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115 B.Y.O.L.: Building Interactive Slides in Storyline

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, October 29

Gauguin 1 & 2

Articulate Storyline is a very powerful tool for eLearning. It is also extremely easy to use, enabling novice users to quickly learn how to build courses and add interactivity to content. Interactivity is what can make even the most boring content more engaging.

In this hands-on session you will explore a number of different ways to build interactivity into an eLearning course using Articulate Storyline. You will examine different types of interactions, and when each type of interaction works best. You will build interactions during the session, including click-and-reveal, drag-and-drop, and mouse-over effects.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to determine which Storyline tool might be best for certain interactions
  • How to build a click-and-reveal style interaction
  • How to build a drag-and-drop style interaction
  • How to build a mouse-over effect

Intermediate designers and developers with some experience and familiarity with Storyline.

Technology discussed in this session:

Participant technology requirements:
A PC or Mac running Windows and Storyline.

Stefanie Lawless

VP Training

Yukon Learning

Stefanie Lawless is the vice president of training at Yukon Learning, where she manages the design and development of customizable off-the-shelf courseware in Rapid Course and provides virtual training for the Articulate suite of tools. She has spent more than 10 years training people on software products and policies, as well as developing eLearning content and custom courseware for organizations worldwide. Stefanie holds a BS in information technology and an MBA from Western Governor's University.

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116 B.Y.O.L.: Build a Mobile Roleplay in an Hour with ZebraZapps

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, October 29

Raphael 2

Research shows that only 20 percent of corporate learning happens during formal training, regardless of the delivery modality. However, 70 percent of learning occurs during on-the-job experiences. One way of bringing more job experience into formal training is through online roleplay simulations. The challenge most organizations have is the belief that simulations are too expensive, take too long to build, or require skill sets they cannot support.

In this hands-on session, participants will learn how to build a complex and effective roleplay that will run on a mobile device using ZebraZapps. You will explore how easily you can build the simulation by creating your own in 60 minutes. You will leave this session with the tools, content, and media to make simulation-based learning a reality for your organization.

In this session, you will learn:

  • An overview of ZebraZapps
  • The components of an effective roleplay
  • How to build a roleplay from scratch using ZebraZapps
  • How to publish the app for mobile delivery

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:

Participant technology requirements:
A laptop with Internet access.

Steve Lee

Chief Delivery Officer

Allen Interactions

Steve Lee is an award-winning instructional designer, eLearning developer, EPSS designer and developer, project manager, and renowned "trusted advisor", assisting companies developing their own internal learning development teams. With learning industry experience spanning the last three decades, Steve has provided strategic learning and consulting services for over 400 major organizations including participation in multiple large-scale military and commercial aviation eLearning projects. As a college professor of computer science for over 14 years, Lee has developed/instructed curriculum on hardware, gaming, and information security, and is considered an expert in the use of multiple delivery platforms, "game- theory", and social networking in learning.

Christopher Allen

Chief Strategy Officer

Allen Interactions

Christopher Allen is the chief strategy officer at Allen Interactions, providing direction to feature development and design, product training, and market focus. Christopher brings more than seven years of experience in digital content creation and distribution, as well as leadership experience in publishing and sales management. He holds a master’s degree in organizational management from The George Washington University and is an active triathlete.

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201 Cloud-based or Desktop: Which Authoring Tool Is Right for You?

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Van Gogh 2

Today’s eLearning developers have amazing desktop and cloud-based solutions to choose from. However, deciding which tool will best suit an organization’s learning and development needs, both today and in the future, can be an overwhelming challenge. There are a number of factors that you need to explore and understand before you can make a proper authoring-tool purchase decision.

