Learning Stage: Management Xchange
The Management Xchange stage offers a variety of practical ideas, strategies, and approaches for addressing key issues and challenges facing eLearning, training, and development management professionals. The Xchange showcases well-known industry experts and senior professionals who will all share their knowledge, insights, and expertise on a wide range of learning management topics.
Is Your Training Content Stuck in the Printer?
Clay Salit, VitalSource
Understanding the LMS Migration Process
Pamela Davis, Unum
Using Corporate Storytelling to Boost Employee Engagement
David Linder, Sublime Media
Improve Learning Outcomes with Video Caption and Transcripts
Josh Miller, 3Play Media
How to Create a Content Strategy that Resonates with the Modern Learner
Stuart Grossman, Xyleme
10 Practical Tips for Making Mobile Learning Great
Linda Schwaber-Cohen, Skilljar
It’s Time to Play the Feud … Yukon Feud!
Stefanie Lawless, Yukon Learning
The Future of Learning: 6 Trends That Will Change Behaviors
Rose Benedicks, ttcInnovations
10 Tips for Effective Social Learning
Julian Stodd, Sea Salt Learning
Freedom to Learn: Customize Without the Compromise
Daniel Vecchi, Totara Learning
Modernizing a Learning Solution for IBM Clients
Sonia Malik, IBM
Meg Petersen, IBM
Designing Fantastic Feedback with Lectora
Daryl Fleary, Trivantis
Six Featured Learning Stages at DevLearn
DevLearn offers sixeducational stages that run throughout the event for anyone attending the conference—with either a full-conference or an Expo+ registration. Select from a wide range of presentations, discussions, and demonstrations from industry experts and suppliers.
Don’t miss the other exciting DevLearn stages: