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212 How to Integrate a Disruptive Embedded Performer Support Methodology

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Degas 1 & 2

Our current training paradigm does an admirable job of transferring knowledge, but no matter how well we accomplish this transfer, knowledge retention works against us when what we really need is flawless performance at the point of work. In short, our training paradigm was never intended to support performers at the point of work. It never was, and it never will be. It’s time for a little disruption!

In this session you will explore embedded performer support (EPS), a new discipline that will evolve any existing training strategy to include the work context where true business value is either generated...or lost. Participants will examine new techniques, new technologies, and new agile development methods to address a rapidly growing need by all businesses. You will learn how integrating EPS tactics and technology into your L&D strategy will compensate for the convergence of learning with work.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to map a holistic learning and performance environment
  • How to expand and evolve discovery efforts
  • How to build agile, rapid design, development, and delivery of content
  • How to determine the right mix of technology for an EPS solution
  • Where to begin

Intermediate and advanced designers, managers, directors, VPs, CLOs, and executives.

Technology discussed in this session:

Gary Wise

Founder/Principal Strategist

Human Performance Outfitters

Gary Wise, the founder and principal strategist at Human Performance Outfitters, is a workforce performance strategist and coach with performance consulting fueling his foundational discipline and perspectives. He is a 30- plus-year veteran of corporate L&D gigs and is now a Point-of-Work consultant and coach. Gary’s experience includes several performance support system integrations. He speaks at many local and national events, is a longtime blogger, and advocates for changing things mired in outdated paradigms. He recommends disruptive solutions that normally accompany shifting paradigms.

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308 Google Glass and the Future of Mobile Learning

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Tower 2

As valuable as courses are, there will always be times when performance support is more appropriate. But in order to have really effective just-in-time learning support, people need to be able find and use it quickly and effortlessly. Performance support needs to be available wherever you are and whenever you need it. More importantly, the performance-support tools of the future are hands free.

In this session you will explore Google Glass, and the possibilities that hands-free devices like it open up for mobile learning and performance support. You will learn how Google Glass works, and examine examples of unique learning and performance solutions being developed for the device. You will compare how wearable performance support compares to that delivered on other mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. You will leave the session with new ideas and inspiration for how you might use mobile devices and wearable technology in your own organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How you can use Google Glass for distance coaching
  • Why Google Glass is so effective for hands-free performance support
  • How you can use Google Glass for context-sensitive performance support
  • What the future of immersive learning might hold

Novice designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Google Glass, smartphones, tablets, and Oculous Rift.

Ruth Haddon


LEO Learning

Ruth Haddon, the COO of LEO Learning, joined the company as a university graduate. She soon worked her way up through the ranks over seven years, eventually becoming a finalist for E-learning Designer of the Year at the E-learning Awards. When LEO opened its New York office, she moved to the new location as COO.

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412 Adding Support to an Employee Performance Ecosystem

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Thursday, October 30

Tower 2

Chances are that your organization already has one or more learning management system in place. Chances are that you also have a learning content management system, enterprise resource planning, a human resource management system, knowledge management, and/or customer relationship management systems in place. Now you are looking at adding performance support to the mix. Technology can be an enabler and driver of efficiency, but it can also be complex, cumbersome, and confusing. But all systems have one primary intent: To increase the performance of employees.

In this session, participants will take a closer look at the relationship between learning management, learning content management, knowledge management, and performance support systems. You will develop an approach to integrate these systems cohesively to eliminate content creation and maintenance redundancies. And you will examine how performance support can be the broker of information from the learning ecosystem to systems that live in the workplace ecosystem.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Where performance support fits into the existing learning and performance ecosystem
  • How different learning systems relate to one another
  • How to integrate multiple systems
  • How to eliminate content creation and maintenance redundancies

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
LMS, LCMS, ERP, HRMS, knowledge management systems, CRM.

Gary Wise

Founder/Principal Strategist

Human Performance Outfitters

Gary Wise, the founder and principal strategist at Human Performance Outfitters, is a workforce performance strategist and coach with performance consulting fueling his foundational discipline and perspectives. He is a 30- plus-year veteran of corporate L&D gigs and is now a Point-of-Work consultant and coach. Gary’s experience includes several performance support system integrations. He speaks at many local and national events, is a longtime blogger, and advocates for changing things mired in outdated paradigms. He recommends disruptive solutions that normally accompany shifting paradigms.

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605 The Impact of Wearable Technology on Performance Support

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Thursday, October 30

Van Gogh 2

Technological advances disrupt the status quo. We’ve seen this happen a number of times in the way we address learning and performance interventions. In the last few decades, the emergence of home computers brought us eLearning, and the proliferation of mobile and smartphones have brought us mLearning. Both of these technological advances have fundamentally changed how we look at learning and performance programs. Another technological advance is coming—one that will once again change some of our definitions and how we address performance issues: wearable technology.

In this session you will explore wearable technology and the world of opportunity that it presents for performance support. You will learn about different types of wearable technologies and how they are being positioned for consumer usage. You will discuss the unique affordances of these technologies and explore how you can use them for new types of performance support. You will also explore early use cases of wearable technology for education and performance support.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About different types of wearable technologies and how they are being positioned for consumer use
  • How wearable technology can be used for performance support
  • The unique affordances of wearable technology
  • How innovative companies are using wearable technology today

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Wearable technology.

David Kelly


The Learning Guild

David Kelly is the Chairman of the Learning Guild. David has been a learning and performance consultant and training director for over 20 years. He is a leading voice exploring how technology can be used to enhance training, education, learning, and organizational performance. David is an active member of the learning community, and can frequently be found speaking at industry events. He has previously contributed to organizations including ATD, eLearn Magazine, LINGOs, and more.

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