In this session you will explore the pros and cons of desktop and cloud-based content authoring tools. You will learn where each type of tool excels and where it has challenges. You will examine a framework for understanding and evaluating features and benefits as they pertain to different learning development environments. You will leave this session understanding which option best suits your learning development model, which meets your budget goals, and which provides you the most flexibility going forward, making your next purchasing decision easier and more impactful.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The pros and cons of desktop authoring tools
  • The pros and cons of cloud-based authoring tools
  • A framework for evaluating your learning development processes and needs
  • How to choose an authoring system that best matches your learning development (and budget) needs

Novice to advanced developers, project managers, managers, directors, and VPs who understand their organization’s learning development model and the challenges they face when deploying authoring tools.

Technology discussed in this session:
Software as a service (SaaS), desktop authoring, and cloud-based authoring.

Paul Schneider

SVP Business Development


Paul Schneider, the senior vice president of business development for dominKnow, has worked in distance communication technologies in academia and corporate for over 18 years, primarily focusing on distance learning. Paul has provided services in most areas of learning, including instructional design, distance education, mobile training, and performance support. He currently oversees operations and business development at dominKnow Learning Systems and has presented at many professional conferences over the past 25+ years. Paul holds a PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

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215 B.Y.O.L.: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Interactivity in Captivate

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Gauguin 1 & 2

It’s all too easy to create boring eLearning with any authoring tool, including Adobe Captivate. What we need to engage learners is to make them interact with the content, not just watch and listen. Interaction does not mean just hitting next, back, and menu, nor does it mean just pressing a glossary button or a mute button. It means pulling the learner into the content and having interactivity involve them at the level of doing, not just seeing.

In this hands-on session, participants will explore the various ways that Adobe Captivate can provide opportunities to provide learners with true interactivity. You will examine ready-made interactions along with drag and drop and other interactive elements. You will discover how quiz questions can be used to engage learners along the way as well. You will leave this session having covered all of the ways you can have your eLearning lessons interact with the learner....yes, all of the ways.

In this session, you will learn:

  • To use Captivate’s built-in interactions
  • To use buttons, click areas, roll overs, and drag and drop
  • To use quiz questions for more than just quizzing
  • To engage learners in every way possible

Novice and intermediate designers and developers with a passing understanding of Captivate.

Technology discussed in this session:
Adobe Captivate.

Participant technology requirements:
A laptop with Adobe Captivate installed.

Joe Ganci


eLearning Joe

Joe Ganci is the owner and president of eLearning Joe, a custom learning company. Since 1983, he has been involved in every aspect of multimedia and learning development. Joe holds a computer science degree, writes books and articles about eLearning, and is widely considered an eLearning development guru. He consults worldwide and also teaches at conferences and client sites. Joe writes tool reviews and has received several awards for his work in eLearning, including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999 and an eLearning Guild Master Award in 2013. His mission is to improve the quality of eLearning with practical approaches that work.

Pooja Jaisingh

Senior Director, Digital Learning


Pooja Jaisingh works as a senior director of digital learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD-, and COTP-certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.

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216 B.Y.O.L.: Using Storyline to Build 508-compliant Courses

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Raphael 2

Courses that meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements are in high demand. However, many instructional designers lack the understanding of what 508 compliance really means, and the competency to effectively develop compliant courses.

In this hands-on session participants will explore how Articulate Storyline can help you create eLearning modules that are more accessible for users. You will discuss some of the important issues related to 508 compliance. You will learn how to use alternate text to describe screen elements. You will build courses with closed captioning effects. You will leave this session understanding the Storyline features that support accessible content.

In this session, you will learn:

  • To list some of the more pressing issues regarding eLearning and 508 compliance
  • To use alternate text to describe onscreen elements
  • To build courses with closed captioning effects
  • To determine which Storyline features support accessible content

Novice and intermediate designers and developers who are familiar and comfortable with the basic functions of Storyline.

Technology discussed in this session:
ADA section 508, use of alternate text, closed captioning, Storyline.

Participant technology requirements:
PC or Mac running Windows, Storyline.

Ron Price

Chief Learning Officer

Yukon Learning

Ron Price has over 35 years of experience in organizational effectiveness, leadership coaching, instructional design, spiritual development, and experiential learning. His unique background has allowed him to support a wide range of customers, from schools like Duke University and Harvard Business School to multinational corporations like Sanofi, Amazon, BP, and Pepsico. In 2002, Ron founded a consulting firm and challenge course devoted to increasing organizational performance while developing authenticity and integrity. After joining Yukon, Ron worked closely with the Articulate team to design the certified training programs for the Articulate tools. He is a Guild Master.

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315 B.Y.O.L.: Ten Tips and Tricks for Stretching Lectora

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Raphael 2

Lectora is a popular development tool that is more powerful than most instructional designers realize. Lectora is extremely malleable, making it possible to do almost anything you can design. However, some users are unaware of how to get the most out of the authoring tool.

In this hands-on session, participants will explore tips and tricks for getting the most out of Lectora. You will learn to control functionality based on current date, move an item in a group individually, and put an item on top of a Flash object. You will examine how to display a student’s name as first-last (switching from last-first), build and display a countdown (or count-up), and how to time events to audio.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to control functionality based on current date
  • How to move an item in a group individually
  • How to put an item on top of a Flash object
  • How to display a student’s name as first-last (switch from last-first)
  • How to build and display a countdown (or count-up)
  • How to change selected items in a list box based on outside user interaction
  • How to reset individual form elements
  • How to time events to audio
  • How to build conditional functionality with multiple decision points

Novice and intermediate designers and developers who are familiar with Lectora X, Inspire, 11, or a comparable rapid development tool.

Technology discussed in this session:
Lectora (version X, Inspire, or 11 are appropriate for this session).

Participant technology requirements:
Laptop with Lectora installed.

Becky Goldberg

Learning Analyst

Travelers Insurance

Rebecca Goldberg has been involved in internal training at Travelers Insurance for more than a decade. She’s worked on all levels of training planning, design, development, and delivery, presenting a wide range of topics (from application training to soft-skill development) to diverse audiences (entry-level to executive). She strives to deliver training products that motivate learners to seek out educational experiences, and which use technology as a tool for increasing knowledge transfer and retention.

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316 B.Y.O.L.: Variables: What Every New Storyline User Wants to Know

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Wednesday, October 29

Gauguin 1 & 2

As eLearning developers we often get caught up in designing only what we know from experience. The same holds true with eLearning developers using Articulate Storyline. The more you know, the more options and ideas become evident to solving instructional design challenges. The more you know about variable programming in Storyline, the more the world opens up to unlimited design possibilities.

In this hands-on session participants will explore the basics of Articulate Storyline variable programming. You will examine when it is best to use a variable, and when variable programming may not be the right solution. You will discover what a Boolean variable is and review some applications for its use. You will explore numerous tips, techniques, and a few trickeries to get the most out of variables. You will leave this session with several practice source files to practice using variables in your own projects.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About variable types and their differences
  • The various uses of variable types
  • The best time to use a variable
  • Tips on how to best manage multiple variables

Novice and intermediate designers and developers with a good understanding of object states, layers, and triggers using Articulate Storyline.

Technology discussed in this session:
Articulate Storyline.

Participant technology requirements:
Laptop with licensed copy of Articulate Storyline or a 30-day trial version.

Kevin Thorn

Director of Development

Artisan E-Learning

Kevin Thorn holds an EdD in instructional design and technologies and is an award-winning eLearning designer and developer. He is the director of development for Artisan E-Learning, and principal owner of NuggetHead Studioz, LLC., a boutique studio specializing in consulting and developing custom learning experiences. Kevin combines his skills in technology, instructional design, eLearning development, illustration, graphic design, animation, video, and educational comics to develop innovative learning solutions. He is a well- known industry speaker and trainer in visual communication, eLearning development, and design workflows and is a certified facilitator in LEGO® Serious Play® methodologies. ?

