Learning Stage: eLearning Rockstars
Join eLearning Brothers as they host some of the industry’s best thought leaders and game changers. You’ll learn new techniques, watch new product demos, and get inspired to be an eLearning Rockstar. Discover different perspectives and ways to push your eLearning to greater heights. From instructional design to mobile and more, there’s sure to be a session at the eLearning Rockstar stage that fits your needs.
Here are some of the sessions you will see on the eLearning Rockstars stage:
Increase Course Usage Through Communities of Practice
Brent Schlenker, dominKnow Inc.
Do Your Employees Hate Training? Games Are the Solution!
Stephen Baer, ELB Learning
Unlocking the Potential of Responsive Design
Chris Van Wingerden, dominKnow Learning Systems
Make Skill Set Development Your Priority and Adoption Will Follow
Jon Tota, eLearning Brothers
Rockstar Microlearning: Designing an Engaging Mobile Learning Experience
Chris Willis , eLearning Brothers
How to Apply Trends in Courseware Design to Your Projects
Richard Vass, eLearning Brothers
eLearning Accessibility Tips, Gotchas, and Standards
Paul Schneider, dominKnow
Use Reality TV Strategies to Maximize the Value of Your eLearning
Jon Tota, eLearning Brothers
How We Create Award-Winning Work—And You Can Too
Jennifer LePage, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
Richard Vass, eLearning Brothers
Getting Serious (Games) About Soft Skill Training
Richard Lowenthal, The Game Agency
What’s Happening in the eLearning Space?
Andrew Scivally, ELB Learning
Five Featured Learning Stages at Learning Solutions
DevLearn offers five educational stages that run throughout the event for anyone attending the conference—with either a full-conference or an Expo+ registration. Select from a wide range of presentations, discussions, and demonstrations from industry experts and suppliers.
Don’t miss the other exciting DevLearn stages: