses can seem like a “bridge too far” for many developers.

In this session, you will explore how adding AI to gamified content can increase your user engagement. You will review some of the attributes of artificial intelligence. You will examine a series of tools you can use to add AI to your content. You will review a demonstration and case study of the AI engine that RAPS created to power a certification training game.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How using AI in your courses can increase engagement
  • How to incorporate simple AI concepts into your course design
  • Techniques for planning and executing your AI behavior
  • How to utilize certain AI strategies in your courses

Intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and directors with a basic understanding and appreciation of general game-playing concepts.

Technology discussed in this session:
Articulate Storyline, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop.

Brian Savoie

Director, Learning Technology

Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS)

Brian Savoie leads the technological development of courseware directed at regulatory and quality staff within medical device and pharmaceutical companies. Under Brian's oversight, RAPS Online University has seen 100% growth in three of the past five years. Brian is also an award-winning writer and producer who focuses on educational video production. His program, “Mesopotamia: From Nomads to Farmers,” won the Cine Special Jury Prize – one of the highest awards an educational film can receive.

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310 Ignite! Meme-ing the Future of Learning

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Monet 1

Technology has completely changed the way we live, work, and learn. Technology has brought us the Internet, smartphones, tablets, and many more tools that have changed our lives forever. Of course, these same technologies have also brought us memes like Socially Awkward Penguin, Success Kid, and yes, Grumpy Cat.

In this session these two worlds collide as six industry experts use today’s memes to explore the current and future state of learning. The rules of each presentation are simple: Each speaker’s presentation has 20 slides that automatically advance every 20 seconds. That provides each speaker with six minutes and 40 seconds to paint their vision for the future of learning. And there’s one last rule—slides can only use common Internet memes for visuals. Join us for what is sure to be a fun and informative session.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How learning has evolved in recent years
  • How Ignite session formats can create unique learning opportunities
  • What learning might look like years from now
  • Way more about Internet memes than you ever thought possible

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Various technologies.

David Kelly (Host)


The Learning Guild

David Kelly is the Chairman of the Learning Guild. David has been a learning and performance consultant and training director for over 20 years. He is a leading voice exploring how technology can be used to enhance training, education, learning, and organizational performance. David is an active member of the learning community, and can frequently be found speaking at industry events. He has previously contributed to organizations including ATD, eLearn Magazine, LINGOs, and more.

Joe Ganci


eLearning Joe

Joe Ganci is the owner and president of eLearning Joe, a custom learning company. Since 1983, he has been involved in every aspect of multimedia and learning development. Joe holds a computer science degree, writes books and articles about eLearning, and is widely considered an eLearning development guru. He consults worldwide and also teaches at conferences and client sites. Joe writes tool reviews and has received several awards for his work in eLearning, including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999 and an eLearning Guild Master Award in 2013. His mission is to improve the quality of eLearning with practical approaches that work.

Jane Bozarth

Director of Research

The Learning Guild

Jane Bozarth, the director of research for the Learning Guild, is a veteran classroom trainer who transitioned to eLearning in the late 1990s and has never looked back. In her previous job as leader of the State of North Carolina's award-winning eLearning program, Jane specialized in finding low-cost ways of providing online training solutions. She is the author of several books, including eLearning Solutions on a Shoestring, Social Media for Trainers, and Show Your Work: The Payoffs and How-To's of Working Out Loud. Jane holds a doctorate in training and development and was awarded the Guild Master Award in 2013 for her accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community.

Cammy Bean

Senior Solutions Consultant


Cammy Bean started in the industry as a junior instructional designer in 1996 and has since collaborated with hundreds of organizations to design and deliver training programs. She’s worked at small startups, mid-sized training companies, boutique eLearning shops, and as a freelance instructional designer. An English and German studies major in college, Cammy found an affinity for writing and making complex ideas and concepts clear to an audience. In 2009, she helped start up US operations for Kineo, a global provider of learning solutions. Originally Kineo’s VP of learning design, Cammy is currently a senior solutions consultant. In this role she leads the North American sales team, supports clients through the initial discovery process, and manages Kineo’s portfolio of custom client accounts to help organizations meet their strategic business objectives through better learning solutions. She is the author of The Accidental Instructional Designer: Learning Design for the Digital Age – second edition (ATD Press, 2023).

Chad Udell

Chief Strategy Officer

Float and SparkLearn

Chad Udell is the award-winning managing partner, strategy and new product development, at Float and SparkLearn. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to create experiences for 20 years. Chad is an expert in mobile design and development, and speaks at events on related topics. He is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor/author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success and Shock of the New.