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406 The Top 10 Authoring Tools of 2014—and the Forecast for 2015

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Thursday, October 30

Renoir 1 & 2

Choosing an authoring tool can be very challenging, especially as the number of authoring tool options continues to grow. In 2014 there are almost 190 different authoring tool options available to organizations. Understanding which authoring tools work best in different contexts is critical in order to make the best purchasing decision.

In this session participants will explore the speaker’s top 10 authoring tools for 2014, as well as the criteria used to provide the ranking. You will explore the various capabilities that today’s authoring tools provide, and which capabilities provide the most value. You will also look ahead to 2015 and beyond to identify where the market is heading and what new capabilities developers can expect.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The top 10 authoring tools for 2014
  • The top mobile authoring tool in the market
  • Trends in the authoring tool market that will impact consumers
  • Forecasts for 2015

Novice to advanced designers, developers, managers, directors, and executives with a basic understanding of authoring tools, either by previous use or from exploring the market to buy one.

Technology discussed in this session:
Authoring tools.

Craig Weiss


The Craig Weiss Group

Craig Weiss is the CEO and lead analyst for the Craig Weiss Group. He has been recognized by his peers as the most influential person in the world for learning systems and one of the most influential in the world for the eLearning industry. His blog is read in 174 countries, territories, and colonial territories. Craig speaks at conferences and companies around the world.

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415 B.Y.O.L.: Enhance the Effectiveness of Quizzes Using Adobe Captivate

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Thursday, October 30

Raphael 2

When you limit your design to the default question slides in Captivate, the result can often be a boring assessment. Being aware of the basics of these slide designs and of the quizzing system variables allows developers to extend the functionality of the default slides. By tweaking these default slides you can create simple games that can turn a basic quiz into a challenging experience.

In this hands-on session you will go beyond the basic template of a Captivate question slide and explore ways to enhance the default interaction. You will examine techniques including replacing text with image or audio, knowledge slides, remediation, intermediate score slides, control navigation, drag and drop, scored objects, and more. You will also clarify the process, possibilities, and limitations of the Captivate questions slide template.

In this session, you will learn:

  • To understand the default process and objects in question and score slide
  • To know the quizzing system variables
  • How to add intermediate score slides and shape buttons
  • The use of the advanced interaction panel
  • How to create custom question slides based on widgets or interactions
  • How to create custom question slides with standard objects
  • How to use the drag & drop wizard for question slides

Novice to advanced designers and developers with a basic knowledge of Captivate.

Technology discussed in this session:
Adobe Captivate (latest version) on a Windows or Mac machine.

Participant technology requirements:
Latest version of Adobe Captivate on a Windows or Mac machine.

Lieve Weymeis


Lilybiri’s Consultancy/Training

Lieve Weymeis is a consultant and trainer with Lilybiri’s Consultancy/Training. After years of teaching and research in project management and eLearning, Lieve is now freelancing and specializing in advanced Adobe Captivate; in 2009, she was invited to join the advisory board for Captivate. As an Adobe Certified Expert, Adobe Community Professional, and Adobe Education Leader, Lieve has presented about Captivate and flipped classes both online and face-to-face in the Captivate community and on social media.

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501 Building Responsive Mobile Content with Adobe Captivate 8

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 30

Tower 1

There’s a growing demand from organizations to create courses that work on both mobile and desktop platforms. The currently available tools have a hard time doing this, and many times you must create multiple courses for each type of screen. In addition, content only resizes to fit these various screens; it doesn’t truly change based on each device.

In this session you will learn about the latest release of Adobe Captivate 8, and the huge advances it enables in responsive mobile design. You will explore how this software enables users to build in one view, and support multiple mobile devices at the same time. You will discover how this software enables developers to create courses that actually change design and content layout based on different devices. You will leave this session understanding how this software provides greater efficiency and improves your learning programs.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How Adobe Captivate 8 can automatically adjust your content based on different devices
  • How to create responsive mobile interactions in Adobe Captivate 8
  • How to create responsive themes in Adobe Captivate 8
  • How to publish Adobe Captivate courses to ensure mobile compatibility

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Adobe Captivate 8, responsive themes, and responsive interactions.