Jeannette Campos

Adjunct Faculty

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Jeannette Campos, adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has provided consultative services in the design, development, and delivery of creative learning solutions to clients in the government, nonprofit, academic, and commercial markets. She holds a master of arts degree in instructional systems designs from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She has also served as adjunct faculty at the National Labor College and the Community College System of New Hampshire.

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411 The Internet of Things—Applications in eLearning

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Thursday, October 30

Degas 1 & 2

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to touch and transform every facet of our lives. From industry automation and automobile connectivity to wearable devices and smart-home appliances, it will make our way of living more enriching. Learning will also undergo many changes as a part of this evolution, though it will likely be a bumpy road getting there.

In this session you will explore how the Internet of Things can impact the world of eLearning. You will discuss specific examples of how IoT can enrich interactive learning, games-based learning, and on-demand learning to improve the overall learning experience. You will examine industry trends on how learning is evolving from the traditional formats to a more social and collaborative culture, and how IoT supports that evolution. You will explore numerous use cases that will show where IoT fits into the current learning and performance paradigm, and how it will influence our field in the future.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How Internet of Things key concepts apply in the context of eLearning
  • How one needs to approach eLearning content creation differently in an IoT environment
  • How one can make their content ready for IoT devices
  • How IoT is applicable in eLearning

Novice and intermediate developers, project managers, managers, directors, and VPs.

Technology discussed in this session:
Kinect, Raspberry Pi, and 3-D printing.

Shrikant Pattathil


Harbinger Interactive Learning

Shrikant Pattathil brings with him close to 25 years of experience in developing software products and services for all types of product development companies ranging from startups, medium-sized businesses to Fortune 500 companies. His innovations in formulating sound technical approaches to business problems are consistently appreciated by customers. Shrikant has led and implemented strategies in HR Tech, Health Tech, Learning Tech, and Ed Tech. In fact, he is also the company's go-to person for the latest know-how on shifting technology paradigms.

Maheshkumar Kharade

Associate Architect

Harbinger Systems

Maheshkumar Kharade is an associate architect at Harbinger Systems and a member of the company’s technology forum and proposal engineering group. He is an active contributor in the technology arm of Harbinger’s marketing division. Maheshkumar has over eight years of experience in the design and development of enterprise applications in the business intelligence, health care, and eLearning domains. His core technology expertise is in Java, J2ee, Java frameworks and libraries, Android, big data, and the cloud. He is frequently invited as a guest speaker at management colleges and universities. Maheshkumar holds a bachelor’s degree in information technology from Pune University.

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504 What Is CMI-5 and Why Should You Care?

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 30

Van Gogh 2

With the successful rollout of the Experience API (xAPI) the foundation for a new SCORM standard has been laid. By itself, xAPI is not a replacement for SCORM. Instead, xAPI defines communication between a learning experience and the learning record store, or LRS. While most of us agree that the majority of learning occurs outside the LMS, there is still some formal eLearning that will be maintained in the LMS.

In this session you will learn how the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC), working with ADL, has stepped in to define a new LMS to eLearning specification as a layer on top of xAPI. You will discover the possibilities of AICC CMI-5, a flexible new design that some call “xAPI with some rules.” You will explore how CMI-5 works and the advantages it has over SCORM.

In this session, you will learn:

  • That xAPI is not a SCORM replacement
  • To define the existing issues with SCORM that should be addressed by a new specification
  • To define how AICC CMI-5 will fix several SCORM issues
  • To define the interoperability of AICC CMI-5

Intermediate designers, developers, and CLOs with some familiarity with both SCORM and xAPI.

Technology discussed in this session:

Art Werkenthin



Art Werkenthin, president of RISC, built his first learning management system (LMS) in 1988 and now has over 25 years' experience working with LMS in the oil and gas, retail, finance, and other industries. Art is keenly interested in the xAPI specification, and RISC was an early adopter of this technology. Interested in expanding the xAPI to the LMS, Art has served for the past three years on the ADL cmi5 committee. In 2015, RISC demonstrated the first implementation of a cmi5 runtime engine embedded in its LMS. Art has presented on cmi5 at several conferences, including mLearnCon, DevLearn, and xAPI Camp.

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608 Is Interactive 3-D the Next Big Thing in eLearning?

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Thursday, October 30

Tower 2

Your course users demand more quality and sophistication in the eLearning content they interact with. A growing expectation is for attractive eLearning content that is close to virtual reality with 3-D animated and interactive content. Interactive 3-D content can help teach more effectively, and make the courses more attractive and competitive. But is it worth the effort and the costs?