Shawn Scivally


eLearning Brothers

Shawn Scivally is the founder and President of eLearning Brothers, LLC and e He is as passionate about visual design in e-Learning as he is about being a husband, swing pusher, buffalo wings lover, unicyclist, and amateur BBQ griller. He has over eight years experience developing gut- busting multimedia presentations, online training, and graphic design. Previously he developed online training for Chase Bank and Wendy’s restaurants, both of which jobs were awesome experiences as they run excellent training programs.

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508 How HTML5 Is Changing Today’s eLearning

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 30

Tower 8

There’s a great deal of buzz in our industry about HTML5. Chances are that the development tool you’re using to create eLearning can output to HTML5, but most instructional designers are not sure why that feature is important. HTML5 is also a subject that, for many, is clouded in confusion, with learning professionals often unable to translate the technical discussion into understanding of what the technology makes possible.

In this session you will learn about the HTML5 core technology from an easily digestible and understandable perspective. You will discuss why HTML5 is important and what skills you need to develop to take advantage of it today. You will also explore what types of questions you should be asking of your team, developers, and LMS vendors. You will leave this session with a better understanding of HTML5, including why it is important and what resources, tools, and templates you have available to help you apply HTML5 immediately.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Five ways HTML5 can help your development team
  • Five ways HTML5 can improve your user experience
  • Fresh ideas you can apply immediately with your team
  • Free web apps to learn new skills
  • Using open-source web apps to improve your tool set today

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors with a basic understanding of eLearning and how tools work.

Technology discussed in this session:
HTML5, CSS3, Fonts, JavaScript, Canvas vs SVG, Media formats, Adobe Edge Tools, iOS, Android, and browsers.

Nick Floro

Learning Architect/Imagineer

Sealworks Interactive Studios

Nick Floro, a co-founder and learning architect at Sealworks Interactive Studios, has over 25 years of experience developing learning solutions, applications, and web platforms. Nick is passionate about how design and technology can enhance learning and loves to share his knowledge and experience to teach, inspire, and motivate. As a learning architect, Nick gets to sketch, imagine, and prototype for each challenge. He has worked with start-ups to Fortune 500 companies to help them understand the technology and develop innovative solutions to support their audiences. Nick has won numerous awards from Apple and organizations for productions and services.

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616 B.Y.O.L.: Building Custom xAPI-compliant HTML5 Courses Using jQuery Mobile

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Thursday, October 30

Raphael 2

Instructional designers tend to define what is possible by the limitations of our chosen authoring tools. We remove ideas like responsive courses from consideration because our authoring tool does support the capability. Sometimes common modern web practices don’t always transfer over to eLearning authoring tools until it is too late. Why not take control over what you can do in your eLearning authoring by building it yourself?

In this hands-on session you will explore how jQuery Mobile allows you to build responsive custom mobile applications that not only take advantage of modern web technology, but simplify development without the requirement of heavy amounts of coding. You will learn how this tool removes many of the constraints placed by authoring tools and how to build custom, mobile-first HTML5 quickly and easily. You will examine how to integrate the xAPI into HTML5 to allow you to track progress within your LMS or LRS.

In this session, you will learn:

  • jQuery Mobile basics
  • How to build a player in jQuery Mobile
  • How to make your jQuery xAPI compliant
  • How to develop a custom HTML5 course

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, and project managers who know basic HTML5 formatting.

Technology discussed in this session:
jQuery Mobile and xAPI.

Participant technology requirements:
A laptop with an HTML editor.

Jeff Batt


Learning Dojo

Jeff Batt has 15+ years of experience in the digital learning and media industry. Currently, Jeff Batt is a Learning Experience Designer for Amazon. He is the founder and trainer at Learning Dojo, a company dedicated to training you to become a software ninja in various eLearning, web, and mobile-related software applications. He was also the program manager of DevLearn for The Learning Guild. Jeff often speaks on developmental technologies such as xAPI, HTML5, augmented reality, mobile development, eLearning development tools, and more.

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703 Add Screencasting to Your eLearning Toolkit

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, October 31

Tower 6

Learning professionals are increasingly losing a battle against short attention spans and increased competition for learners’ attention. We need to adapt our approaches to accommodate the changing needs and desires of our audiences that want training in highly visually formats, and in short doses.

In this session you will explore the concept of screencasting and how it can provide an audience with the information they need in ways that traditional eLearning often fails to do. You will learn why screencasting is a valuable deliverable for eLearning developers to have in their skill set. You will examine how screencasting complements traditional eLearning-development skills in a way that will make your overall services more valuable. You will leave this session understanding the niche screencasting fits into for efficient and effective content delivery.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What screencasting is
  • How it can complement other eLearning deliverables
  • How screencasting can fit into overall training strategy
  • An overview of screencasting development process
  • The types of training for which screencasting should be considered as a solution

Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors with some familiarity with instructional design methodology and eLearning as a training solution.

Technology discussed in this session:
Screencasting output—videos.

Mike Baron

Founder/Chief Storyteller


Mike Baron is founder and chief storyteller of ProjectStory. Mike designed, implemented, and authored content- management systems for over 25 clients in a variety of industries. He designed and implemented testing and certification software, scripted and created screencasts for multiple clients covering software and business processing, and wrote and published a case study on user certification and a white paper on business-process analysis. Previously he was manager of the user-interface design group, manager of customer support, and manager of training and documentation for Internet Systems. Mike managed international customer support for a mission-critical banking application used by twenty of the world’s largest banks.

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715 B.Y.O.L.: Using Less.js for More Manageable Style Sheets

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, October 31

Raphael 2

Complex online learning platforms usually mean complex visual styles. Maybe your platform has different skins for different groups of learners. Or maybe the styles change depending on the learning context, e.g., in a practice exercise versus a learning evaluation. All that visual complexity transfers to complex, often messy, stylesheet code.

In this session you will explore Less.js, a CSS preprocessor, which extends the CSS language to allow for variables, functions, and reusable sets of style declarations called mixins. You will learn how these features can help you create stylesheets that are more themable, reusable, and better organized. You will gain an overview of the concepts and advantages of Less, and walk through the process of creating your own Less stylesheets.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What a CSS preprocessor is, and why you would use one
  • The features of Less.js that make it easier to manage and use stylesheets
  • How to write stylesheets in Less
  • How to compile Less for deployment

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, and project managers with a good practical understanding of CSS and how it is used to style HTML pages.

Technology discussed in this session:
CSS, Less.js, HTML.

Participant technology requirements:
Participants will need to install Crunch (Less editor and compiler), available free from Participants are invited to bring their own CSS stylesheet files to rework during the session and show as examples.

Amy Som

Manager, Instructional and Front-End Design

University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

Amy Som is a manager of instructional and front-end design at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. She works with faculty contributors on the content sequencing, instructional strategies, and information design of online courses. She also creates instructional graphics and works on user interface design and front-end programming for the Center’s websites. Amy has a BA in studio art from the University of Arizona and an MS Ed in instructional systems technology from Indiana University Bloomington.

Molly Burke

Director of Online Education

Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona

Molly Burke is the director of online education for the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. Molly started out, in 2000, as part of their web team, creating an online integrative medicine fellowship for training physicians and nurse practitioners across the country and internationally. She has worn many hats, including instructional designer and project manager. Molly, who holds a bachelor’s degree in media arts/photography and an MFA in creative writing, dabbled in local television news as a videographer and editor before coming to the center. Now she focuses on educational strategies to support the success of the wide variety of students participating in the center’s educational offerings.

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