In this case-study session you will explore sample content from courses and learn how they were transformed from 2-D to 3-D. You will learn how to develop 3-D content and how to evaluate the degree of complexity of 3-D animations. You will leave this session understanding how you can improve content with 3-D graphics as well as the level of effort it will require.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How interactive 3-D content can enhance the users’ learning experience
  • How to develop interactive 3-D content simply
  • How to go from non-interactive 2-D or 3-D content to interactive 3-D content
  • Tips to develop cost-effective interactive 3-D using UNITY 3D

Intermediate and advanced developers, project managers, managers, and directors with some knowledge of course-content development, graphics, and animations development or usage in courses.

Technology discussed in this session:
HTML5, UNITY 3D, WebGL, and JavaScript.

Terry Leger



Thierry (Terry) Leger, CEO of Azimuth, has 30 years of experience in software, content management, eLearning and the information-technology service industry. He is the founder and CEO of Azimuth, has created several IT-services companies, and has had various managerial positions in companies in Silicon Valley and in Europe. Terry holds an MBA degree and a master’s degree in Computer Science. He was instrumental in the development of various large information systems for worldwide customers and he designed and implemented one of the first European computer-aided document-retrieval systems. Featured in many European and US computer publications, Terry is a frequent speaker at industry forums.

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712 Learning in the Cloud: What Do Learning Platforms Look Like in the Future?

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, October 31

Cézanne 1 & 2

Technology is constantly evolving and changing the ways we live, work, and learn. The ways we approach learning are very different than they were even a decade ago. In order to keep our practices current, we must stay ahead of this technological evolution—and that starts with getting the most out of today’s technology.

In this session you will explore how to use systems you already have to provide on-the-job support for learning, examine the impact of cloud technologies on learning platforms, and discuss how learning platforms can integrate with other enterprise systems. You will examine the increasing role of social media as a means of enhancing informal and social learning and how to use today’s cutting-edge technologies to paint a picture of how technology will shape how we learn tomorrow.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How and when to use social and informal learning tools to assist in learning and knowledge transfer
  • The differences between cloud-based platforms and traditional internally hosted systems
  • How learning programs have evolved in tandem with technology
  • How to prepare yourself for continued technological evolution

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers with a basic knowledge of adult learning theory.

Technology discussed in this session:
Web-based and cloud-based products, Lync, SharePoint, Yammer, Internet sites, Blackboard, etc.

Darren Nerland

Sr. Learning Strategist


Darren Nerland is a senior learning strategist at Knowplicity, where he works on disruptive, innovative, and emergent digital learning technologies and methodologies. Darren aligns key leaders and stakeholders on the implementation of learning initiatives for the enterprise. He is an expert technologist with a demonstrable track record of bringing complex learning systems from requirements through design into scalable production. His experience includes working at the executive level to determine how training strategies and awareness can effect and sustain positive behavioral change. Darren is an accomplished and dynamic leader with strong global learning strategy and measurement experience.

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801 The Innovative Future of Video Learning

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Friday, October 31

Renoir 1 & 2

The use of learning videos has been widely employed for many years and for good reason. Video-based learning can be more engaging and has been proven to increase learner retention. It is fast becoming an essential learning tool. Advancements in technology have triggered an explosion of innovation in the usage of video for learning. As always, with change comes challenges.

In this session participants will learn how the IBM research and product labs are creating innovations in video learning that are going to revolutionize the way organizations leverage video for learning. You will discuss video transcript creation that automatically creates a transcription of the video, and can even perform translations. You will explore video delivery technology that synchronizes the transcription with the video as it plays, and allows the learner to navigate to any point in the video by clicking on the transcription. You will learn how these and other innovations are creating new ways for learners to interact with video and for the video curators to analyze the effectiveness of the videos.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How video learning is becoming a collaborative event, allowing learners to socialize and expand the learning experience
  • How the automation of video transcription simplifies the publishing process and improves learner search capabilities
  • How image analysis can automate the tagging and curation process
  • How advanced analytics can be applied to gauge video effectiveness

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Various video learning components of the IBM Smarter Workforce technologies.

Scott Edwards

Product Manager


Scott Edwards is a member of the Smarter Workforce team at IBM, responsible for the strategic direction of the Kenexa Learning Suite, which encompasses the learning content management system (LCMS), the social learning management system (LMS) and the mobile platform. Prior to joining Kenexa, Scott was a co-founder and VP at OutStart. He held many roles at OutStart, among them being the chief architect for OutStart’s flagship product, the Evolution LCMS. Scott has almost 30 years of experience in designing, building, and consulting on complex systems and learning technologies, with extensive experience as a speaker and evangelist promoting learning technologies.

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